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    Between 3-4 lbs
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    I don't know how to bass fish, but I've caught a few so I guess that makes me an expert...

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  1. Been skunked the last two times I've been out. 4 hours each day with nothing to show... not even a single Pike. It's getting real slow, folks.
  2. Mend-It to me seems to melt the plastic back together through a chemical reaction. Then it dries back up and sticks
  3. I bought a vial of Mend-It. Try it, works absolutely amazingly. No weird lumps or anything.
  4. Easily Squarebills.
  5. Planned on fishing tonight, weather report initially said 5-9mpg winds all day. It's gusting at 20mph now. I don't mind 10-12mph wind but anything past that is horrible for fishing in my opinion. Lures are flying back at me every time I cast and the water's really choppy. Just doesn't make shore fishing very fun. Also don't think I'd wanna risk getting blown in my boat so shallow to where I can't motor myself out and I can't oar myself out because the wind's that strong. Do you fish in the wind?
  6. I credit 1Rod1Reel the most. First Youtube fisherman I got hooked on about 2 or so years ago. I have no one in real life that can teach me so I go to people like Glenn and 1Rod. Lunkers has some good tutorials in his older videos, but I've never really learned anything from Peric, Jon B, and now Lunkers. Their videos are purely for aesthetic and vlogging purposes. I should also give thanks to Extreme Philly Fishing/Leo, he really got me into Pan fishing. 1rod got me onto Bass fishing, and Leo got me onto multi species/panfishing. Uncut Angling also got me into fishing a little before I got into 1Rod1Reel fishing. Anyways, while I think Jon/Peric/Rob are great video producers, I've never learned anything from their post-2014 era newer stuff. They're also great fishermen but in their latest videos they don't explain much about their choices, it's just them catching the fish. Rob's underwater footage in his pool has helped me tons as to which baits are better and how they look in the water as most of the lakes I fish are stained or muddy. Credits to: 1Rod1Reel, EPH, and BassResource.
  7. I see lots of people who fish this thing using only the weight of the Senko/Stickbait.. how do I do it? I figure I tighten everything up and sacrifice casting distance since it's so light. I do have a spinning rod but it takes up so much room and the line tangles so much sometimes. There's also no hook holder so I'm left to just peg the hook on a rod guide. I usually have my Spinning rod setup for panfishing and not Wacky Rigging. Any tips? Thanks! If it helps, I primarily use Yum Dingers and Senkos. I'm going to be buying a few packs of the BPS Stick-o worms soon too.
  8. Walleye, don't do a single thing. Same with Perch, I think. 80% of the Perch I catch let it happen as well. The only time I've ever had a bluegill not fight was when I must of set the hook so hard I shocked it. Never had a LMB not fight, same with Crappies.
  9. I'd go for a 15-20lb Fluro personally. Good all around line, have never had a toothy fish bite it off and I tear from snags easily.
  10. Lol I'm pretty much hooked on fishing (no pun intended.) I love it more than all of my friends and family and I actually get teased for owning so much tackle and fishing so much outside of my work place. I can't fish as much as I wanna anymore for the time being as my truck is broken down. I get so bored just sitting here in my room I just wanna fish fish fish. I haven't hung out with anyone all summer because none of them WANNA FISH. They're out doing weed with their weed buddies. Me? I'm working, spending time with family/girlfriend, or fishing. There's no inbetween most days. Today's a PERFECT day to fish but I can't get out to the lake. Overcast, bit of a breeze, cold front coming through, low air pressure. BUT I CAN'T GET OUT and it angers me haha. Hopefully tomorrow morning though... hopefully.
  11. This happens to me whenever I have to rip my frog from a pad because it snagged it with a hook and it either A.) Ripped and shot towards me and it tangled or B.) I tried to fling my lure over it by snapping my rod tip in the air and the frog goes flying and the line tangles.
  12. Coming to think of it, last year I spent upwards of $230+ on tackle. But this year I've spent maybe only $150 so far. (Shouldn't of been 150 at first but additional shipping SUCKS) and I'm about to spend another $120 after the weekend is over. Might have to wait on it though might not have the money to just simply order $120 worth of tackle after we celebrate my GF's birthday lol. Last year I got tackle rpetty much every pay check, but this year I've been getting a steady supply of tackle from LTB and really I just didn't go order tackle for some reason. I'm about to order 3 spooks, 3 frogs, a few yum dingers, 2 rod sleeves, a swim jig, a new Rage Craw color, Yum Craw Papis in two different colors, 2 new tackle boxes, fluro line for my new rod/reel, 2 Storm Twitch Sticks in two different colors, and some Shaky Heads (never tried shaky head fishing before) 21 items total, $107.61 with the LTB $5 off. Might add some more since I'm under $120 lol... but I shouldn't. But I want to. But I don't need to... decisions decisions.
  13. I use pretty much the Improved Clinch exclusively on Fluoro, sucks you're having trouble with it. really love that knot. My knots came loose once in a while because I was tightening the knot down using the standing and tag ends. Some video told me to do that and I kept ripping the knot out when tying it. But now I know how to do it and it hasn't failed me hundreds of fish later.
  14. At this one place I fish at, I commonly see families fishing here leaving no room for anyone else and they keep EVERYTHING they catch... turtles, frogs, crappies, baitfish(could care less, maybe care about big crappies.), and bass(is a I don't understand to me.) I caught my PB at this one spot and these 4 old ladies BEGGED me to give them my bass and I wasn't going to but I had my mother along and she wanted me to be nice lol. I feel terrible but it's whatever. There's other big bass in this lake and I know that for sure... next time no one is gonna be taking my bass lol. What are your guy's opinions? There's probably been 25290529052 million threads about this topic.
  15. IamNewbie


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