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About Luna2406

  • Birthday 06/24/1990

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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Antonio, TX
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Other Interests
    Kayak fishing!

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  • About Me
    Unlike some, I did not grow up fishing, growing up in West Texas there wasn't too many places with that thing called water. I enlisted in the Air Force in 2012 and that's when I began this journey. Started bass fishing when they stationed me in VA, and I've fallen in love with it ever since. I learned everything from YouTube and from some great guys on here. Being on the water is my escape, I'm able to forget all my problems, and just enjoy life! 

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  1. Interesting and it would make sense. Part of me wants to throw bluegill color lures but then I think about what if they hit something that’s different because they aren’t used to seeing that. lol
  2. Fishing a new lake that has a crazy amount it panfish! I’ve had luck catching bass, super sharp “teeth” which makes me think the bass usually only eat fish. What do you guys do in lakes like this??? The bass seem to only want to pick soft plastic worms/paddletail off the bottom on the drop. They don’t go after any moving baits. Is this based on how they are used to getting food or more because it’s summertime?? Water is pretty clear, can see about 6ft. Grassy edges with some wood cover.
  3. The Paralyzed Veterans Association will be there this weekend as one of their tourney stops! They are still in need of volunteers (boat captains and boat partners)! Ive been lucky enough to volunteer with them over the years around the country thanks to being stationed in different places. Weather is gonna be rough this weekend but if you can please volunteer and help these great guys!! if you have any questions I’ll try and answer them, below is the link to register as a volunteer!! https://es20.pva.org/bass/waiver.html I have the following contact if you have questions that I can’t answer! Jen Purser 800-424-8200 extension: 7631
  4. Visiting family in a few weeks, I'm currently stationed in Alaska which means I don't have any of those little green fish. I miss em lol I'm going to have access to kayak while im there and I just need to catch a few to bring me happiness haha my family just moved there so I've never fished for bass in the area. Biggest lake I saw near their home is Medina Lake. Can anyone give me some advice on where I could go...in return, if you ever visit Alaska while I am here I'll help you out!!!
  5. I'm using 20lb braid with a 10lb flouro leader
  6. Learned something recently that I hope helps some people. Most of this year I've been fishing deeper water, mostly around 10-12 ft range. I'd been using Texas rigs and shakey heads with a really good hook up ratio. I'd feel the bite reel down to the fish and set the hook straight up. In the last 3 wks I've been fishing shallow grassy water, deepest going maybe 3ft. I cannot begin to guess how many fish/hooks I broke off using a texas rig. It was pretty frustrating and I couldn't figure out why. Then I started thinking, when I set the hook on a bass in 10ft of water I have a lot of line to kind of cushion the hookset, but in 2 ft of water all that power is being transferred to the hook. I changed my hookset and my hook up ratio is back up. What I'm doing now is I reel down to the fish, feel the weight, then sweep the rod to the side. This has even helped me lose less hooks to those pesky pickeral! Haha hope this helps some people out!
  7. I am not a believer in the spinnerbait...until a buddy gave me one of these. I have ordered a few of them now and have caught fish in every single one. I have a lot of confidence in these and the customer service is great, I've only had one randomly break and they sent me a new one right away for free. When nothing else is working this spinnerbait catches fish for me.
  8. Haven't tried them with the regular size trick worm, is the screw lock not to big for them?
  9. @smalljaw67 thanks for that advice man I appreciate it. I do think waiting a bit too get the whole worm in their mouth is something I need to start doing.
  10. Would you guys happen to know the size of the hook?
  11. So I've been using this 3/8 oz Chompers standing jig for a while now, with decent hook up ratio. Recently I'm wondering if there is a better choice for what I'm doing. I'm fishing a zoom magnum shaky worm on this stand up jig, do I need a bigger hook to cover more of the worm? This comes after a big fish came off during a tourney that would have won it for me lol it has me questioning everything. What would you guys use for those bigger worms? Thanks!
  12. Sorry for the late response guys but here is the reason I couldn't just set the hook and hand him the rod. This is a tournament for them in which they win angling points and money. We are not allowed to fish for them. We are there for anything they might need help with. It's called Paraylzed Veterans Association and they go all over the country on their bass tour. If it's near you I would highly encourage you helping out. If you have a boat you can take a disabled angler out, if you don't have a boat (my case) they pair you up with a disabled angler who has a boat. I've done it the last 3 years and its been amazing! I've met some real heroes that just happen to love this country and fishing, what better people are there? Lol this was my last year doing it since the Air Force needs me to go do some fishing in Alaska for 3 years
  13. Junebug wacky rigged is my go too bud. Works in both clear and muddy water, I catch more fish then with and green pumpkin or watermelon colors
  14. While volunteering to help out veterans during a fishing tournament I had an interesting experience. During the tournament I was fishing from the back of the boat and trying to find a pattern and trying to find fish while the veteran was in the front also fishing. He had asked that if I got a bite not to set the hook so the fish could drop it then he could have a chance to catch it. Well this happened 3 times. Once on a spinnerbait and twice on a shaky head. The length of time these fish swam with my bait floored me! I would just stand there and watch my line move for 20-25 seconds! I never realized how long they kept it in their mouths. Maybe it was because they were river fish and aren't as pressured as lake fish? It was just an overall interesting learning experience that I thought I would share with you guys. Not being able to set the hook was the hardest thing I've ever done! Lol
  15. Way in the back is a whole field of stumps that I've caught some nice girls out of. Its just a hell of a paddle for me lol
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