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Everything posted by Fun4Me

  1. How did you free it from the hooks?
  2. Generally speaking, I have a top, mid, and low water column baited up at all times. I will usually try them all in most spots until I can come up with a pattern. Then I might switch it up so that I have a couple options for the pattern.
  3. Could have been an owl. I know there are some around there. This thing made a screaming, screeching, yelling, sound after it passed me and landed in a tree. It sounded really close to this.
  4. I went to a local pond last night (about 10:30 pm) and decided to do some fishing. There are a couple of lights on one side of the pond but it's pretty dark. I'm throwing a black war eagle buzz bait. I can't see it in the water but I can hear when it get's close. So I'm casting and listening for the plop, plop, my bait is getting close, so I anticipate picking it up out of the water when I hear something strange with my bait. It was close to what a hit from a bass feels like but I didn't feel it in the rod, just the sound. About a millisecond later I see what looks like a 747 directly in my face and realize that a hawk has swooped down and tried to get my buzz bait. It's flight path was directly at me, and he missed my head by what seemed like inches. I felt the wind coming off of him as he passed. Instant adrenaline spike. Anyone else have any scared excrementless moments while night fishing?
  5. If I have to chose one for forever, it's the spinner. If you're asking right now what would I take for say tomorrow, it would be the buzz bait.
  6. I throw those on a 7 foot med. heavy lightning rod shock.
  7. I think there's a difference in casting to short target places, and honking it out there as far as possible. I think Glenn is talking about casting to shorter targets. Chances aren't good for getting a bait way out there if the rod is in front of you and your only going back to the front of your head while casting. Conversely, chances aren't good if you're hauling the rod way behind you to hit a target 25 feet away. Casting a rod is like hitting a golf shot. A pitch to a target 20 yards away is vastly different than a shot that needs to go 200 yards. JMO of course.
  8. A few bad apples always seem to spoil the bunch. There are plenty of jet skiers who are courteous and don't act like jackarsses. I feel bad for your brother, and I hope you can manage to get him out again.
  9. I did roughly the same thing with a pair of Maui Jim sunglasses. Went swimming and actually found them, but it was in a pond and I found them in about 3 feet of water.
  10. I have one that is about a year old and couldn't be happier with it.
  11. No. I'm thinking that it would be small enough to shove in most any pocket of whatever one is wearing.
  12. Good thing this is a family friendly site, or I may not have clicked on this thread title
  13. This is the general size I'm talking about.
  14. I throw Buzz Baits on a 7 to 1 casting combo and find it much easier than when I was using it on spinning gear. The Buzz bait is also my number one producer of large Bass since about mid summer.
  15. LOL. somehow I feel like "rub some dirt on it", "tussin", and "liquid nails" will win out.
  16. Large fish being relative to where you fish. For me, it's no contest. 3/8 ounce bleeding Hart Stopper White buzz bait made by Hart.
  17. I only carry a few Band Aids and some alcohol wipes, but I'm thinking about carrying more. What do you guys/gals think is a good all around load out for first aid and fishing? I would think bleeding and infection would be high on the list, but I have enough room in a pocket to carry some additional things. What would you guys/gals suggest for a good pocket sized all around first aid load out?
  18. Woot!!! Awesome fish, congrats!!
  19. I would say that it could be bad form in a tournament or club setting, depending on what the goal is for the anglers on the boat. Is it bad form if it's just you and him? That's up to you. I don't have a son, but when I go fishing with my Nephews I only fish to help find the pattern so that they can catch fish. I get more joy watching them catch fish than I do If I catch them.
  20. Have you specifically told him to not throw a bait at a fish you missed or were trying to catch? If not, then it;s possible that he's just fishing with his dad and treats you differently than he would others. Generally speaking, family members act and do things different around each other. I wouldn't worry about it much. As mentioned above, tell him what's expected of him and leave it up to him. I don't know your son but I feel pretty confident that he's smart enough to understand a figure out how to do it correctly.
  21. Beautiful fish. Not that it was ever not exciting to look forward to the opening of the lake next year, but I imagine it will be easy with that monster in your head all winter.
  22. If attractants work then it seems this could work, assuming it has some sort of attractant. It also looks like it might oxygenate the water as well. Might be god for a stagnant pond.
  23. All it's going to take is KVD or some pro to say it works and fisherman everywhere will be fighting each other to get to it first.
  24. I have a fish roaming around my local honey hole with my favorite hollow body frog in it's mouth. I hope to catch it again, or hope that he's able to spit it out at some point.
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