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Bass Turd

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Everything posted by Bass Turd

  1. Don't settle for something you don't want. Scrimp, save, get a second job, eat ramen, mow lawns. Sell stuff on ebay and craigslist. Do whatever it takes to get what you want and that will last you and be the most pracical. Change tow vehicles if you have to although I've seen jon boats towed by Honda's before. They can put a hitch on anythng now. Do you have a buddy you could double your money and split ownership? Where there's a will there's a way.
  2. http://majorleaguefishing.com/news_details.aspx?id=20990 Looks like MLF is available to view online but you have to sign up for the previlidge. 99 cents the first month. $9.99 a month each additional month. I chatted with someone about it and they said unlimited viewing cancel anytime. Looks like it would be good binge watching during the winter. Please double check all the details.
  3. FYI Ned heads do come weedless now. It's the only way it will work in my lakes.
  4. Research the Ned Rig. It and the Whopper Popper are always tied on on my deck.
  5. Look! There's fish on that nice drop off under your desk. Quick.... drop a line... Beautiful unit. Only four times bigger than mine...
  6. Thanks but I bought it pre loved from another BR member.
  7. Whopper Plopper
  8. warrior1- Very nice video. Thank you. Couple of questions. Do you run the hook through the worm and not pierce the tubing? Or can you also pierce the shrink tube just like you would normally wacky rig the worm?
  9. I had an insert pop out of my Falcon Bucoo Micro Guide casting rod. Is the repair to set it with epoxy? Or do I have to replace the whole guide?
  10. What is it about Bass fishing (or just fishing in general) that makes it such a passion and or addiction? Why do YOU fish?
  11. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Stillhouse Hollow like is below Belton. Look into joining a bass club if possible. Most have a club tournament each month and there are usually lots of co angler seats available. Not only will you get out on the water but you will learn from everyone you fish with.
  12. I have an early '80s no name boat with the same age Mercury 50. I have a hard time finding anyone to work on the motor for maintenance or or other repair. You might want to call around and see if there are marine mechanics in your area that will work on this era. In fact it would be a good idea to have a marine mechanic go over the engine and boat before you buy it. Fewer surprises this way.
  13. You can order online directly from Shimano. Find your reel schematic and order away. I've ordered twice and each time I received parts in less than a week. https://fishshop.shimano.com/vip/landing.jsp
  14. Keen Newport Bison Extremely comfortable
  15. There are some very good YouTube videos on how to check and if needed replace bearings, cups and seals. I did it myself and while messy it wasn't overly hard. And now I KNOW they are done right. Plus I kept the better set of bearings and if/when I ever have a problem on a trip I can band aid it and not have to leave my boat on the side of the road.
  16. I found that trailer tires come in different ratings. I don't recall off the top of my head what they are but make sure the tires you choose meet your weight and speed application. Cheaper isn't always better. Whatever you do do not put a regular tire on a trailer. The side walls aren't strong enough for the long haul... heh.
  17. People do it when the braid they are fishing fades to white. I would guess black is better than white.
  18. Please try the Neg Rig with actual Z-Man products. Glenn has a nice video on fishing the rig. Glenn also put together a section on everything you need to know about it but I can't seem to find it. If another member knows where it is would you please link to it? Hundreds of video's on YouTube also. It catches everything from Blue Gill to Bass to Catfish. If I ever want to know what fish are in the area or IF there are fish in the area I throw out a Ned Rig.
  19. I'm from Texas... we just have to point our double barreled doorbell down... (It really cut down on solicitors...)
  20. Get a cheap pair of stainless needle nose pliers...
  21. If no one else answers with a for sure answer stick a garden hose up the hole in question and turn it on.
  22. I remember an episode of Timmy Horton's show where he fished this worm weightless in bubble gum color and worked it near the surface on spinning gear popping and twitching and varying the retrieve. The action was amazing. The worm was bright enough that when the worm suddenly disappeared he set the hook. https://profoundoutdoors.com/product/coming-soon-klone-7-5-big-bear-worm/
  23. Ahhhh Now I understand what you are saying Catt. Thanks.
  24. Got rid of...? lol. He made it back to the barn before you did. AND he smelled nice for the ladies...
  25. Agreed but in the google earth picture the op posted the ground he circled looks dry with new growth on it. That condition was the basis of my post.
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