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Everything posted by Scarborough817

  1. on a swimbait hook is normally the best or on the back of a swim jig or bladed jig
  2. more than i fish the 1.5 i would start with the 2.5 if they aren't biting that then you downsize and go to the 1.5
  3. bully wa and bully wa II
  4. any reason for smackdown over 832?
  5. i'm definitely going to agree with that it was insane when he hit it
  6. i've joined you in this but i went with 30lb 832 in the one time i went out to test the rod i found the casting to be very good i had one issue with a backlash but that was me being stupid and not setting up my reel before casting. i suggest a longer leader though say 10'
  7. This reminds me of this video of g-man
  8. im going to go out and throw the same bait in a different colour tonight maybe a savage gear pike swimbait as well
  9. they are made by glc fishing they come in skirts and punch rigs but i cant figure out how to order them http://www.glcfishing.com/sampleproducts.asp?pCateID=123&pSearch=&page=1
  10. i went out last night chasing pike at a local lake throwing a rapala glidin rap i come up to this spot after being there for about an hour first cast im walking the bait like a spook a huge pike jumps out of the water completely engulfs my bait and i set the hook hard he starts fighting but heads straight for the weed line that is to my left like a fool i think i can just over power him through the weeds i try to pull the large pike through the weeds and obviously he shakes off because he has a little more leverage. i was pretty disappointed in myself for trying to muscle the fish over waiting him out i think he was about 36" i got a decent look at him before he ran to the weedline. i'll be back out there soon enough and at least now i know there are a few big pike
  11. green pumpkin fire or electric shad
  12. sounds like an awesome trip so far hope you're having a great time
  13. i've been curious about this as well i have a barometer in my room so i will take a look to see when this affects the fish
  14. cranks should be digging into the bottom and deflecting off of cover that's what people mean by running them into stuff, pick a crank that dives slightly deeper than the depth you're fishing. once you feel a lack of vibration set the hook
  15. get bit custom baits. phil does great work i think there was also someone on here who was taking custom painting orders as well maybe someone else remembers
  16. can you explain this please. from my understanding the deeper water looks more smooth on the surface but i dont know if im wrong in thinking that is the same on lakes
  17. my package from huddleston showed up i got 2 8" rof 12's 1 rainbow and 1 hold over
  18. i have much more confidence in a bladed jig than a spinnerbait but i fish it more like a crankbait than a jig that is what i find most peoples issue is the rod they are using is too stiff listen to brett hite
  19. my way of categorizing is by what rod i fish it on or what kind of bait it is for example my box of topwater has my frogs, spooks, whopper plopper and poppers. all but the poppers are fished on one rod so they can be in the same box
  20. My dobyns 806sb showed up
  21. yes i picked up some with some 8/0 owner beast hooks. i have been slow rolling and the weighted hooks gives them a pretty nice body wobble, i had 2 pike break me off so apparently im doing something right. i like them my only complaint is that the tails weren't straight so i have to boil the other 2. i have only been able to take them out once but i plan on using them as a weedless swimbait bait for pad beds, burning them around docks, throwing them in some cover where i don't want to throw a hudd
  22. the 806 should be okay just be careful when casting
  23. what do you have that can handle it?
  24. The scent was kickin' bass garlic
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