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Bass Turd

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Everything posted by Bass Turd

  1. Unfortunately I do not. I have never tried to compare the sensetivity of one rod against another. I would love to hear an answer tho. We go on and on about the sensitivity of rods but no one has a way to measure it??
  2. Interesting test but since you didn't feel either I'd say the test is invalid. A broom stick will feel the same. Come up with a test that you can actually tell one from the other. Just my 2 cents...
  3. I actually read a post somewhere where a gentleman did a fairly scientific study on which of his casters threw the farthest. His studies showed the reels with heavier spools actually cast farther all other things being equal. Once start up inertia was achieved the heavier spools carried that energy longer. It was enough to make me a believer... but we are only talking a few extra feet. I present it here as a theory but Ihave no practical knowledge to support it either way. Just food for thought.
  4. Welcome to the forum. When you get a second post a little about yourself in the "New Member" section. Can you tell us how you spooled up your reel? Most people tell you to put the line on the reel in the same orentation it comes off the filler spool. In other words if the filler spool is label up and the line comes off clockwise make sure the reel spins clockwise too. If it doesn't match up flip the filler spool over. Flourocarbon gives lots of trouble on spinning reels. Lots of people have switched to braid to eliminate most line problems on spinning reels. However, mono shouldn't give you any troubles. Tell us more.
  5. You could be a YouTube fisherman. I hear they make good money....
  6. Fishing guide
  7. TSI301 is 321 with solvent. TSI321 is straight oil. It is fantastic. I mix it 20% oil to 80% solvent and soak my bearings in a small jar. I use denatured alcohol for the solvent. Then take the bearings out and put them on a paper towel and let the excess oil and alcohol will wick away. Now they are good to go. LIghtly oiled and spin like crazy. I got all this infomation from Alan Tani's excellent site on reel repair. www.alantani.com
  8. Too funny! If she likes it... you have to marry that girl! I'd go crawfish...
  9. Put a drop of grease on each end of the spool shaft. Experience has shown me when the spool shafts ends are dry the spool will chatter back and forth when you cast because of the tension spring.
  10. No problem. You can check for sure by looking at the stickers on the drivers side door jam. It should list the maximum weight you can tow. Then check how much the Tracker and trailer weigh. Gear and people count as well.
  11. Take the high road in life when you are faced with these decisions. It will pay off... though you probably won't know it. You'll just have a better quality of life. Less anger. Fewer chips on your shoulders. A company can make whatever decision it wants to make and it is out of your control. "Don't let them steal your joy." It's a saying I repeat over and over sometimes. (This works in personal relationships too....) WWKVDD
  12. A trick I learned probably from this site is to cast out a good amount of line then put some kind of tape on the spool. It will eliminate back lashes getting deep into the spool. As you learn to cast better you will hit the tape. Just move it deeper in the spool. I even fished with the tape in my spool for a while.
  13. When you guys fish in the rain do you have a preferred hat? Or do you just put the hoodie up on your rain jacket? Do you still wear a baseball cap to keep the rain off your face? I was searching for rain hats but didn't find much of interest. Except of course the Gortons's fishermans hat in bright yelllow. Does anyone have the frog togs boonie hat? I might try that one as I can stow it well in the boat and use it when needed.
  14. If you are talking bifocal readers I have some that I use to read on the beach. The problem is... when I look up to... say... judge this years women's beach wear for instance... the reader portion is right where I want to look for distance. I can't ever get them to come closer either. But.. I can recomend a great website where I get my reading glasses. Fantastic customer service. If you don't like them send them back. Free shipping. Free returns. www.readingglasses.com
  15. Look at custom painted crank baits on the internet. You could even do his favorite team colors just for fun.
  16. I was fishing a power plant lake for freshwater Redfish where boats tie up to the wall over the intake. Long row of boats of all sizes with people all fishing the same direction. A family was a few boats down from us on their pontoon boat. The dad's beer can in a koozie blew into the water. A ten year old girl grabbed a net and fished it out of the water, took the can out of the koozie and promptly threw the can back into the water. I think my mouth hung open while we waited for it to float down our way. We fished it out and took it home to recycle. Children learn from their parents.
  17. Is The Bait Monkey responsible for this thread..... ? Sheeesh I'm gonna have to place an order for some of this stuff.
  18. I've been fishing some bluff walls lately. Mostly having success switching up soft plastics letting them fall at different rates. Is it possible to purposfully tune a crankbait to turn right or left so much that it could bang off the bluff on retrieve?
  19. Cupped washers are cupped together like this () not like this )(.
  20. It's good to have a different follow up lure for instances like this. I keep a weightless worm handy on deck and throw it when a fish misses a top water. They usually hit it. They've shown they are hungry so I give them something easier and just let that worm fall to the bottom.
  21. Do you have a hook keeper in front of the reel on top of the rod? If so it might be catching the line. Put tape around the rod at that point and try another cast.
  22. PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals
  23. Don't worry. Your bass's distant cousin on his mother's side twice removed will get even with you by shaking a trebble hook bait and burrying it deep in your finger. When that happens look at the bass eye to eye smile a bit and wink. Balance is restored.
  24. How many batteries and what is connected to each? Take the batteries out and have them checked. How old are the batteries?
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