Enjoy it man!
The safety course, you would think is pretty self-explanatory....and it is. The sad thing is, there are accidents every year that prove that folks still don't pay attention/get complacent during the season. My hunter's ed instructor was shot decades ago by someone that thought he was a turkey...true story...a turkey. Have a friend that shot himself though the hand with a .22 mag. Have another friend that was shot with a .50 cal muzzleloader in the thigh by someone else. Had a guy I knew in high school shot and killed a couple of years back by a hunting party he was with while driving deer. Grew up in VA, and you hear about at least one accident a year in the general area...I'm sure it happens lots of other places too. Had folks walk past me before in black sweat pants, with a black dog, during the heart of deer season leisurely hiking the Alleghany trail. Hunters must wear orange, but if you aren't hunting, you are free to wear whatever you want. Not something you would catch me doing, but it's free choice and some folks are none the wiser. Have to watch out for yourself as much as others.