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Everything posted by Fun4Me

  1. Just so I understand correctly, you're saying that if I catch a white bass at El Dorado, which is posted on the sign at the dock as a nuisance species, it's illegal for me to release it back into the lake alive?
  2. When are we going to see the food this lion produced? Lion is the fruit of the jungle. You can BBQ it Boil it Broil it Bake it Saute it There's Lion kebabs Lion creole Lion gumbo Pan fried Deep fried Stir-fry There's Pineapple lion Lemon lion Coconut lion Pepper lion Lion soup Lion stew Lion salad Lion and potatoes Lion burger Lion sandwich That's...that's about it
  3. How do you get the dead squirrels?
  4. This might show my age LOL, but didn't Laverne from Laverne and Shirley drink milk in Pepsi?
  5. Is it a good practice put your preferred brand of hook on a lure right away? Or do you just use what came with the lure?
  6. Just joined from Kansas myself, Welcome!!
  7. So far I've only seen White Perch listed on the sign at the boat ramp or listed on some of the signs at different lakes, so I would only be concerned with that specific species.
  8. So a good rule of thumb is, catch a nuisance fish and figure out something to do with it other than releasing it back into the lake?
  9. At some of the lakes around here, Zebra mussels and white perch are on the list. I just didn't know if I was doing the lake a disservice by releasing a white perch back into the lake, as opposed to just eating it or disposing it by some other means.
  10. If you live in an area where nuisance fish are posted, and you catch one, what do you personally do? Is there a right or wrong way to deal with this scenario?
  11. Pflueger president and use your ugly stick. If you have an academy sports around you, and want to get a new rod, go check out their clearance rods and look for an H2O extreme ethos. I bought both of mine for right at $20 a piece.
  12. I prefer the juice weasel https://youtu.be/4Ljto3Us644
  13. Yeah, I don't really know why the league did that either. I guess they didn't think the rule was meant to encourage that kind of formation from the start. I certainly don't have a problem with teams trying to ride the fine edge of a rule, but they should also expect to get stung every now and then when they go too far.
  14. I can' remember, but didn't the league change the rules on those type of formations?
  15. I hope he plays too. Moreover, I hope if he does decide to take this to court, it doesn't end up with him serving a suspension at the end of the season or the playoffs.
  16. Couldn't I say the same thing about the people who believe Tom did nothing wrong?
  17. That might have be the motivation for Harbough to say something to a team or the league. What was Roger Godell's motivation?
  18. If it's truly a witch hunt, what's the motivation?
  19. You're going to have to try and isolate what is causing the problem. If you can get it to not start unless you wiggle the wires all the time then you can be pretty sure you have a problem there.
  20. I certainly can't disagree with any of that A-Jay. As it pertains to deflategate, I think there are people who think Tom Brady can do no wrong, and people who think Tom Brady did the equivalent of coming into their house and shooting their puppy. The truth is he probably had something to do with the balls. I don't think the league has handled it very well, and I don't think Brady did himself any favors by the way he's handle his actions either.
  21. I think that there are a certain percentage people who are on the extremes of any newsworthy story, whether it's sports, politics, and the list goes on. I believe that the truth generally lies somewhere towards the middle. In this particular case, I'm not going to absolve Tom Brady or the league.
  22. He's probably a good guy if your uncle recommended him. I would take it back and see what they say. Like I said, it could be related to something they did the first time and won't cost you any money.
  23. I try not to drink it all that often anymore, but I have no problem sucking one or two down when I feel like it. If one breaks it down, virtually everything on this planet is bad for us in one capacity or another. I try not to sweat it, but I do think moderation is the key.
  24. You might get lucky and not be charged if it's something they did wrong. How well do you know this mechanic or place that you took it? You said your grandfather helps you with mechanical things. If he can't find the problem, or if he would be willing to help fix the problem, you can save some money by taking it in and letting them tell you what's wrong with it, then doing the work yourself.
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