Can you politely link me to specific sentences where the judge says anything related with his judgment being applicable to Brady's innocence in the deflation part, and not the process by which he was punished?
And before I get steam rolled by the Brady posse, let me just say this, I'm not a Brady hater. In fact I like him a lot and want to see him play, so I'm glad that he now gets to play. Personally I would have been happy with a fine only. Do I think he deserved 4 games? Heck no. Do I think he had something to do with the balls being under inflated? I do.
Personally I see this case and judgement the same way I see this speeding ticket scenario.
Cop pulls over someone and gives them a ticket for going 55 in a 30 MPH zone. Driver proclaims he wasn't going over the speed limit and decides to go to court. The judge hears the case and dismisses it on the grounds that the officer didn't fill out the ticket properly.
Driver doesn't pay the ticket, but that doesn't mean he wasn't going 55 in a 30.
I don't have any problem with the judge throwing out the Games for Brady. Doesn't mean I think he's innocent when it comes to deflated balls, and unless any of you, who think he's innocent of everything, were actually there when these infractions allegedly took place, you don't know for a fact either, so stop acting like you do.