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Everything posted by Scarborough817

  1. ya i'm not saying it's impossible but you basically have to put it right in front of them for them to eat it. they don't get that big by chasing worms and leaches
  2. start using bigger baits you aren't going to catch 5 pounders regularly with a senko
  3. i throw all of my cranks on #12-#15 abraz-x i tried mono but it wasn't for me i would rather have a little more abrasion resistance and slow down my hook-set
  4. that's gorgeous i would love to have one of those or a gill coloured one
  5. Depends on what i'm fishing. With topwater i always have a followup ready to pitch if they miss it, When i'm flipping and pitching i only change after 30-40 min if i don't get hit and normally it would be a weight or colour change. with big baits i know it's a time thing so i'm a little less focused on changing colour i would pick it based on the conditions and what i am fishing.
  6. i find it difficult to fish deep divers on a rod that is anything less than medium heavy moderate fast action. i think it is better to have a bit of a faster action in this situation because of the resistance the crank gives. i find it helps with feeling the vibration the deep divers and what's on the bottom. where as if i was using a moderate rod i think i would find it hard to tell the difference between the bottom composure and the regular vibration
  7. i would do a lot different but i can't so i make the best of what i have now
  8. I've had days where they didn't want a caffeine swimming shad on a rage blade but killed the blade minnow
  9. this why my thought at well. i expected them to be a little bigger or maybe a little wider
  10. either just threaded onto a swim jig, or on a swimbait hook i have also used it on a rage blade
  11. strike king blade minnow it's so subtle
  12. it's worse when you have to pick up 2 colours of every lure you buy.
  13. i like how you have that organized
  14. xcalibur xr75 or xrk75 if you can find them
  15. now i just have to avoid placing an order for hudds it's so tempting, i hate this stupid monkey
  16. picked up another 3700 deep as well as a couple jerkbaits and a much needed lure retriever. i have also re organized my swimbaits unfortunately it leaves me room to grow the collection a little more :/
  17. Bass pro has savage gear trouts on sale for 10 right now
  18. He is but he also has a full time job as an x ray tech he mentions it in a couple videos
  19. well i just bought another gantarel and another lucky craft real gill for use in low light situations, i think that means i may fit in this category
  20. I'm not always concerned with price I think customer service is worth a lot more than the dollar I will save getting it somewhere else. obviously there is a line that has to be drawn but I think we all have our own idea of where that line is. a larger store that is somewhat close has abraz-x for $17, bps has it for $30 and the local shop has it for $18.50 obviously I'm going to support the shop that is local to where I fish. there are certain things that i cannot find locally that i unfortunately have to pay a little more for but for any of my usual stuff i always stop in at my local shop on the way up to the lake. there is also another local shop that carries a few more things that are difficult to acquire in Canada such as bull shads, jackall gantarel, lucky craft real gill. even though the prices are a little higher it is better than importing from the US and paying the exchange rate
  21. mitch lucker before he passed away
  22. Granger smith - Stick Around. Basically this whole album repeats in my head it gets me through some tough days
  23. siebert dredge brush jigs or any siebert arky head jig
  24. ok thanks guys i will definitely do that
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