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Bass Turd

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Everything posted by Bass Turd

  1. Check for thumb bar sag. The gears may not be disengaging fully on the cast. http://www.calfishing.com/freshwater/shimano_curado_maintenance_guide/Thumbar_Fix.html Also check for sufficient grease on the spool ends. If they are dry the spool will chatter and squeal like a stuck pig.
  2. I don't know if this would work for you but you can put a 2" receiver and thus a trailer ball on the front of most trucks. Then you can drive it forward into the garage.
  3. Bass one says to bass two... "Don't do it Marge... if you bite that worm you'll be taken up by aliens to another world. They do all kinds of strange things to you... they grab you by the bottom lip, hold you high in the air and some even yell. Then you might be returned immediately or sometimes they place you in a very dark box full of water. Sometimes some of our other friends that disappeared earlier are there in that box too! If you are a 'chosen one' you get a whole other ride up a stage, bright lights, big crowds, loud music and the worst of it.... THEY YELL OUT YOUR WEIGHT FOR ALL TO HEAR!!!!" Bass two "I guess I'm not that hungry after all..."
  4. Afishionados
  5. Ok. But I get a percentage....
  6. Consider flattening the barb on the NED and probably others. Makes it easier to remove gut hooked fish.
  7. I am a firm believer that a job or career should "satisfy" a person. It's the only way to make it through life because... let's face it... sometimes life is a grind. I will turn 50 this year but when I was in high school my parents made me take the AIMS test. It tests aptitudes on a variety of subject matter and at the end spits out a list of careers for which your personality is best suited and explains why this is so. I said yeah BS and went about my life choosing my own path based on my own set of criteria. When I was 33 years old my wife and high school sweetheart died from cancer. We fought it tooth and nail for a year. Her death was horrible and devastating. But.... it gave me the chance to look at everything in my life and make changes. After all... I had a fresh slate so to speak. I was a graphic designer at the time. It satisfied part of me but I was still mentally exhausted when I got home each night. Not to mention long hours and low pay. But it was fun!! I made a list of what I liked about my job and a list of what I didn't. Boiling it down I like working with my hands and I like the satisfaction of making something work that was broken. I am an introvert and so I get energy from working alone. A friend suggested watchmaking. Today I am a certified watchmaker and have been working in a Rolex dealership for the past 14 years. I get to work on the world's finest time pieces and have the satisfaction of seeing the watch running at the end of my day. I love it love it love it. I go home and have energy for hobbies and life in general. Now the story comes full circle. I found my AIMS test folder the other day. And wouldn't you know it... watchmaking was listed. Wow. If I had only payed attention I could have done this much sooner. I'll put the link below. Look into it or something like it. Good luck. -Danny https://www.aimstesting.org/faq/
  8. Here is a way. Not sure if it is the right way or even will work for your boat.
  9. https://profoundoutdoors.com/product/coming-soon-klone-7-5-big-bear-worm/ Unfortunately they are out of stock... but the hand poured worms float nicely.
  10. Can you show us a picture?
  11. The only thing changed was the prop. The skeg is the permanent fin on the bottom of the lower unit... correct? Do you have an aluminum alloy fin right above the prop? Looks like this? You can adjust it one way or the other to straighten out steering pull at high speed. TRIM TAB ADJUSTMENT On larger Outboard motors, there is a steering trim tab located on the bottom of the cavitation plate, just aft of the propeller. It is adjustable and has been installed on the engine to correct for propeller torque. Adjustment of the trim tab should be done after you've gone through the steps of proper tilt adjustment. The boat should be operated with a normal load on board in a straight line. Incorrect trim tab adjustment will cause the boat to turn to the left or to the right when your hand are removed from the steering wheel. Be careful when removing your hands from the steering wheel; a tilt tab incorrectly positioned may cause the boat to turn violently. To adjust the trim tab, loosen the securing bolts, as per the engine manufacturer's instructions, and move the trim tab in the direction the boat pulls. For example, if the boat pulls to starboard, move the trailing edge of the trim tab to starboard. Make these adjustments in small increments and test the results. The object is to create a "hands off straight line" steering condition for the normal operating speed. It is not possible to eliminate steering pull throughout the engine speed range. Remember, tilt adjustment may affect steering torque as much as the trim tab. With Outboard engines equipped with power trim this becomes particularly important. When under way, experiment with trim settings to neutralize steering pull.
  12. They were priced at $97.49 (odd right?) Retailers use odd prices for internal codes. For instance it could mean when it was marked down or how many markdowns it has had or any number of other things.
  13. Both carbs are leaking at the seal between the bowl and the main body. I had them rebuilt two years ago. I only have ethanol fuel available to me and even though I run stabilizer 100% of the time I suspect it has affected the seals. I have the Clymer manual for my year on order. I will look at iboats. Thanks everyone.
  14. Look up how to adjust your skeg on the lower unit. This might be it.
  15. Look in the videos section above for how to set and cast a bait caster. You might want to put cheap mono on until you get the hang of it. Pull out a casts worth of line and put some tape on the spool. When you backlash again it will only go to the tape and not all the way deep in the spool. Don't give up. It just takes practice.
  16. I have an 80's Mercury 50 that needs the carbs serviced. The serial number is 6307680. The boat runs great but fuel is leaking from them so I believe I just need the gasket set. The carb number is 1364-4929. There are two part numbers that come up. 1399-5198 and 1399-5199. Which would be best to get? The 5199 looks like a complete rebuild kit and 5198 is just gaskets. Because the motor is older I am having trouble finding someone willing to work on it in my area. I have a knowledgeable person that I can pay to do it with me but I'd like to find all the information I can. Anyone who has done this before- is there a guide, tutorial or book that would help me? Thanks in advance for all your help. -Danny
  17. Contrary to what others are saying I am in the camp that thinks bearing upgrades on a lower priced reel could have a much bigger impact than a comparable bearing upgrade on a higher priced reel. Bearings are definitely a place they cut costs on a lower priced reel.
  18. Most places you need a boat. Look up Lake Dunlap. It is an urban lake anymore but there are 10 pounders in it. Try to avoid weekends during the warmer months because of jet skies and water skiers. Here's a web link to tournament results held on Thursday nights throughout the summer. http://thursdaynighters.com/ There are guides that fish this like if you want to go that route. I've been fishing Medina Lake lately. It was 20% full two years ago and filled up to 85% full one year and overflowing the next. Bass were stocked and it is basically a new lake. Lots of new cover grew up and the bass are just now reaching keeper length. They are hungry and will hit anything. I also caught my PB a few weeks ago. Over 8. She had survived the drought. Lake Amistad is two hours away as well. Plenty of guides there too. -Danny
  19. I like tungsten but was warned not to use a glass bead because of what you stated. I started using two smaller tungsten weights "base to base" so they click together. I works out good. Smaller profile because I fish a rocky lake and still get the clicking with out damaging my line.
  20. I'm looking to fish Lake Fork sometime this year. Can anyone recommend a place to stay? I have never been there and have no idea what's available. I don't need spa level but my wife is going and doesn't fish so she would like something nice and clean. Thanks in advance.
  21. Costa Del Mar has an explanation on their website. https://www.costadelmar.com/us/en/performance-technology/lenses.html
  22. Look at 3M Marine 5200.
  23. Did y'all read more backstory of Jordan's win? Boat broken down and couldn't run to different spots. Had this spot picked out from practice and fished it all three days. He didn't get quality fish until Sunday. When he finished fishing it on Sunday he had to get a ride from a friend as they towed his boat away! Already an amazing story but wow... why didn't they mention that while they interviewed him on stage between each competitor he survived.
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