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Everything posted by Scarborough817

  1. so same baits, same rods, same reels braid got more distance, felt more sensitive, and easier to pick out backlashes
  2. if you want a floater then why bother with an actual gill profile? the bait being taller makes it harder for bass to get in their mouth so it may decrease hook up ratios
  3. yamamoto heart tail
  4. well i talk a good game but the monkey just got me. talked me into an s-waver and a whopper plopper
  5. Normally i fish a spook or buzzbait early in the morning or sometimes a buzzbait throughout the day in shady areas, you can throw a frog all day on mats and pads. i dont worry about seeing topwater activity i just throw it out and they will normally eat it if they're feeding
  6. almost lost a bladed jig i got from @Bluebasser86 a few weeks ago but i snagged the line and was able to get it back
  7. jig rod is always rigged with 15lb abrazX
  8. agreed loctite gel is the best option
  9. So the gf and I went to canadian tire last night for some stuff to finosh my live well and she surprised me and got me a shadow rap
  10. looks awesome how do you like the looks of the phantom perch
  11. you do realize when they're reeling in a staged catch and talking about the lure its probably bull right
  12. i lean towards a jig because where i fish doesn't have mats we only really have pad beds so i don't need to punch through it just find a hole. now i still use a t-rig at times because i just like fishing it but i find a jig can be a little more versatile and if there are rocks under that pad bed i might not get hung up as easy
  13. pretty sure almost everyone here uses trays i fit 6 of them into an under armor gym bag and 3 more with almost all of my soft plastics in a shimano tackle bag
  14. now that's bait monkey propaganda if i ever heard it
  15. for me it's a battle of time if i hold onto something long enough while standing in a shop i think so do i really need this or am i just buying it because i want it. you need to wait for that impulse to pass and you make a decent decision
  16. just waiting for it to show up on youtube. this is definitely something i want to get into more i've been practicing and i'm not doing to bad skipping just need to be able to put it to use
  17. swimbaits like mattlures ultimate gills, mattlures hard gills, jackall gantarels
  18. VOK make some small frogs i think it's 1/4oz and called the samurai frog
  19. i have both popping and regular but mainly throw the popping i have natural green and ole smokey
  20. senko or fluke I have one or the other tied on at all times i'm not a huge spinnerbait fan though so i can't speak to that specifically
  21. if you are more comfortable with spinning then go for it that setup sounds like it would do the job
  22. i have my collection of xrk75's
  23. this was basically my plan i was going to make a lid with another piece of plastic cut a square section out and reattach it with a hinge so i have a lid i can open and close then put another container in the boat and fill it when i have to move
  24. okay so i saw something kinda cool the other day and i've decided to make one myself, i'm talking about a laundry basket livewell. the concept is simple, take a laundry basket, drill holes in the bottom (if needed),tie a pool noodle around the top rim, tie to boat, put it in the water.
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