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About DenhamBruce

  • Birthday 01/26/1996

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  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
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    Trout Lake

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  1. These are super nice rods with A LOT of money down on components. Really good deals as far as the price goes on these custom rods. I would jump on them if I didn't build my own!
  2. A punching rod generally built to be longer, heavier and more durable than a typical bass rod because it has to flip baits that normally weight upwards of 1 oz and the rod needs to be able to pull a 10lb bass out of the the heaviest cover. It'll also typically have a more moderate action because they're always fished with straight braid so there needs to be a little bit more give to the rod. That being said, it would be perfect to use when fishing for pike because the heavier action will let you cast bigger lures and the length will help throw them farther. The AKLYS has the right length and lure ratings to make a great rod for Pike.
  3. San Diego Jam is my best knot for Fluoro
  4. I've tried using a mono topshot and ball-bearing swivels with neither of them working. Just recently started using the tiniest little bead chain swivel and so far thats done the trick!
  5. Tranx 200... I fished one of my buddies today and it seemed every bit as solid as my SV103. Great caster too!
  6. Generally people use a longer rod to get a better line angle when working a bait underneath the mats. Shallower line angle makes for less friction. Also helps with getting longer pitches from the boat.
  7. If you want CX but cant get your hands on it try CXX in the same diameter you're looking for. I'm pretty sure they're the same thing but the "tougher" CXX has a larger diameter for any given Lb test.
  8. Two-piece rods are AWESOME. As an avid salmon/steelhead fisherman up here in the Pacific Northwest we are commonly fishing 10ft+ long fishing rods so being able to break it down into 2 pieces is a necessity. In fact, they are pretty much all thats offered as people want nothing to do with a 1-piece rod. As for strength, I can say I've never had a problem and rod building has come such a long way that having a ferrule doesn't negatively effect the performance of a rod. In fact, if you were to break a fishing rod it usually happens in the top half of the rod. So with a two piece rod its as simple replacing the top half which comes in handy should you have a nice custom rod or something. That way you don't have a broken rod with $50 worth of wasted components in the handle!
  9. If you're not worried about cost then 8 carrier every time. If you can't tell the difference first hand between 4 and 8 carrier braid then go with whatever is cheapest!
  10. I think if you went up to 40lb you would backlash quite a bit less and lot sacrifice much casting distance. Also remember to spool your braid very tightly upon the initial spooling.
  11. At this point it seems like its either spend $250 or above on a really nice rod with the action I want or purchase a blank and tie one up myself to save a little coin. Its articles like that one from Ish Monroe as well as some videos I've seen of Greg Hackney talking about heavy sticks with a moderate action that peaked my interest in finding a rod like that. JimmyB I saw that thread you started and thought to myself well isn't that ironic! To be honest the Fury or Irod would both be great options but I'm afraid neon green just isn't my color ?
  12. I understand the difference between action and power. I want a moderate action flipping rod because I feel as though that will actually give a heavier rated rod some life. I'm tired of fishing broom sticks that don't load up on the cast or flex on a hook set. I understand true fast action rods are important when fishing with mono due to stretch, but I only fish braid. Don't get for the life of me how people flip and punch up close with XHeavy fast action rods and braid because there is just no give at all which I feel leads to too much tension between you and the fish. As for those Kistler rods I'd say thats exactly the kind of rod I'm looking for and you're spot on in that recommendation. They are a little bit more than I can afford at this point so I think I'm going to purchase a blank from NFC and tie it up for half the cost. Plus that will leave me the benefits of making it spiral wrapped and adding some weight to the butt. I think this will turn into a rod I will want to hang on to.
  13. Perhaps I should have specified that I think 7'6" is a minimum in terms of length. However, looking at Falcon and Hammer rods it does seem they have a few in that length sporting a Moderate action. Thanks for the insight!
  14. Wondering if the guys on here can help me in my search for a good moderate action flipping rod as I'm having trouble finding a rod with enough flex to load up deep into the blank while fishing close quarters with straight braid. I just bought an Edge Delta 777 and have been left feeling disappointed with my purchase. Its rated down to 1/2oz and it was described to me over the phone from an employee at Edge that this rod was soft enough to where it could be used to throw crankbaits and such but after fishing it I don't think that could be further from the truth. This rod is a broomstick by my standards and 1oz baits barely load it enough when pitching baits. I assumed it would have enough flex for what I'm looking for but that just isn't the case so now I'm back searching for another rod. At this point I feel as though I need a rod with enough tip to comfortably flip baits down to a 1/2oz while still having the backbone to horse fish out of the pads. I'm fishing up in the Pacific Northwest so I wont be horsing 7lbers of the mats or flipping a 1 1/2oz tungsten, but I will need a rod with enough backbone to horse out a 3lber should it get stuck deep in the lily pad stems. I will probably never be fishing weights over 1oz and will most often be using a 3/4oz tungsten. This is where I feel a moderate action would help me out because it would allow a heavy power rod to have some play in the tip while and allow me to pitch lighter weights. So question is, are there any rods that fit this description?? As for price I normally look for rods priced just around $100 but it seems my options are limited for the kind of rod I desire so I'm willing to spend some extra money to get the rod I want. If anyone on here can relate to what I'm talking about and has a rod or two in mind that might fit my needs I would love to hear what it is and how it fishes. Thanks
  15. Yup same stuff
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