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Everything posted by Fun4Me

  1. Do you have the exploded view and parts list that came with your reel? Also does the reel make the noise when the spool is off and you wind the handle?
  2. Are you talking about the drag washers, or the little gear and white washer on the shaft of the reel when you removed the spool?
  3. With my fair skin, I can't stay in the sun with 50 spf for longer than a couple of hours. covering up, especially on the back of my neck and head allows me to enjoy fishing longer, and quite honestly I don't care what others think when I cover up.
  4. I like the 30 for the size and weight. One of the small advantages with the 35 is the bigger diameter spool, which some say helps with casting distance. I use braid to a leader so I don't think I would see any advantage in casting distance, or very minimal at the least.
  5. Episode #1: ZTrain and Hackney on a private lake for almost 4 hours. Supposedly the next episode is with KVD, and Iaconelli is going to do one. Zona said there will be a total of 4 this year.
  6. Do you live near an Academy sports? If so some of their house brand rods (H2O Express) are on clearance right now. Might be worth a look as I think they are great rods for the money, especially for the clearance price. As mentioned above, the Lightning Rod Shock is a good rod as well.
  7. I like the idea of being able to make the lure fit different applications, but this one may go a little overboard. Let's also not get it twisted. All it would take is for some pro fishermen to use and catch fish on that lure and most people here would be lining up like it's black Friday to get it.:)
  8. I was guilty of that. I said Daiwa. I like that parts are readily available and most of the reels I have now are Daiwas.
  9. I wonder what a 3/4 ounce rattle trap with sharp hooks feels like when it hits him square in the face. OOOOOOPPS, sorry bro, I meant to cast over there, just got away from me. Just kidding, you did the right thing by letting it go.
  10. If I eat the same exact thing at the sub shop each time, I'll never know if I'll like something else on the menu :). Same with fishing reels. Now, the rub in this whole *try something new* is if you get the Diawa and love it enough that you don't like your Lews reels as much, and want to change everything over to Diawa.
  11. No worries. All of us, except for the Curmudgeons , knew what you meant.
  12. Quitter
  13. This subject has become much like politics. The far left and the far right are represented by *I would never do it* and *who cares, fish are still around* guys, and those in the middle who say *sometimes I do, but I try and be respectful*. I would say most people fall in the middle just like anything else political. No offense meant to anyone here.
  14. Because legs are more powerful than arms , an obvious advantage in power and being able to use two hands to fish and propel at the same time. I don't think pedal power and paddle power are the same, when you have propellers, etc. spinning/flapping with gearing. All it's going to take is for someone to come up with a way to design a blade/propeller, and figure out a way to shift the gearing like a bicycle, and pedal power will crush any paddle power IMO.
  15. Now we're back to chasing technology. If it's going to be a wide open, anything goes, even if it's just human interaction with the Kayak, then there will always be disadvantages to those that don't want to buy the latest and greatest. So, to answer your original question, based on no specific specs, then each propulsion method should be separated into their own classes IMO.
  16. I think electric could work under the right circumstances. It would require a kind of auto racing Nascar type, level playing field approach. Meaning, many manufacturers compete in the same series, but they are each restricted in different ways to make everyone level at the point of competition.
  17. I think there should be a standardized set of limits for all tournament fishing, whatever that standard might be. If it's pedal drive, trolling motors, etc. on kayaks, or governed motors on boats. I always liked watching the old bassmasters videos where everyone had the same boat, electronics, etc. People are naturally going to look for any advantage they can, and sometimes it becomes sort of unfair for anyone not wanting to chase the technology.
  18. Did you get some popping pad crashers as well? I've had good luck with them.
  19. I wonder how many Osprey, bald Eagle, river otter, blue heron, and other bass catch fish for sport.
  20. If I catch a fish on a bed, I release it where I caught it. Even though it's legal, I'm not that impressed with non tournament anglers who live well the fish and release them far away from the bed, but that's JMO. I would like to see tournaments all go to catch, weigh, and release at the spot (during the spawn), but I understand that it doesn't make for good weigh ins where people want to see the fish being held up, and the intrigue on who is going to win when they bring the bag on the stage.
  21. I go with about 5' or so. I use Tatulas with the T-Wing and the knot doesn't go through them without manipulating the line.
  22. Yes I did. I got the 6.3:1 and the 8.1:1. I used to have only a 7.1:1 (got rid of it for the two CT's). I figure I have the 7.1:1 covered by slowing down on the 8.1:1 with the advantage of the extra IPT of the 8.1:1 If I need it.
  23. I just bought 2 CT's and am very happy with them. I'm not much help with the Curado other than to say I don't think you will be disappointed with the CT if you go that route.
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