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Everything posted by Fun4Me

  1. Can you politely link me to specific sentences where the judge says anything related with his judgment being applicable to Brady's innocence in the deflation part, and not the process by which he was punished? And before I get steam rolled by the Brady posse, let me just say this, I'm not a Brady hater. In fact I like him a lot and want to see him play, so I'm glad that he now gets to play. Personally I would have been happy with a fine only. Do I think he deserved 4 games? Heck no. Do I think he had something to do with the balls being under inflated? I do. Personally I see this case and judgement the same way I see this speeding ticket scenario. Cop pulls over someone and gives them a ticket for going 55 in a 30 MPH zone. Driver proclaims he wasn't going over the speed limit and decides to go to court. The judge hears the case and dismisses it on the grounds that the officer didn't fill out the ticket properly. Driver doesn't pay the ticket, but that doesn't mean he wasn't going 55 in a 30. I don't have any problem with the judge throwing out the Games for Brady. Doesn't mean I think he's innocent when it comes to deflated balls, and unless any of you, who think he's innocent of everything, were actually there when these infractions allegedly took place, you don't know for a fact either, so stop acting like you do.
  2. Agreed, it's certainly a fun time to be a Royals fan.
  3. Did anyone benefit from the tuck rule?
  4. Just so we're clear, the ruling by the judge yesterday had nothing to do with Tom Brady's innocence or guilt, but had everything to do with the process by which he was punished. Two totally separate things.
  5. What do those run, if you don't mind me asking? Feel free to PM me if you don't want to put it out in public.
  6. Good theory, but highly unlikely. Even if I believed that, why would he punish his good buddy Robert Kraft if he was envious of TB?
  7. I like those a lot. Thank you for the info! Are those the same size as a Pit Boss?
  8. What are those A-Jay? Did you buy them like that?
  9. While we wait for all of this to play out, I have a question that no one has been able to answer to my satisfaction, enough to make me agree with. If I assume that Brady had absolutely no idea about the deflated balls, and the league believed that, then what the NFL is doing is basically trying to frame arguably the best team and the best quarterback in the league. What's the motivation for that, considering before this all went down we heard about how good of friends Goodell and Kraft were?
  10. The bottom line is neither side will back down. If the judge would have ruled in favor of the NFL, does anyone really believe Tom Brady wouldn't have appealed it? This isn't over. It hinges completely on the wording of the CBA, and what it says about evidence vs non evidence, as it relates to Goodells power to discipline players, again that the PA agreed to.
  11. So, he's a putz because he was perceived to go too light on Ray Rice, and he's a putz because he was perceived to be too heavy handed on Brady? The only people who hate Goodell are the workers (players). The bosses (owners) almost universally like him. Let's also not forget that the players union agreed to give Goodell all this power.
  12. Oh yeah, it was the chicken pox wasn't it. my mistake. Yeah I think they'll be fine, just seemed like an odd story. I'm just happy that I can finally show my face as a Royals fan over last couple years and not get laughed at ha ha!
  13. I'm trying to distract myself from thinking about all the Royals potentially getting the measles LOL!!!
  14. Here's Swindle talking about it.
  15. At this point, it's not about Brady, it's about the opening of the flood gates to anyone and everyone taking their punishment from the NFL to court. I just heard that Greg Hardy is considering taking his case to court now. I believe the NFL will fight this recent decision because if they don't, they're never going to be able to discipline a player again without it going to court, every time. The CBA was written a certain way, and I would think that the NFL would challenge the ruling on that basis.
  16. I don't really care if Brady knew or not, none of us really know if he knew, I'm just interested to see what the NFL does going forward. I have to imagine they're going to appeal it, and they very well may win on appeal.
  17. My theory for beginning fisherman Try and read as much information as you can, to think like a fish, and hope that you're lucky enough to find an angler like roadwarrior who is willing to put his own ego aside, put his own gear in your hands and teach you the proper way, even if it means he catches no fish.
  18. Never mind. I give up.
  19. This thread title had so much potential
  20. Welcome aboard!! You sound like a great teacher of fishing. Well done !!
  21. Op, I understand and agree with your concept. It's the other stuff that makes me wonder why it was said in the first place.
  22. There's no such thing as too much LOL!!
  23. Agreed, and it doesn't help when the first sign of a possible differing opinion is met with (paraphrasing) I'll out fish you too, just name the time and place.
  24. That's pretty uncalled for, don't you think?
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