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Everything posted by fishwizzard

  1. The Keitech’s are great jigs, super compact for the weight. I lucked out with a lot of them on ebay a few years ago and get sad whenever I lose one.
  2. Sad to hear the Avids are gone, I have the 6'2" M/XF casting rod and love it, the best fluke rod I have found. It doesn't look like they are retaining that spec, so I guess I need to start tracking down a spare.
  3. I never fish a DS vertically, it’s always a (mostly) moving presentation. I use it most in the dozens of empty-bottom ponds around me. I use a DS so I can present a smaller plastic just off the bottom with minimal chances of it snagging and wasting a cast. I cast it out and slowly crank it back, keeping the weight on the bottom. If the weight hits something I will stop and deadstick/shake it a bit. Sometimes I crank it fast enough to just keep the weight ticking the bottom, sometimes so slowly that I use my thumb to advance the spool and don’t touch the handle.
  4. It’s impossible to quantify as like a straight percentage but the handle/grip on a PA certainly transmits vibration far better than any other rod I have held. If I’m fishing with it and the metal zipper pull on my jacket impacts the handle it feels like somebody has flicked my palm with their finger. Overall it’s one of the most impressive rods I’ve ever held and feels like an amazing value for the money.
  5. That’s how you fold theatrical curtains that are taller than they are wide. The grunt work you do at the beginning of your career as a stagehand involves a lot of sweeping, a lot of mopping, and a lot of folding curtains. Bath towels are taller than they are wide, so they should be treated the same way.
  6. I worked as a stage hand for most of my life and that involves handling and storing tens of thousands of yards of various drapes, curtains, backdrops. A fold/roll hybrid system absolutely the best way to store larger fabrics most all of the time, why anyone would argue otherwise is a complete mystery.
  7. Bath towels should be folded twice along their length and then rolled, there’s literally no other acceptable way to do this!
  8. I am occasionally allowed to weed-whack but I have to get a 15 minute lecture beforehand about which plants good amd which plants are bad as apparently this is an ever changing thing.
  9. Although we have a generally equitable chore system in place the one amazing exception is yardwork. My wife grew up in the middle of a city and lived in urban areas her entire life until we move to a semi-rural spot maybe a decade ago. She, for some reason, was tremendously excited to do yardwork and somehow has maintain that excitement for this long. I don’t ask too many questions as obviously this does amazing things for my fishing time so this is a particular boat that I do not care to rock. I do sort of miss being allowed to use the riding lawnmower sometimes though.
  10. A kind of squished sphere?
  11. I gained a noticeable amount of distance switching from a spinning to a casting combo with a DS rig and even more accuracy. It feels like I have more control throughout the casting stroke and especially at the moment of release.
  12. I have never used those rods but have had a handful of MC rods over the years and they have all be pretty accurately rated, if a little optimistic on the low end sometimes.
  13. I am soup obsessed as it fits my style of cooking, a burst of activity (making a huge vat of soup) and then a period of laziness (eating a huge vat of soup). I have been on a huge Korean food kick of late and I have been making kimchi-jjigae a lot. https://www.maangchi.com/recipe/kimchi-jjigae I didn't grow up eating it but something about the flavor profiles of Korean cuisine is all I want these days.
  14. In the absence of other behavioral or disciplinary/legal issues, I would lean strongly towards something like this. Getting jobs and then actually quitting vs just being such a pos that you get fired are different symptoms.
  15. I would love to join you for some fishing. My schedule is pretty random but I end up with a mix of weekend and weekdays off.
  16. A company I work for had the most amazing payroll lady. We would work really nutso hours, 80 hour weeks were not uncommon, so a lot of the time my timesheet would contain some really embarrassing math errors or just plain nonsensical entries. She was incredible about catching and correcting errors in my favor and letting me know about it. One day after a particularly egregious one that would’ve cost me a couple hundred bucks, I stoped by her office to thank her and jokingly said that she should take a cut every time she finds an error in my favor.She looks at me and instantly dead-pans “What makes you think I haven’t been doing that all along?” Now that she’s gone I actually have to pay attention myself.
  17. I don’t think there’s any activity on this earth I could do every single day and not eventually get sick of it. For me fishing is pretty high up the list but there’s definitely days where, if I’ve had a lot of hours on the water recently, I will decide not to fish and just do something else to spice things up a little bit.
  18. I tried yesterday, like 24f temps with a little wind. Water was freezing on my line as I was working the jig back to me, it would crack and fall off as the line when into the tiptop. I gave it a go for like 20min but as soon as my hand got wet I gave up and just went for a hike.
  19. Thanks, will do! Right now I am burning through my box o' random jigheads as I practice tying.
  20. I have been running Swamp Crawlers and 6" Robos against each other for the last two years. I want to give up on the Robos but on a DS the Robos outfish the SCs for some reason so I have to keep both.
  21. Second batch of wooly bugger jigs. The chenille I ordered is really fat, almost too much for these 1/8oz heads and way too thick for the smaller 1/16 and 1/32oz heads I want to tie on. My techniques still need a lot of work, but I made six total and didn't have to cut any apart to start over, which is progress.
  22. Those are great, I love the eyes! Is your "flat jig" an OG Slider Head?
  23. Lite Trout or Bone/Pearl/Whatever they call the offwhite one are the colors that get bit the most for me.
  24. Actually the southern sound ate both their lunches for a decade or so, but we are moving far afield of bass fishing.
  25. Please don't start the East Coast/West Coast beef back up, the nation has long healed that wound.
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