I'm not always concerned with price I think customer service is worth a lot more than the dollar I will save getting it somewhere else. obviously there is a line that has to be drawn but I think we all have our own idea of where that line is. a larger store that is somewhat close has abraz-x for $17, bps has it for $30 and the local shop has it for $18.50 obviously I'm going to support the shop that is local to where I fish. there are certain things that i cannot find locally that i unfortunately have to pay a little more for but for any of my usual stuff i always stop in at my local shop on the way up to the lake.
there is also another local shop that carries a few more things that are difficult to acquire in Canada such as bull shads, jackall gantarel, lucky craft real gill. even though the prices are a little higher it is better than importing from the US and paying the exchange rate