I can't express you to my gratitude for this post! Will use this information wisely. Surprislnglly, even though I'm only 24 our fishing lures are probably somewhat similar as I inherited my grandpas bass fishing collection and haven't bought many of me own as He had 9+ tackle boxes stuffed with bass and crappie lures. Anyway, thank you so much for the information. Although I've only been fishing for a few years we store our boat at MT and I just recently started to fish it. It's a pretty big challenge I must say, especially if you don't know the lake. I got skunked two weekends in a row and only caught two bass, both under #2, the last time I went. We normally launch at ray berens and The first two weekends we We're back in lick creek and there was schools of baitfish so thick I could walk on them. Last weekend we went back into pigeon roost creek and had a little better luck. Anyway, thanks for the advice it's greatly appreciated.