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Everything posted by Fun4Me

  1. I don't think the information about the particular subject I'm referring to is out there on BR, although I could be wrong.
  2. I'm not fishing for anything, I think you're misunderstanding my posts. I have no desire to slam anyone. I've tried to tip toe around naming the sponsor for obvious reasons. If you would like me to be specific, I will, but I'm trying to not be specific because my original question wasn't specific to this particular sponsor, I only used it as an example because I thought it could be a good discussion on a product that doesn't have a lot of information out on it.
  3. I don't mind that the thread was deleted. I just thought that the subject matter, minus the possible agenda/speculation was a worthy subject, especially with the YouTube presence and influence of those YouTubers on many of the young anglers. Is there a way for us to talk about the products of that particular sponsor in a the hopes of finding some truth about the product? It potentially wouldn't be at the top of the list when it comes to the *positive vibe* you speak of.
  4. No particular reason specifically. I was following a thread that had to do with two sponsors, and some possible comparisons between them with a little bit of possible negativity towards one sponsors particular product. I woke up today and the thread has been removed. I'm sure the reasons for deleting the thread are valid, but it made me curious as to whether a sponsor had any influence on how their products are discussed here, especially when it's possibly negative.
  5. Do sponsors have any say in the content that is mentioned about them, whether it's good or bad?
  6. Here's a thread from earlier on the PQ2 with a little bit of info.
  7. Fun4Me


    I'm watching live, and they're saying that the spectators are being extremely nice and courteous. Some are saying it's the best they've seen in years.
  8. I don't think people are degrading the reel, they're just giving legitimate options for $100. Whether or not it's unfair that I can get a CT for $100 and can't get a PQ2 for less, almost every day like I can with the CT, doesn't upset me I would imagine the PQ2 is a solid reel. Different strokes for different folks as they say.
  9. For me, it's because the CT is readily available on the Bay most all of the time. I don't tend to compare reels at MSRP, because I rarely buy reels at MSRP. If I have $100 to spend on a reel, I'm going to look for the best deal.
  10. You should be able to buff that out no problem
  11. Fun4Me


    EE just caught 20 pounds in 20 mins., less than an hour into day 2 to vault to the lead. No camera on him in Bassmaster live though
  12. I can't imagine it's any better than a Tatula CT for $100 on the Ebay. I imagine it's a good reel though.
  13. I sure hope Nessie didn't get a hold of him
  14. With the advent of quality braid line, I think sensitivity has become easier to get with cheaper rods. I would spend more on a reel if I could only have one higher priced component.
  15. I was responding to a member who said he went swimming in 40 degree water for a 75 cent Ned Rig.
  16. Well, it's starting to look like I need to go get fit for a straight jacket :). Thanks to all of you who have weighed the two baits!!
  17. I'm glad I'm not the only one that will go in after a cheap bait.
  18. Wait...does that mean i'm crazy again ? Or is KVD a liar? Skip to 4:40 in this video
  19. In that case, flip a coin.
  20. Ok, now that you have changed your OP wording, it makes some more sense. What do you have now, and what do you want to upgrade to?
  21. I'm not sure I understand the question. I don't think it matters, as you can't fish without a rod and reel in most cases.
  22. I have a President in the 30 size, and really like it. It's smaller and lighter than the 35, and because I throw braid on it I don't have to worry about memory with mono or fluoro. I think the 35 has a faster IPT than the 30 if retrieve speed is a concern, it may also hold a little more line although I've never used near enough line for it to be an issue with the 30 size. I mostly use mine for weightless/lightly weighted plastics, so retrieve speed isn't important to me. I have other set ups(baitcasters) for my speed baits.
  23. For the longest time, I thought I was just imagining that the 2 tap cast further and ran different. I even started a thread here asking about it. It wasn't until I saw the video where KVD said he weighed them and they were heavier than a regular RES that I knew I wasn't crazy LOL!
  24. Generally speaking, whichever version the fish will bite on a given day :). Another thing to consider is that the 1/2 oz. 2 tap weighs more than the regular 1/2 oz. version of red eye shad (according to KVD) which will make the fall rate different and run lower in the water column with the same retrieve vs. a regular RES.
  25. I would say that if you can exchange it for another one, go that route. If not, we could probably figure out the problem. I'm guessing that the spool shaft may not have enough lubricant and is causing the whining there (assuming you got the washers back in their correct orientation). The grinding could be from the backreel button not fully engaged, but that is a guess as well.
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