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Bass Turd

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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Antonio, Texas
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Medina Lake
  • Other Interests
    I'm a certified watchmaker.

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  1. That famous Consumer site that Reports rated Trader Joe's Spray SPF 50 number one in sprays and Bullfrog Land Sport Quick Gel SPF50 number two in lotions just this year.
  2. Look for the simplest answer first. An air leak in a fuel line will act like this.
  3. You are the "new guy" in the club which gives you the perfect excuse for asking "the dumb question " to the club president.
  4. Does anyone like mechanical wrist watches? The same principals for friction of wheel pivots in bearings can be observed. A watch that is dial up or dial down has all the wheels resting on one pivot or the other. Think of a spinning top on a tabletop times four. Friction is at it's lowest for all the wheels and the motion, or amplitude, of the balance will be at its highest. If the watch is held at crown up, down or sideways both pivots of each wheel will fight friction from resting in their jeweled bearings and amplitude will be at its lowest. Many times more surface area of the pivot is in contact with the bearing than if it is just the top of one pivot. IMHO how you held a baitcaster during a cast had a much bigger impact decades ago before high-tech ball bearing manufacture and superfine lubrication was invented. I don't think it makes much practical difference today... but I could be wrong.
  5. I usually fish for LMB in local lakes in Texas. Last weekend I went to a jetty on the Texas coast and felt WAY under gunned with even my heaviest bass gear. Can you please recommend a best buy for a saltwater spinning reel brand and size, rod brand, length and action and line type and size. A good combo maybe? I want to be able to cast spoons and heavily weighted rigs (1-4 oz) far into the wind without undue length or weight. A second criteria is to be able to horse fish away from rocks and possibly be able to lift or at least drag a 5+lb (?) fish over rocks at rod length. It looks like the most common species of fish caught are Redfish, Black Drum and Sheepshead. Thank you all in advance. I trust your input much more than the general internet.
  6. Well said. Plus the truck sticks out of the space far less with the bed hanging over the curb. Sometimes 3, 4 or 5 feet less especially with the hitch installed. I think it's just plain courteous for other drivers.
  7. Guess what color glass minnows are on the bottom...? Yep... clear!
  8. There aren't any words anyone can say to you that will take away your burden. The best we can do is say we're here for you and we're pulling for you. Sometimes you have to divide life into small increments so you can have little victories. I was only 34 when my wife died. I lived one minute at a time for a long time. Soon I was living two minutes at a time. Then five etc... It will get better. Or you will get used to it. Either way it will seem better. Find little victories. Serve others. Focus your attention on someone or something else. When it gets overwhelming find someplace you can sit and close your eyes for five minutes. Meditate on the ones you love. Or take a trip in your mind to your favorite fishing lake. Eat well. Don't drink alcohol. Exercise when you can. Drink lots of water. Get enough sleep. Keep us updated. Peace.
  9. They did an amazing job figuring out how to work it so the pro's can work it into their schedules. Do we know who owns MLF? I've heard Denny Brauer but I'm sure he isn't alone. I've also heard they split money evenly so it's just bragging rights. It seems to me they cut out the middle man... the tour organizers.
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the current MLF format set up NOT to have fans/events? They fish during the week at unannounced locations. Maybe it's just a TV only thing... It's hard to see how they can expand and compete with the other major tours. But hey... what do I know...
  11. Print out screen shots from his Face Book posts and send them anonymously to the game warden. Include his name and address if you need to. His pictures will incriminate himself The warden will start the conversation something like ...so we saw some of your Face Book posts.... and you'll be in the clear.
  12. Use a paperclip. Bend out the first wire ninety degrees and heat it with a lighter. Immediately push it straight into the head of the elaztech. This will form channel for the nail weight. If you use a true nail weight after you push it in you can actually light the end of the elaztech for a second or two and it will close up.
  13. I've been waiting for Mike @Delaware Valley Tackle to jump in on the conversation. Maybe he can give some information on ARB bearings in spinning reels. Steel or stainless steel? Specifically Shimano and Pflueger.
  14. This works really well. The only down side is the plastic disc is hard to get off the hook when you do need to replace your worm... but I guess that's the point. You put a plastic disc in one of the holes in the holder, thread the hook through the head of the worm, then push the point of the hook thru the disc all the way up to the bottom of the worm close to the eye then finish Texas rigging the point of the hook in the worm. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Rapid_Fishing_Solutions_Rapid_Hook_All/descpage-RAPIDH.html
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