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Everything posted by NJBucketMouth

  1. The website seems kinda scattered around to me. Looking to see if anyone fishes division 10. Which seems to be mainly greenwood lake and Hopatcong. When does the new season start. And how well run is it. I'd be going as a non boater and any and all info you can provide would be very much appreciated. Is rather know some details on advance of contacting the division chairperson I guess you'd call it.
  2. I'm in Rockaway township. North Jersey right where 15 runs into 80.
  3. I've really been trying to be as versatile as possible and will be expanding and adding a couple rod/reel setups. I fished tournaments for awhile with consistent performance and would like to get back into it again this coming spring. So I'm trying to feel out as many alternative techniques as possible for a non boater situation. Thanks for all the replies. Sometimes a little change makes or breaks the day.
  4. There is a weed edge where it goes from super thick to more sparse and the bottom Contours from larger rocks to more Gravel like. I've pulled a fish outta there on a Florida rig worm. I'm thinking midday fishing a Carolina/mojo rig might be worth sending out there and just cover more of The water column.
  5. My long time fishing partner has since relocated do to work a few years ago. Needless to say I've been restricted to the bank since. Anyone head out solo? or looking for an occasional tag along?
  6. I was debating a drop shot but I think that with summer weeds at their peak I may be simply holding the worm in the weeds as more so then working through. Meaning 90% of the time the fish wouldn't know its there anyway
  7. Yeah I was thinking switch to a 1/16 ounce weight but I kinda feel like Bc its a constant popping through the weeds that the 1/8 ounce helps it along. I literally just pull it straight through the weeds. It lays on top. Then falls into holes. Then snakes in a out of the weeds. And they take it.
  8. Made a few trips to a local pond the passed couple weekends. It is a 2 acre lake/pond. The pond has some trout which are stocked for the kids. Small change catfish. Good size Pickeral. And then an assortment of Sunnies, perch etc etc. And obviously my target fish largemouth. I've pulled out 7 largemouth and had one come off in the two trips. MOST fish were 1-2 pounders but I pulled out once then tipped the scale at just over 4. The deepest section of the pond is roughly 10 feet with the average depth being around 3. Structure other then 2 long docks is limited. The pond is very weedy with sparse intermingled boulders that's bary from baseball size to say a car hood size. All of my fish were caught on 7" power worms. Florida rigged with 1/8 ounce weight and 4/0 gama EWG HOOK. The only exception was one fish on a 5" senko today. And one that came loose. Water is clear to slightly stained snd the colors used were tequila sunrise. Watermelon red glitter. And the senkos I had with me were the light/dark brown and light dark green (don't remember the actual name). Any thoughts on the setup? I've been using the 1/8' ounce weight to really pop and snake the worms through the grass and the bass hammer them. Senko obviously fished weightless. Soon as it touched the water the fish inhaled it. And other presentations come to mind for me to try? I've thrown a wide variety of spinnerbaits etc and shallow cranks just to see what interest the fish had. And it was zero.
  9. Been reading a lot of the posts and watching videos etc. For awhile and this site has a lot of good info and very limited nonsense type posts. Just checking in and saying Hi. I fish a lot of north Jerseys lakes and ponds
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