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Bass Turd

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Everything posted by Bass Turd

  1. What year, make and model and horsepower are the boat and motor?
  2. I believe the mushroom head for Ned has a much smaller hook size meant for finesse hook sets. (Reel set.) It also has a flat portion next to the bait that helps prevent the worm from sliding down the hook while fishing thru rocks and sticks. You can super glue it there for even better protection.
  3. You can retrieve it any and every way you can think of. Really... keep trying new ways until you get bit. The only place I wouldn't throw it is grass or pads (but I don't have much grass or pads where I fish). Swim it, hop it, drag it, jig it, dead stick it, rip it, ignore it.
  4. Use Zinkerz from Z-man. They will last for many fish.... even all day. Miliken shows how to rig it in this video. I would add to heat a paperclip wire with a lighter and melt a channel for your nail weight in the end of the worm. Then use super glue so the weight will stay put. You can set up a whole package off the water.
  5. An unfortunate but very real symptom of Alzheimer is an irrational fixation that someone (in a particular specific instance) is trying to steal from you. In other words, it's not that everyone is trying to steal everything from him (overall paranoia) but that for instance those fishermen down there are trying to steal all "my fish" under my dock. It can become a fixation and probably repeated. Watch the movie about Glenn Campbell "I'll be me." It is both beautiful and sad. It will give you a new perspective on dementia. After loosing my wife to cancer at 33 (I'm 50 now) I learned and remind myself of the phrase.... Who knows what battles that person in front of me is facing. Who knows what pain cuts him to the bone. I honestly don't remember the first three months after her passing. I'm sure I had a short fuse. All my emotions were exhausting and overwhelming. Grief is a terrible cold wet blanket. God bless those that have to go thru it. I've never been in a situation that I can't back out of and say I'm sorry. I did not mean to offend you. Even if I did nothing wrong. I say a silent prayer for the person and move on. In this case we just don't know all the facts. What he did to the fishermen is indefensible and wrong on every level. Maybe the fishermen didn't even see it coming. Many docks in my part of the world are two story with a large flat deck on top with a rail that has a break in it so people can jump off the dock. He could have easily walked up there without causing alarm and slung gas from the can on them. I doubt they saw it coming but did the right thing and reported it. We just don't know and will never know the whole situation.
  6. The fun of fishing bottom contact baits IS feeling the bite. Fish them on a tighter line and when you feel a tap set the hook. I fish Texas rigs on 30lb braid with no leader so I can feel exactly what's going on down there. That's my favorite way to fish.
  7. Bicycle flag pole. $10 each on Amazon. 6' tall. Mount to your trailer with two bolts. Probably removable by pulling the pole out. I don't think they are built for highway speeds though.
  8. More interesting news: http://www.hartsvillevidette.com/sports/twra-spending-500k-to-help-keep-asian-carp-at-bay/
  9. Interesting article: http://www.sj-r.com/x417564708/Asian-carp-Clean-taste-bad-image
  10. I hope someone figures out a way to put plankton on a circle hook.
  11. Me: I'm either going fishing or I am going to cheat on you. Your choice. Her: Happy fishing!
  12. I love to night fish. I put Green LED light strips all the way around my boat and I love them. They are bright enough to light up the shoreline as far as I can cast. I can see my lure when it gets close to the boat so I don't run it thru my top guide. They attract bait fish (great for night crappie). They are very calming. Other boats can see me a mile away. Now before people say the bright lights will scare the fish... I catch plenty of bass at night. On a moving bait they sometimes hit it just as the lure gets to the light circle. I don't know if they are following or if they are lurking below and hit it as soon as it silhouettes against the light. Bugs... the green lights still attract bugs. Because they are brighter they probably attract more bugs. Luckily I fish two reservoirs that are rocky and steep and arid. There is no standing water around to breed mosquito. I did try this at lake Fork and didn't last 10 minutes the mosquitoes were so bad.
  13. This is a great illustration on ALWAYS paying for goods and services thru PayPal. You do NOT have these protections if you are sending money to "family". I always volunteer to pay the extra 3% if the seller won't. It is insurance.
  14. Yes but they are all newer models. Six months ago they still listed everything from D's on up. I ordered a bunch of parts to keep my D's going. But no more....
  15. Just keep practicing. It will become natural before you know it. I switched to left hand baitcasters last year for bottom baits. Keep the reel off the rod and during the week just turn the handle as much as you can. At your desk at work or in the car at red lights.
  16. I'm sorry I thought you had daughters instead of sons. But the advice is the same. The only thing you can do is use what you learned and impact others in a positive way.
  17. My prayers are with you and your family for a speedy and permanent recovery. You now have what I call "the gift". You now know life can be so fragile and fleeting. You've looked at the other side. You'll notice sky is a deeper blue. The Trees a deeper green. Your love instantly doubled for those you care about.... girlfriend and daughters etc. Don't take another moment for granted. Tell those you love how much you love them everyday. Treat everyone with kindness... especially when they don't deserve it. They will remember it. Life is about relationships and love. I walked my wife to the other side many years ago. These are the lessons I learned. Unfortunately I forget some of them until someone like you reminds me. Thank you.
  18. Duckett Micro Magic Pro. Take your reel into Bass Pro and try it on. That combo is ridiculously light. https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/Duckett-Fishing-Micro-Magic-Pro-Spinning-Rod?hvarAID=shopping_googleproductextensions
  19. A gallon zip lock bag with a roll of toilette paper and several waste basket size trash bags. I store a bunch of other junk in a 3 1/2 gallon bucket. It doesn't take up much more room to have a second bucket holding the first. When an emergency strikes I have an emergency toilette. I haven't caught a fish yet while on the crapper... but I have tried!
  20. Do those work well Tom?
  21. Drag a Ned rig on the "do nothing" banks in the pond.
  22. It's the old bait and switch... Ohh I'm sorry that model is no longer available.... but we do have this Tracker 175... available for immediate delivery....
  23. Frog Togs leak on me. Ridiculous sale on Frabill fishing jackets and suspendered pants. They run a bit large. https://www.fieldsupply.com/apparel-outerwear/frabill.html
  24. ...wedding tackle... now that's funny! "I've never caught anything on a jig." How often do you fish a jig? "Never." Hmmmmm
  25. This is what I use. Very comfortable. It's on Amazon. By the way... I buy all my supplies on Amazon. Even new masks. It was such a hassle to go thru insurance. I use the smallest mask I could find. Called the nasal pillow. It comes with three different size interchangeable "pillows" so you can choose the one that fits the best.
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