So I am wade fishing a small river. It’s a spot where I have had a literal 100-fish day and a few others close to that. It’s all tiny fish though, big Redbrest sunfish and smallies in the 7-12” range.
It’s the end of the day and I am at the edge of a 3-4’ deep pool, casting upstream past it. My lure gets slammed, the UL rod is bent double. It’s a smallie, maybe 16”, maybe 18”, the biggest I have ever seen in this river. I set the hook and the fight is on. I get him into the pool and he calms down. This is when I get cocky and decide to get my phone out before the fish is landed.
I take my hand off the reel and grab my phone. As soon as it clears my pocket, the bass surges away. I drop my $700 pocket computer and grab the reel handle. Now, the phone is in a “waterproof” case, but it’s now in 3-4’ of water in front of me. The screen is lit and I can see it.
I land the bass and get him lipped, but I can’t reach my phone. I am waist deep and the bottom of my pack is just skimming the water. I want a picture of this bass so I close my eyes and dunk my head under.
As soon as my fingers close on the phone, the bass, now fully sick of the situation, thrashes out of my grip and swims off. Some how my phone still works and I have a very soggy 3 mile hike back to my car.
This was three years ago and still see that bass perfectly in my mind’s eye.