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Bass Turd

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Everything posted by Bass Turd

  1. I think these were made for commercial fishing boats. I've seen one that big on a tuna boat. The captain can see it all the way from the stern.
  2. It won't matter what knot is used if the spool stops abruptly in mid cast.
  3. Would like to know more of the story but I'll ask questions. Was it on the cast right after catching a fish (setting the hook) or pulling loose from a snag? If so the braid had been pinched down into the spool and when you cast next it stopped so abruptly at this point the line can break. I always pull line out of the spool manually after pulling loose from a snag and I cast short after catching a fish and check the line didn't bury down in the spool. Also... don't Whopper Ploppers float?
  4. I found some Titan compound wire cutters with carbide jaws at Amazon for under $15. They have them up to $50 but I found the lower cost variety is fine. I've tested it out on some pretty stout hooks and it does cut them. I gullet hooked a bass last weekend and cut the shank of the hook no problem. I don't know that they would have cut your hook... but maybe. They are carbon steel (except for the jaw inserts) so I keep them wrapped in a cloth soaked with oil and in the small rectangular Plano water proof box. It has a yellow seal. I had to cut out the dividers. I think there is one without dividers though. Now that I look closer they don't have carbide inserts but they seem to work fine. Do your own research. https://www.amazon.com/Plano-3440-10-Waterproof-Stowaway-3400/dp/B00469G31G/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1467996145&sr=8-1&keywords=Plano+waterproof+box https://www.amazon.com/Titan-Tools-11412-Compound-Diagonal/dp/B000PRWJ52/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1467995916&sr=8-4&keywords=compound+wire
  5. I have had some hooks break. They were on jigs I had fished the previous week and didn't take the plastic off. I assume it is because of the salt and are such light wire. I've found the keeper on the Z Mann jigs will keep the bait on so I don't super glue any more. It doesn't look "perfect" but the fish don't care. I rig the night before with fresh plastic and take it off after the trip and rinse the jig head. They seem to be lasting longer. I live in a humid environment so that's another reason I don't keep them rigged in a box in the boat anymore.
  6. Be careful gluing too many up or fishing and keeping them rigged. The light wire hook tends to rust pretty quickly and break.
  7. Glenn, love your videos but there just aren't many of them. I think all the above mentioned YouTubers post a new video about once a day. That really keeps their subscribers interested and checking their channel often. I'd love to see you "just wing it" more. I struggle with finding fish all the time and would like to see how you approach this throughout the seasons. Show what you tie on and why once you found the fish etc... real world stuff for us weekend anglers.
  8. Thanks everyone. Confidence received.
  9. Shimano does recommend one drop of their oil on a q-tip and run around the brake drum and on the end of each brake at its contact point every few trips. Oiled brakes mean slick brakes which means less braking power. Just turn one more brake on. Oiling them is the right thing to do. Dry brakes will wear out the brakes much faster.
  10. Someone once told me fish don't care if it's raining... they're already wet....
  11. Heyyyyyyyy wait a minute.... QuakenShake I thought JJ's Magic melted Elaztech plastics.....?
  12. I have a bad back and cannot stand for any length of time. I sit to fish on the front deck of my boat. What top water baits do you recommend that can be fished effectively from a sitting position? I assume I cannot "walk the dog" effectively while sitting but honestly... I've never tried. What do you recommend?
  13. That's my big question too... does it harm the fish more than leaving them in? I was just blown away by the number of soft baits he pulled out of that fish. I think this would be a great study by a university somewhere....
  14. Did I do something wrong posting this YouTube video? I was sure I'd get some comments...
  15. I found this video by accident last night but thought was extremely interesting and worth sharing and opening a discussion. This guy reaches into a Large Mouth Bass's stomach and removes multiple soft plastics. He says he does it all the time. Is this revolutionary? Does it really save the bass's life? I might try it on an obviously malnourished one but I don't know.... Try again.... http://youtu.be/3HMdXzWsdkM Pulling Senko's out of Bass.htm
  16. I found this YouTube video titled "Pulling Senkos out of Bass" Very interesting. Anybody gonna try it? http://youtu.be/3HMdXzWsdkM
  17. Bass newb- Elaztech baits are heavily salted. Fish them a while and they will start to float as the salt dissolves. You can also stretch them and "pop" them and salt will fly out all over the place.
  18. I love the Shimano Curado D. They go for about $100 on the big auction site or here in the flea market. The Citica D is exactly the same but has a bushing instead of a bearing on the drive shaft. The bearing is $8 from Shimano. I bought two Citica D's last week on the big auction site for $65 or so. The original Curado D sold for just under $200 when new. I no nothing about other brands. Of course you can add ceramic bearings to the spool as well but I've been having great luck cleaning the stock bearings well in lighter fluid until they spin free and then soaking them in a 50/50 mixture of TSI 321 and isopropol or denatured alcohol (little or no water unlike rubbing alcohol). Place them on a paper towel so it wicks away most of the solution which leaves a thin coat of the synthetic oil on the bearings. Great spool free time. Google TSI 321 to read about it and where to purchase. Developed by NASA for Apollo missions in space. Great stuff.
  19. I have a 7' Falcon Bucoo micro guide pared with that reel. It is light, sensitive and fantastic. $109 at BP
  20. Put an ice pack on them as soon as you can after the trip. Try this a couple of times and see if it helps.
  21. It's great motivation to re-tie often....
  22. ...yes!
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