Well - yesterday...I experienced the most pain while fishing yet to date.
Me and my son were fishing shell beds and absolutely killing them. We were catching fish on every cast. It was the 3rd cast in a row that we had doubled up. We were catching hybrid bass and largemouth. The hybrids (if you've never caught them) are aggressive and fun to catch.
While holding the fish by the belly to remove the treble hooks from his mouth, he thrashed violently - slipping from my hand...and catching my finger on the way down.
I find myself on my hands and knees on the floor of the boat, with my finger hooked in the same treble that the fish has hooked in his mouth....fish still thrashing violently...
I tell my son to leave his fish alone for a moment, and come unhook this fish - before he rips my finger off lol.
Got the fish unhooked...and headed back to the ramp. My son, who is 13...was a great help. He helped put the trolling motor away, and helped trailer the boat...
We were fishing Spro Lil John crankbaits...as seen above
I went straight home, cut the hook and tried to expose the barb (it was lodged just inside the exit wound) to pull it out. I was unsuccessful and had to head to the ER.
After a tetanus and a few shots to deaden my finger...yank yank - and all was good.
One of the best days and worst days - all wrapped into one.
A roller coaster of emotions. It was crazy.
As much fishing as we do, I knew this was inevitable.