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Everything posted by Fun4Me

  1. It's certainly a good way for manufactures to get people to think they need to buy new stuff.
  2. Is that like that bass version of rochambeau?
  3. I generally cast two handed now, but my non casting hand comes off of the rod during the cast to close the bail, or in the case of a baitcaster, one would use that opportunity to palm the reel. Barring holding two hands on the rod throughout the cast, the best way to eliminate steps seems (so far at least) to be to "throw" your cast hand up to the palming position. This video shows both ways for a left hand casting person. The first cast at the 2:55 mark shows a regular cast where he casts with his left, lifts his non casting hand off and palms the reel before the lure hits the water. The cast at 4:20 shows him casting with his left hand on a right hand reel. in that case he casts the same way but has to throw his hand up the reel to semi palm it. that move would be even more exaggerated if he wanted to palm it enough to get his finger to the line, or more fingers past the trigger on the rod, like the palming position in the 2:55 cast.
  4. If palming has it's advantages, i'm trying to figure out if having a left hand reel is worth the potential added step to palm it, if I want to cast with my right and reel with my left. Let's say you want to cast with your left hand, and reel with your right hand on a right hand reel, or, you want to cast with your right hand and reel with your left hand on a left hand reel (like a spinning set up), If you want the position of your casting hand to be anything different than the way it is when you cast, how do you go about doing that without some sort of double clutch, or have two hands on the rod throughout the entire cast? I consider palming to be any position that doesn't allow one to make another cast without repositioning their hand to make it happen.
  5. So when you cast, you leave your left hand on the rod until the bait enters the water, or the spool is no longer in any danger of overrunning, then place your right hand on the reel (palming)?
  6. I'm in a hurry to get out of the door, and I will explain why I asked this later this afternoon, but is there any advantage to palming other than comfort?.
  7. Rookie question, but how does one palm a left hand reel if they cast with their right hand? With a right hand reel, one casts with their right hand, or both, then places their left hand on the reel (palming it) and then reels with their right hand. In a left hand situation, they cast with their right hand, or both and reel with the left. If you want to palm a left hand reel, how do you get your right hand from the casting position to the palming position?
  8. If coffee and garlic seem to work, I can't imagine bacon at least not being worth a try, although I don't know if I would want to waste the bacon grease on anything other than my stomach
  9. I'm holding out for lasagna scent...
  10. It's cheaper to just buy the gas for 2 cents more a gallon, at the store close to your house, unless you're buying more than 60 gallons. ( Gas is about $2.40 a gallon here )
  11. You could leash the rods to the Yak, and eliminate any floating device.
  12. http://www.autoanything.com/towing/69A5235A0A0.aspx
  13. Thanks. Now I'm going to have nightmares
  14. Sounds like you had a case of the George Costaza wallet treatment
  15. Do you have an Academy sports near you? I don't have any experience with them but I've heard others here say that the H2O Mettle ( house brand of Academy ) is a good reel. They even have combos for $99 but I don't know the quality of the rod in that combo. EDIT: Looks like new2BC4bass had the same idea
  16. Bluebasser: I did indeed see the copy/paste from post #25, and I'm not trying to say that your wrong, I just want to make sure I do the right thing when it comes to legality. I've never fished anywhere that I had to kill a fish I caught, or risk a ticket. It's just new to me that's all.
  17. woops, sorry about that. I tried the search button and didn't come up with anything. Disregard.
  18. Fishing makes me hungry, especially if I'm going to be out for a few hours. What do you guys take with you?
  19. I think his point was, if your going to start listing things that contribute to ones quality of life being diminished, the site's probably going to have to invest in some more server space to accompany such a list.
  20. That's what I did wrong, I hit the share instead of just copy/paste the reply box. Thank you both for helping me, I appreciate it.
  21. I hit share on the video, highlighted it, and hit control c. I then tried to edit my post and hit control v. It just linked the video again. Maybe I screwed something up. This is the post I'm trying to make like the post above mine. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/161290-bass-fishing-fail/?p=1822999
  22. Is there a thread, or could someone please walk me through how to post a video without it coming up as just a link to the video? Much thanks!!
  23. That is hilarious!! I think maybe he needs to practice his hook sets. The best part of that video is the pocket dump of shame at the end LOL!! That video reminds me of how close that came to happening to Swindle.
  24. I thought one could use them as bait as long as they're not alive? Meaning I could catch one, cut it up and go catfishing. I guess I was just wondering about the letter of the law as it's written. If it's technically illegal to posses a live one, then I would think the man could just hover around an angler until he/she caught one either intentionally or by mistake, and ticket them for possessing a live white perch. I can't imagine they would do that however. The way I read it on the KDWPT website makes me think that they're talking about taking live fish away from the lake to release them somewhere else, thus needing a permit to do so. I'm under the impression, and I will verify it before I do it, that I can catch a white perch and throw it back into the lake alive and be fine, or I can catch a white perch cut it up and throw it back and be fine also, if I decide not to eat it.
  25. I mistyped, I had bass on my mind LOL!!. I indeed meant white perch. So, If I'm fishing for any species at El Dorado, or any place where white perch is posted, and catch one, I have to do something other than release it back into the water alive? Can I just knife it and throw it back in? I'm heading to El Dorado this weekend, I'll talk to someone and post whatever I find out.
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