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Everything posted by golfrnut

  1. I went to smashing my barbs down about 3 months ago. May I lose a fish or two every now and again? Most probably. But less stress on me and the fish when I get them to the boat. If one breaks off, I don't worry quite as much about them being able to eventually throw the hook either.
  2. Enjoy it man! The safety course, you would think is pretty self-explanatory....and it is. The sad thing is, there are accidents every year that prove that folks still don't pay attention/get complacent during the season. My hunter's ed instructor was shot decades ago by someone that thought he was a turkey...true story...a turkey. Have a friend that shot himself though the hand with a .22 mag. Have another friend that was shot with a .50 cal muzzleloader in the thigh by someone else. Had a guy I knew in high school shot and killed a couple of years back by a hunting party he was with while driving deer. Grew up in VA, and you hear about at least one accident a year in the general area...I'm sure it happens lots of other places too. Had folks walk past me before in black sweat pants, with a black dog, during the heart of deer season leisurely hiking the Alleghany trail. Hunters must wear orange, but if you aren't hunting, you are free to wear whatever you want. Not something you would catch me doing, but it's free choice and some folks are none the wiser. Have to watch out for yourself as much as others.
  3. I have only one hooked one fish directly through the eye. I have however hooked plenty of fish where the hook has come out the eye socket. Is the fish already blind at that point? Dunno. Through the eye can be a relative term for the eye itself or the immediate area. But, removing or smashing the barb makes a big differerence in ripping the eye back through trying to remove the hook with a barb on it or just sliding it back through without tearing up a bunch of stuff.
  4. Tackle Warehouse is 15% off for labor day, you can save a bit more than that.
  5. Not nearly to the level as many of you guys, but this one gets me around any of the lakes we have in my area just fine. Also allows me to get into places the lager boats cannot go. Alweld 1542
  6. I have recently, after seeing others say they do it on this forum, started smashing my barbs down. I do it now before I even use the lures. Haven't had any ill effects so far and so much better for the fish. I am sold on it now, even more so for treble hooks which I hate with a passion.
  7. I had my doubts about the palomar knot at first, but I am completely sold on it now. Other than it being a pain sometimes to drag the loop over skirts and large baits, it's easy and fast. I honestly do double-wrap before I loop over, but that's just personal preference. I have found it easier to loop over, pull the tag end first all the way down, then pull the reel end, then grab both ends and pull away from one another. Just make sure that loop that you created to loop over the lure make it's all the way back to the main knot. A lot of times that loop will get hung up on the eye and not cinch down on the line like it should....that's probably the most important thing about tying that one.
  8. On my flat bottom, oh yeah. My Alweld Jon is an LA model and is built with a very large front deck. I have a pedestal seat that I usually fish from but can stand when I want to to stretch my legs and such.
  9. AK McCallum out of Fayetteville NC http://www.akmccallumco.com/
  10. I know it's an old thread but.... Alweld owner, so a little biased. Their LA models have a huge deck on the bow and the back can be easily converted. Don't see many of them around, but we have one of the biggest dealers of them on the east coast in my area.
  11. I would vote for the adjustable. I think you can pick up the adjustable shocks for around $70 from Wal-Mart last time I checked.
  12. Width is always a big factor...wider the better. I have a 1552, which gives me a bit more stability over a 48", but mine is very stable. I have also head that stability may differ a bit on mod-Vs versus a flat bottom, but don't have the experience to sway an opinion in one way or the other.
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