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Everything posted by fishwizzard

  1. I like tiny finesse jigs. These are Sieberts' 1/8oz Arkys with a baby Rage Craw. All in it weighs like 7/16oz and I fish them on BFS casting rods and ML-M spinning rods.
  2. The lack of an option to make a shopping cart into a wishlist and vice versa is my biggest beef. The $50/Free Shipping deal is such a good fit for that kind of option I don't see how they don't offer it.
  3. I am amazed at both how long it took TW to even offer a wishlist and how poorly the one they came up with is. This isn't some brave new frontier of online retail they are struggling with. Their website is generally pretty good too, which makes it even stranger.
  4. I thought it was to remove the chance of the bail snapping shut on the cast, shocking the line and sending your lure into low-earth orbit?
  5. That has been my experience as well. I have a rod on the way that I very much want to use braid/long leader with so I am going to finally sit down and try to lean the FG knot and see if that works.
  6. It depends on where you fish. I have a lot of spots by me that are either small wadable rivers or manmade ponds with little cover, so I get a lot of use out of L and ML rods both casting and spinning.
  7. That does seem a bit low. I have an old IMX spinning rod that I would love to have a TN grip installed on but between the cost plus shipping it does not seem worth it.
  8. I have been working my way through a 660y spool of 7lb Sniper over the last few years and while I have mixed feelings about it, I do like it a lot on spinning reels, it’s even reasonably managable on small 1000 sized Shimanos.
  9. I wish Loomis would use that reel sest on all their spinning rods.
  10. That's the best idea that I am never going to remember when I need it. Still going to stick one in my kayak-tools box.
  11. A smaller swimjig slowly reeled past cover or weightless trickworm are my go-tos for most of my winter ponds, they all have too much hard cover for treble hooks or line-line presentstions. A few of them are open enough for a dropshot, then I use a 6” Robo or 3” paddletail with a short dropper. I cast and slowly retrieve it, only stopping it when the weight hangs on something.
  12. The 1/4oz version of that jig is my most-used by a large margin. With a trailer it’s like ~0.40oz so I can cast or pitch it on most any rod. It’s got a nice slow fall and is light enough to not sink too deep in muck bottoms and the deep hook gap lets me use a SK Shellcracker as a trailer, which make it a very very subtle swimjig. For “normal” dragging and hopping I like a Rage Mance and will be trying a 4” Pit Boss on them this year.
  13. I don't understand this line of thinking these days, you can set your card to send you a txt or email every time something is changed on it and federal law severely limits/eliminates the liability for having your number stolen so long as you report it promptly even if you card has a zero-liability policy, which most major banks do. https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0213-lost-or-stolen-credit-atm-and-debit-cards
  14. I 100% believe this is true. When I go a few weeks without fishing a Ned that #2 hook always looks a lot smaller then I remember and sometimes I hard to believe I can catch the same fish on it and a 5/0 XXX shank jig hook. I prefer bright colors, mostly Red and Chart. Disregarding what the bass think of them, I find a bright head really helpful in guiding the lure around snaggy cover and guiding it where I want it in general. I am also often surprised at how many hits I detect by suddenly seeing my jig-head vanish. For river fishing it seems like the smallies swim at me fairly often after biting and the bright head vanishing often comes a second or so before I feel any pressure on the line or even see it move unnaturally.
  15. You can also snip off a chunk of the ribbon tail to make it more of a cut-tail look, it will wrap around the weeds less that way.
  16. Have you posted the one on the left before? That paint looks stunning.
  17. Trying to move some of my finesse casting rods to fund a new toy, I would love to get these sold and am flexible on pricing for local pick-up sales.
  18. I want to be as visiable as possiable. It helps that Chartreuse Green is my favorite color, so that’s the color I picked for my yak and starting next season, my pfd. My paddle has orange blades and if I ever rememeber I will put reflective tape on it.
  19. Yea, it is a literal "boy who cried wolf" situation and is a disservice to both consumers and industry. Like if both methyl ethyl ketone and my toothbrush have the same warning on them, something is wrong.
  20. It's only January 26th and we already have a contender for "Biggest Understatement of the Year" ? It's not impossible, but I would order a spare (or three..) c-clips when you order the inductor. There are also tools to make installing them easier but I dont know much about them, I would think that MCS or McMaster would have them.
  21. Did they get updated recently? I have noticed way way more of them popping up in the last six months or so.
  22. So I am wade fishing a small river. It’s a spot where I have had a literal 100-fish day and a few others close to that. It’s all tiny fish though, big Redbrest sunfish and smallies in the 7-12” range. It’s the end of the day and I am at the edge of a 3-4’ deep pool, casting upstream past it. My lure gets slammed, the UL rod is bent double. It’s a smallie, maybe 16”, maybe 18”, the biggest I have ever seen in this river. I set the hook and the fight is on. I get him into the pool and he calms down. This is when I get cocky and decide to get my phone out before the fish is landed. I take my hand off the reel and grab my phone. As soon as it clears my pocket, the bass surges away. I drop my $700 pocket computer and grab the reel handle. Now, the phone is in a “waterproof” case, but it’s now in 3-4’ of water in front of me. The screen is lit and I can see it. I land the bass and get him lipped, but I can’t reach my phone. I am waist deep and the bottom of my pack is just skimming the water. I want a picture of this bass so I close my eyes and dunk my head under. As soon as my fingers close on the phone, the bass, now fully sick of the situation, thrashes out of my grip and swims off. Some how my phone still works and I have a very soggy 3 mile hike back to my car. This was three years ago and still see that bass perfectly in my mind’s eye.
  23. Yea, If I get one I want a baby one to put on a JDM stream trout rod and buy a matching acsot to wear while fishing it.
  24. Now I want an Abu. Is there one about the size of like a 100 or 50 sized Conquest?
  25. I have a very silliy rod I am going to try this season. It’s a Daiwa Triforce “Shorty” casting rod. 3’ long, M/F, 1/8-1/2oz. It’s stiff as hell and a small frog just starts to load it. I want to use it as a hiking rod and throw smaller frogs and topwaters on it. It’s not strong enough for heavy cover but I think I can get good hooksets with it in more open water. It has no tip to speak of but it’s short legnth lets it walk lures with ease. I am going to stick a cheap reel full of cheap 40lb braid on it and fish it until something breaks.
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