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Everything posted by Scarborough817

  1. if you are running an advertisement blocking plugin that may cause issues
  2. i would have to say go south and work east to west okeechobee, seminole, guntersville, fork, clear lake, the delta
  3. with open water finally here and me finally having my jig rod back i was able to practice skipping jigs under docks today and while i spent a lot of time picking out backlashes i can happily say i'm getting there, i had a few skips that looked exactly like the pros all of this was done using a 1/2oz booyah swim'n jig which is a pretty flat head for skipping i am definitely excited for when the fish pull up under docks and cover now
  4. try a rage blade they dont get hung up as easily
  5. okay let me start by saying I put money into a family cottage, a dock and a boat and I see you're frustrated but consider this. You probably shouldn't have made an account on bass resource (a site for fishermen) to complain about people fishing. Being a person who owns a cottage and fishes docks tell me how do you know this person doesn't pay the same taxes you do? Are you one of the inconsiderate jet ski riders that just blows through no wake zones and cuts everyone else off? How exactly was your boat damaged? because if you hook a boat cover you're not just popping that hook out its being cut out and i seriously doubt people are cutting hooks out and running you're probably mad about a jig bumping up against your precious jet ski which honestly is a lot less damage than you running it into a rock or beaching it when you go to see your friends you are the one that needs to grow up
  6. if you want ribbed it's hard to beat the keitech but i have found the bps speed shad to be decent if you dont care about the ribs then grab some gambler ez or big ez depending on the size you want
  7. i can confirm the x-zone are good i also like the lake yamamoto heart tail
  8. that's a green sunfish not a perch
  9. just ordered 4 of these kind of excited to see how they turn out
  10. used to be the xcalibur xcs200 and i do still love it but the bagley balsa b2 is my new favourite i love it because it's kind of erratic because of the balsa which can trigger strikes in itself
  11. i agree i use the same box and i have never had issues with it yet as far as chatterbait storage i just throw them in my jig box
  12. any kind of toad is what i would use
  13. try a chatterbait instead specifically a sk rage blade or maybe a swim jig
  14. i would say add a spinning rod to that collection or a moderate action rod for crankbaits
  15. @lmbfisherman @Attila my local sail had R2S bully wa's for $6.60
  16. one can never have too many jerkbaits, so i bought 2 more
  17. early in the season is generally when i throw a lipless it has a nice tight wobble because of the flat sides and i feel that's something bass look for since it's a little more subtle than a big plus that move a lot of water
  18. well i was wrong about my home lake it still had 12" of ice last weekend hopefully its gone soon but a local place is thawed out and im fishing it regularly water is in the mid 40's caught a northern the other day chocked my jerkbait and caught it in the gills so he was bleeding pretty bad he swam away okay though
  19. just my thinking but i don't know what exactly what stage they are at in your area do you see beds? are there fish on them?
  20. match the base colour
  21. first fishing trip with my girlfriend bagged this smallie on a kvd sexy dawg around dusk not huge but still fun and it brings back memories which is what it's all about
  22. this is going to be vague but fish the seasons and where the bait fish are. i would start with wood and rocks right now they will be the quickest to warm up so fish are likely more drawn to them, in the summer i would go more towards the pads, mats and docks
  23. it's not what you are fishing but where, spot is much more important than lure choice
  24. whopper plopper
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