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Everything posted by cole4hopson

  1. Hey guys I was cleaning out my Lews MCS Speed Spool SS1H and when I put the reel back together nothing really worked.. Once I click the button the spool is free but when I reel to start pulling in line nothing happens the line just stays where it is and the button wont "pop up" and activate so i can reel. And I cant activate it unless I undo everything again. If you have ANY advice please share and if worst comes to worst if you guys have a recommended place to send it to for repairs.. thanks
  2. Hey guys I'm new to the bass resource community and love it already, I have recognized the amount of great knowledge displayed by the members and I am now looking for help on a question. I am currently a sophomore in high school and figured its never too early to start thinking about the future. My passion for bass fishing never seems to stop growing and if I could get a good job at a company and was involved in fishing I would be pretty satisfied, but like every high school angler I want to be the next Kevin Van Dam and become a pro angler, however I realize that the road is not easy if I could make it to some form of series that would be my dream situation. Another factor to throw into the equation is I am a decent golfer, I recently received a letter from a scout trying to inform me on my opportunities on being a college golfer, I'm also a fan of golf but it just seems to get to me whenever I'm on a lake. Any and all opinions are greatly appreciated. Thank you guys
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