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Everything posted by Fun4Me

  1. Most every college is a dumpster fire just waiting to ignite. As far as telling his wife? Who knows, maybe she new about it all along. It wouldn't surprise me.
  2. Shawshank Redemption The Big Lebowski
  3. Never had that problem with mine. Just spitballing but could your spool be too full?
  4. I can promise Conor will last longer in a ring than Floyd would last in an octagon.
  5. The answer I would give is to spool your reel with braid and tie leaders for your other baits besides a frog.What pound line to use would depend on the conditions you fish most.
  6. I would throw the frog until I either caught every fish in the pond or couldn't buy a bite. I'd probably throw a whopper plopper second, then go to a worm or punch with a creature bait.
  7. I Lost a jig, from a knot that slipped, that stuck in the mouth of a big bass during the spawn. Went back the next day and caught it again on a drop shot and retrieved my lure
  8. I mainly fish small ponds from the bank. So far, frogs, wake baits, small spinner baits, and dragging worms have worked best for me.
  9. I fish them mostly Texas rigged weightless, and jerk it, let it fall, jerk it again, repeat. I have good luck in shallow water letting the bait get to the bottom then slowly reeling it in with light twitches. If a use a weight with them I usually go with a light split shot or something. I haven't yet tried it but I'm going to give it a go with a soft plastic fluke dragged along the bottom on a shakey head.
  10. Take a breath everyone. It's not worth arguing/insulting each other over.
  11. Custom Wilson Combat 1911, and Billy the Kids revolver.
  12. You don't own the water bro!! Sorry, had to say it :). Any fisherman that hooks a boats cover, is a jerk and deserves some grief (and possibly paying for the damage IMO), but if the water is public then fishing by a dock is fine, provided the fishermen are respectful of the dock and what's around it.
  13. Is $200 all you're ever going to spend on rods and reels? Or are you going to save and get something more down the road?
  14. I'm not in the "he got what he deserved crowd", but this situation really comes down to legalese. I don't know what United's policy is, when it comes to the legal ability to deny a paying passengers rights to fly, once boarded, but if it's clearly spelled out that they had the right to deny a passengers flight to make room for an employee, then the passenger who acts like a 5 year old brat has some culpability in the situation IMO. Did he deserve to get dragged out of the plane? Maybe not, but at what point does the airline use different tactics to a passenger that refuses to get off the plane? Now, if United has no legal speak in their documents that allow for this type of thing, then it's a different story IMO.
  15. I hope so, but he didn't clarify that part.
  16. Looks like the CEO is falling on the sword. In a tv interview, he said the passenger did nothing wrong and that no police will board a plane to remove a paid passenger again. Hopefully they still will have a way to remove disruptive passengers, otherwize it looks like fair game for the disruptors, and those that don't want to follow rules.
  17. Was the flight overbooked? Or was the flight full and United wanted 4 seats for it's employees to work a downline connection in Louisville?
  18. I've had good luck with the FG knot. If my knots break, they generally break at the hook eye.
  19. Not at all. I'm simply trying to get information about a sponsor, and if that happens I will be happy. I'm looking for information, nothing more. Now, if you want to apply some ulterior motive that you think is happening, I can't do anything about that, other than to say that I don't have any motive, other than information where there is little, which I think we can all agree on is a good thing good or bad.
  20. Fair enough, I apologize for suggesting it. As far as disappointing me, I know you as black letters on a white screen (as I am to you) disappointment never crossed my mind, and never will.
  21. Simply asking. Why the hostility?
  22. Is it safe to say that Favorite will be given a place to respond to questions about their company should they choose to? Because, as of now, there's no thread for them to respond that isn't locked.
  23. I see that my thread was locked. Does this effectively end the ability for any of us to gain information straight from the horses mouth (favorite), or can I start a new thread asking people to not thread drift in hopes of actually getting some information?
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