Okay this may be a little harsh but just hear me out. At the end of the day your kids are going to see things, it is how you talk to them about it that matters, just sending them on their way is the issue or not caring at all. One of the main issues i see is there doesn't seem to be any actual parenting going on anymore, because it's easier to give the kid a phone or distract them or hide things instead of taking the time to actually parent them. Yes i understand that kids are going to see things you may not like and you may not be able to do anything about it, but why are you not actively talking to your kids, seeing if they have questions, paying attention to what they're doing, who they're hanging out with. Do you know why? because it's hard work being a parent and a lot of people have gotten lazy. where if you take the time to talk to your kids and take an active roll in their lives and then teaching them values based on your experience maybe they'll learn. But sometimes kids have to make mistakes too and honestly sheltering them from the world doesn't do that. I'm sick of people trying to hide everything that they deem "offensive" or "dangerous" the world doesn't conform to you, money is the biggest factor in anything if someone pays for an ad in a magazine or on tv then they have earned that right to have it there. kids need to learn about drinking and smoking regardless of how unhealthy it is and it's you're responsibility as a parent to talk to them about it. so don't blame B.A.S.S for allowing someone to have an ad, because they paid for it to be there the product is legal it exists in the world. Hiding it from them does nothing, heck maybe it makes them more curious about what it is and if they should try it. giving your kids knowledge is more important than anything else.
you also need to seriously look at who the target audience is. most people watching a tournament on tv or reading bassmaster magazine are of legal age. that means that the advertisers who place ads are going to think about what these people like, wouldn't you like a cold beer after fishing all day? i would and i'm an adult so i'll have one. i know this is a big rant, but seriously guys why does everything have to be censored? is it that big a deal? maybe my way of thinking is a little old school but this is how i was raised and i don't think it's unreasonable to actually parent.