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Everything posted by Thefishy1

  1. Somebody just posted about bass assassin bulk sales and as I was looking through them I found this http://www.bassassassin.com/c/-3%22-Straight-Tail-Grubs-100-ct-Bulk-2-99/bass-fishing-lures/Straightgrubsbulk/ I dont know if they are better but yall might want to look into them, if for nothing else because they are 100 for 2.99
  2. The good old B.B Cricket in Shadow Blue Glitter for muddy water and Florida 5-O for Clear water.
  3. Haha now thats the only way to do it, I've had some good ones, but that just sounds epic.
  4. Someone in my club told me it was about leverage. With a longer rod you have more leverage over a fish right after the hookset and during the fight, however once the fish gets near the boat he said that a long rod will give the fish more leverage against you.
  5. I used the 7'6" H LTX with braid for about a year now and there is no visible damage to any guides. Someone has said that it has to do with particles in the water that get picked up by the braid, turning it into a kind of sandpaper, but I cant remember if it was true or not. I know there was a picture of a carrot guide with a groove in it, but I have not heard of or seen any more since then so I dont know. But overall I think it was a good rod and have nothing bad to say about any of my carrots.
  6. Well we are at the beach so there is a bit of partying, it is a somewhat diffcult, and they accept a lot of people, so it is a little of everything. Although a lot of the transfer rate is due to the Maryland/South Carolina exchange program. MD students who come here for marine science get in state tuition, but since around 50% of M. Sci majors change majors after the first year a lot of them tend to go back home.
  7. The oxidation pond is a water cleaning area, its all fenced off and there are no fish in it. The river is the Waccamaw, it can be good if you know where to go but it took me a while to figure it out. Also just because the ponds are small, dont underestimate to fish in them, the one in my avatar was caught 5 min from my house, and the biggest that I have caught around here are a pair of 8lbrs, but I know a couple people who caught some 9's out of some of my bigger ponds.
  8. Yes we have a fishing club, it isnt widely known though except in SC , but I have been told that its actually the oldest college fishing club in the US. As for bass fishing there are a lot of smaller ponds and rivers down here, nothing huge, but I know about 30-40 lakes/ponds in the area that I am allowed to fish in. Not to mention during the fall there is a huge run of redfish, bluefish, and spanish down the coast. Also I live down here year round, so if you decide to come to check out the school I can show you around.
  9. ^^^^^ Haha, yea that too.
  10. I'm a Junior here and the Fishing Club Pres so I may be a little biased lol. However I love it here, its a great school with lots of awesome teachers and staff. Whatever you want to know, just ask away, I'm on here all the time so I'll try to get back to you asap. Wyatt
  11. IMHO I think that you should step up to a 4 power for jigs around any kind of structure. I feel that the 853 would be alright for finesse jigs (5/16 and under) in open water, but for anything over that I felt that mine was a little under powered.
  12. I have yet to try their football jigs, but I have a few of the original mop jigs and love them, definately a big fish bait. You wont catch a lot, but when you do if will usually be a nice un.
  13. All I can say is that you have to have some stones to be driving a moped through there.
  14. I like them for fishing around weedbeds in shallow water mostly. Just rig up with a 5/0 or 6/0 hook and reel it right under the surface to push up a wake. They are really big with the Florida crowd due to their extensive use on Okeechobee and other lakes. I would have to say California 420, Penetration, and Houdini are my top colors
  15. I had it happen to mine also, and I remember hearing of a few others where that peice broke, so it might be a common problem. I think Shimano might offer a free replacement if you call them or send it in. If its for a 2500FI Part# 10347 Drag Click If not let me know I have the specs right here.
  16. I use the Mr Clean Magic eraser. It cleans the cork and gives it its tackyness back.
  17. http://www.animatedknots.com/indexfishing.php?LogoImage=LogoGrog.jpg&Website=www.animatedknots.com Thats where I went to learn how to snell flipping hooks.
  18. It is COLD here right now, but if we can get a few days of 50 degree days by then the bass bite in all of the ponds around here will pick up. Currently the 20 degree nights are kind of messing them up. Also I know some charter boats around here, but I do not know about the fishing offshore now. I usually go May-Aug.
  19. Yup, nothing wrong with it. I have a $100 Supreme on a $300 rod and it works perfect for me. Its all about what works for you.
  20. If I recall right all of the Dobyns rods currently on the TW website are G2. They had some G1's on there a while ago, but have since sold out or stopped selling them. Also the easy way to tell is if the Dobyns logo on the rod has an oval around it then it is a G1. Gary has taken the oval off of the new rods, which I think makes them look a lot better.
  21. I use 5/0 BMF hooks for all of my flipping. And I used to use these http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_27235_100010002_100000000_100010000_100-10-2 without a problem. They are good flipping hooks on a budget.
  22. I like a little berkley powerbait minnow on a 1/8oz drop shot and work it SLOW. Thats been the ticket here lately.
  23. I caught my first fish ever in a tournament on one (2.7lb on a #5 Shad colored one). I like them, just picked up another one the other day, now if they could make a suspending one that did not rattle so much it would be money.
  24. LC Sammy 100 in Ghost Minnow on a Dobyns 704CB/Citica 200E with 12lb Triple Fish X-Rated Monofilament
  25. Use more ribbon tail worms. Seriously, I dont know why I dont throw them. I just use a shakey head or jig instead, but this year I will get back to them.
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