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Everything posted by Seanzky

  1. I'm in Levittown. We should fish when the weather gets better.
  2. The original video was posted by a Japanese member of this bass community on G+. I find the action very interesting. I'm not sure if he just attached them together or if they came like that.
  3. Has anyone seen this before? What is it called? Where can I get one? Thanks!
  4. I found out the hard way with Ronkonkoma. The banks are so polluted. As for Forge, I haven't tried it yet. I'm seriously considering a boat (electric), though.
  5. I haven't asked him, but when I borrowed it, it felt like a 1-piece. Pretty good rod, IMO.
  6. You, sir, are a freaking GENIUS! It popped out in one try. I'm so glad I finally decided to ask here. It was driving me nuts!
  7. My dad has an Ardito TR that became a 2-piece rod (lol). I can't twist it nor pull it apart. I don't know how hard my dad pushed the second piece in, but it won't budge. Are there any tricks to separating these? Like using some kind of lubricant or something? Any help would be greatly appreciated. My dad, who isn't very strong anymore, can't use just brute force to separate them and I thought I could do it but to no avail.
  8. I don't look forward to seeing other people getting hurt either, but it already happened.
  9. He got wrecked instead.
  10. I've always thought hooks prevented fish from eating and that there was nothing they can do about it. But after reading this, I remember way back when I had like 3 Koi ponds with Kois the size of my legs. When I hand fed them, and swam with them, they would "suck in" my fingers and toes, but when there was a leaf that accidentally got sucked in, they would blow it out with enough force. I don't know if all fish (except sharks or whales) can do this. But if the Pikes this study used are like Kois, then it makes sense how they're able to get rid of the hook. They probably just keep moving their mouth while sucking in and when they feel there's a loose object inside their mouth that they don't like, they blow it out.
  11. Not sure if this topic belonged here but I found it very interesting and thought I'd share. http://www.saltstrong.com/articles/fishing-lure-left-in-a-fishs-mouth/
  12. No luck for me either. Everyone who were fishing were either on kayak or small boat/dinghy. But I keep reading everywhere it's a very challenging lake with not a lot of fish. I almost bought one of these, just to try that lake again: http://www.sundolphin.com/sportsman/
  13. Any experience in Ronkonkoma? I'm going to check it out tomorrow.
  14. Depends where. I kind of fish spontaneously, never planned.
  15. Those are good to keep for the ending of a serious/pro-like video. Haha.
  16. Very nice scenic views! Still a good video.
  17. Any LI Bassmasters members here? http://www.longislandbassmasters.com/Home_Page.php https://www.facebook.com/pages/Long-Island-Bassmasters/199472543507577
  18. Can I ask where in Suffolk you fish? I have yet to catch a fish worth bragging about, although I've only started bass fishing a little less than a month ago.
  19. Nice fish!
  20. What a disappointing day. Only small fish bit, which I didn't even care about catching, and one frog. A big frog actually tried to eat my frog lure... twice.
  21. I've met a few guys in each of those ponds/lakes (except Forge Pond) who said they've caught 2-4 lbs. largemouth. I haven't caught one myself yet since the times I went there I didn't know what to expect (too new to this) and was unprepared with my limited gear. As for Forge Pond, I've seen videos and heard talk about it being the best on the island. I don't have a boat myself, though, and all those guys were on boats. Update: Just to update this post, I've read that Hempstead Lake was ruined by some anglers a few years ago.
  22. I've only done Twin Lakes, Wantagh Mill Pond, the two ponds near Hempstead Lake and Hempstead Lake. I badly want to try Forge Pond, though.
  23. I live in Nassau County and was looking for others who fished our local waters, too. Anyone else here?
  24. Thank you, all! I've been busy reading up posts. I look forward to contribute to this community (once I know what I'm doing, that is)!
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