well first of all ,I am a certified backlash expert (you decide whether that's good or bad) and pulling out backlashes really does become quite simple. I'm sure you've heard of the thumb trick. What I've noticed about it is that it doesn't work with braid, t's just too slick. So I don't even try the thumb trick with braid. I'll just run through my process. First lightly pull your line until you see where the line has looped around itself. Pull out those loops the farthest you can and the tug the line coming out to the rod again. This should free the line. If it doesn't, then repeat until it does (because it will eventually). One thing about backlashes that people tend not to mention is when the line gets caught under itself and is tight against the reel. This is a lot different than your regular backlash loop and is harder to remove. The way I do it is simple though. Just push some of the end of you line through and grab it near the thumbar. Lightly pull that line backwards toward you until it comes free. Also, I always pull a couple extra feet out after I think I fixed the line just to make sure it's smooth. By the way, one way backlashe happen for me is when I witch from heavy to lighter lures, even after adjusting friction and magnets. The secret is the casting technique. With a lighter lure, kind of "flick" it out with a sidearm cast, thrusting upward instead of forward. This makes a huge difference. Told you I was an expert.