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  1. fishwizzard's post in XF or F for Ned rigs was marked as the answer   
    I think the Loomis MagLight/XFast spinning rods are some of the best ever for traditional MWF fishing with light heads and smaller thin-wire hooks, but with a more powerful rod I would not want as fast a taper.  So I guess for me the choice depends on the power of the rod, the more powerful the slower I want the taper and the lighter the rod the faster I want it.  
  2. fishwizzard's post in Noting lure weights was marked as the answer   
    I weigh more or less every new lure, plastic, and bit of terminal tackle that passes through my hands.  Mostly I do it out of curiosity, but also to let me narrow down what combo I want to try my new toy on. 
    In terms of keeping track, I do it a few different ways.  Jigs, I only use maybe 3-4 different jigs, so it's easy to remember.  For plastics, I mentally assign each one into three rough categories.  A 5" senko weighs right about 3/8oz, so plastics are either "lighter then a Senko", "same as a Senko", or "heavier than a Senko".  This is about as granular as I need to get unless I am fussing with UL tackle where the tiny differences matter more.  
  3. fishwizzard's post in Suggestions on buying a frog rod was marked as the answer   
    I have the Gen2 version of the FMS and it is amazing.  It's not a rod for open water popping, but for long cast-n-drag or moving topwaters like toads/buzz worms it is perfect.  It's can handle thicker trebles, so smaller wake and glidebaits are good on it as well.  
  4. fishwizzard's post in JDM Reel Concerns was marked as the answer   
    I have had to pay for a repair on a JDM reel that would have been covered by warranty a single time, a bad pinion gear on an old Zillion SV.  But I have saved like 5 times that much buying JDM reels, so it still works out to a better deal. 
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