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Everything posted by aweiss90

  1. Thanks guys, much appreciated
  2. I've had my grandpas late 90's Curado CU-201 for years and have used it on and off and I want to put it back into my line up but with some, both performance and appearance upgrades. I already purchased a new carbontex drag and ABEC 7 bearings for it but I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of some appearance mods for it? I've been on https://www.hedgehog-studio.co.jp/user_data/2.php website but I'm not sure if they even have the right parts for that model and am hesitant to buy without knowing for sure. All I really want to upgrade is the cast control knob from the old plastic one to a new metal one and the same goes for the handle knobs and star drag. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -Andrew
  3. I use a shimano citica201hg on a medium action rod for soft plastics. Never had a problem using a medium action rod when it comes to pulling big fish out of cover and it lets me load the bait for more distance.
  4. Im also right there with you Andy, i live at 94 and mid rivers off of pitman hill.
  5. hmm well i feel somewhat stupid, i figured they were spools but he didnt have any mitchell spinning reels that matched these in his gear so i figured maybe people used them for some sort of way to spool line. Thanks for the information!
  6. I was given a bunch of my grandfathers bass fishing gear when he passed a few years back and these are the one things i havent been able to figure out. Its a black case with a spool of line in it, im just not sure what it was used for exactly. If you look at the pictures there is a notch in the plastic top lip. There are three or four of these each with different # line.
  7. I can't express you to my gratitude for this post! Will use this information wisely. Surprislnglly, even though I'm only 24 our fishing lures are probably somewhat similar as I inherited my grandpas bass fishing collection and haven't bought many of me own as He had 9+ tackle boxes stuffed with bass and crappie lures. Anyway, thank you so much for the information. Although I've only been fishing for a few years we store our boat at MT and I just recently started to fish it. It's a pretty big challenge I must say, especially if you don't know the lake. I got skunked two weekends in a row and only caught two bass, both under #2, the last time I went. We normally launch at ray berens and The first two weekends we We're back in lick creek and there was schools of baitfish so thick I could walk on them. Last weekend we went back into pigeon roost creek and had a little better luck. Anyway, thanks for the advice it's greatly appreciated.
  8. Appreciate the feedback, would you mind giving me some insight as to what's working for you this time of year as far and tackle/colors on MT? The past few weeks I've been trying to eliminate lures and colors so I can narrow down my range and a little advice would go a long way
  9. Question for any of you guys that have or currently fished Mark Twain Lake. Is it always extremely windy? I've been down there the past three consecutive weekends and there has been 20+ MPH winds every time, making it a pain in the ass to fish out of. I mainly use soft plastic worms as im new to the lake and its the only thing ive had any luck with, but the wind was strong enough to, even when i switched to heavier worm weight, the wind would still produce enough force to move my entire line when it was underwater, which caused me to get held up an unusual amount. Just wondering if this is a normal occurance or this time of year possibly? Thanks in advance
  10. With the extremely mild summer we had here in missouri, along with the fact that the tempurature is already starting to turn cooler faster than normal in missouri, i would bet anything youll get lucky if the temp hits 40 during the day in december this year. Also, as previously stated, the Z man Ned Rig is fantasic for table rock. The bass love them. Good luck to you!
  11. Im a lefty. they do make those chronarchs in leftys, i must have posted the wrong model
  12. Thanks for the response! I know which one im going with now !
  13. I was wondering, for those of you that own both of these reels, which one you like better? The chronarch goes for $200 and the citica goes for $130. Im not extremely worried about the price point im just wondering the preferences of the public. I know the chronarch has a faster gear ratio of 7:0:1 compaireed to the citicas 6:5:1 but the line capacity is the same for both of them. Whichever reel i pick is going on a 7' MH *** rod and will be a all application workhorse reel for me as it will only be my second setup. The only other combo i have is a older shimano curado CU-201 and a 6' M Bud Erdhart Fishin Stick. Thanks in advance guys!
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