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Everything posted by fishwizzard

  1. Stand in the Greentop parking lot and try to sell it for 90 cents on the dollar.
  2. I fish frogs an awful lot and have two combos for them: Long range IRod Fred's Magic Stick 7'5", 1/2-2oz, XH/MF Morethan PE SV w/ 40lb PP Short Range Daiwa BLX LG 631MHFB-FR 6'3", 1/4-1.5oz, MH/F Daiwa Tatula TASV103XS w/ 40lb PP SS v2 As for the frogs themselves, I use a Gavacho most of the time when I am fishing an actual frog, otherwise a Bullt Wa 65 when I want a bigger frog. Most of my frogging takes place with the shorty Daiwa, the Fred's mostly gets used with toads/paddletail frogs. I fish from the bank or a yak and never could get comfortable walking/popping a frog with a long rod, esp when I am making shorter casts or at the end of a retrieve. I started out looking for a shorter frog rod and ended up with the BLX. I am so glad I did, it's one of my most used rods now and rarely leaves my car from spring to fall.
  3. 2h if I think it will be good fishing, 3h if I "know" it will be good fishing.
  4. I also feel compelled to admit that yesterday I also fell into a creek up to my chest. It's easily my first "past the knee" involuntary dunking in like five years. It was the classic thing where the bank just crumbles under your weight, but I compounded it by grabbing for a dead tree, which proceeded to fall over on me. I will say that I am pleased that my instincts kicked in and my combo never even got damp, I shot my arm straight up and saved it from any water contact.
  5. Hit some ponds yesterday and had a good bit of success. These are the biggest two, both came from the same Windblown bank maybe four hours apart. Still cannot figure out how to rotate photos though.
  6. Because doing the drag-30 second deadstick-drag routine with a weightless senko all day to catch a bass or two gets pretty un-fun pretty quickly?
  7. i have a little flyfishing chest pack, but I don’t think it will be easy to access under the PFD and I obviously cant wear it over top it.
  8. Agreed. Shooter is like weed-whacker line but the slackline feedback is outstanding.
  9. man if you aren’t wearing wool socks you are missing out…..
  10. For 100% bottom contact, I prefer Shooter over Tatsu. For more general stuff it’s either Tatsu or Sniper, whichever I can find on sale when it’s time to restock.
  11. You can occasionally find pretty good deals on four-packs of Plano boxes on Amazon or eBay, I have a bunch of searches saved so whatever I feel like I need more I can start looking until I find a reasonable price. The small 3500 boxes are great for Simple plastics presentations I don’t need a lot of terminal tackle. For example I throw Super Flukes a ton and I can fit about 18 of them plus hooks in a 3500 box. Same thing with Trickworms, I can fit a ton of them, some hooks, and some shakyhead jigs all in a tiny little 3500 box that’s super easy to just throw into my pack(s).
  12. I would agree which is unfortunate as the BLX that I have is the short little frog rod and it lives an extremely rough life, I bought it specifically as a bushwhacking rod and it’s not so pretty anymore. I would say the worst rods I’ve seen in terms of fit and finish are some of the older Loomis rods. I’ve been slowly collecting up a little arsenal of old GLX rods and while I love the blanks, the build quality on them is pretty rough.
  13. I can post some pictures but for some reason on my phone the either come out sideways or upside down. I generally don’t keep trailers on more than maybe one of each color, so you can fit a lot of them stacked into a relatively small space that way. This box is “1/4oz jigs and 3/16 t-rigs”. There are a few jigs w/ trailers and maybe 2-3 of each color jammed into One of the small compartments. There’s some assorted 6 inch worms and some assorted creatures used both for trailers or t-rig plastics. All the different terminal tackle I need is contained in the kit so I can just grab it, a combo, and run out the door. This one use with a couple different rods and is probably in my kayak crate 90% of the time. These two are packed for specific combos. The top one is “3/8oz total weight jigs/worm”. I have since re-packed it a little bit but it’s used with a medium light casting combo. I can grab it, a couple of small hardbaits and have everything I need if I want to fish that rod for a day of bank beating. The box on the bottom is the same thing but for stuff in the quarter ounce total weight range. I use it for a light casting combo with the same deal, grab it, grab a few hard baits, and hit the bank. Like I said, I probably have two dozen in total spread across the 3600and 3500 boxes. I am forever repacking them As I acquire new tackle or figure out more efficient ways to combine stuff.
  14. Because of the frequency of pike/snakehead bycatch I always have a pair of lip grippers on me. I use them for bass whenever I’m dealing with treble hooks or what it’s cold out and I want to keep my hand as dry as possible as long as possible.
  15. Don’t think it was my bank rejecting it as they never notified me, it was something on the amazon.jp website that wouldn’t let stuff go through. Like I said it was years ago so I’ll give it another try. Honestly though I don’t know if i need to make it easier to buy more tackle from overseas ?
  16. I tried to make an account at amazon.jp a year or so ago and wasn’t able to figure out how to get payments to work with an American credit card. Is there some trick I missing?
  17. If you just want to ease your paranoia, buy a fly tying bobbin and wrap a little ball of thread snug up to the hook eye and keep it there with a dab of crazy glue.
  18. A curly tail worm on a shakeyhead jig is becoming my goto yak bottom contract presentation. It works sitting, it works being dragged, it works being hopped.
  19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mellified_man I think I’d like to go out along these lines, but maybe with coffee instead of honey.
  20. All of my tackle gets packed into 3600 or 3500 boxes in little kits built around a specific presentation or a specific combo. Depending on what I’m doing on a given day I’ll grab a couple boxes to either go into a tackle sling, a backpack, or my kayak crate. I’m up to about two dozen boxes and endlessly re-packing them gives me something to do in the evenings when I can’t get to sleep.
  21. I bought an 17 Outback a few years ago specifically due it’s fishing/yaking suitability. I can fit up to an 8’ rod in there and anything under 7’ doesn’t even protrude into the front compartment very much. I keep larger rear seat folded down all the time and I can fit an incredible amount of fishing/hiking/yakking gear in there and still have room for groceries. My only complaint is the factory rack, it’s not compatible with aftermarket stuff but a little hillbilly engineering will fix that so I can install a Hullavator this summer.
  22. I have tried cargo pocketed shorts but I don't like the bulk in there either. I stand/sit a lot so keeping things clear and secure it really important. I looked around a little and didn't find a pocketed one from Stearns but did find this one from Mustang: https://mustangsurvival.com/products/hit-inflatable-pfd-md3183-02 It's got a small pocket but seems like overkill for my uses, I tend to sick to small impoundments and/or places so shallow that I am rarely more than a few dozen feet from shallow water. https://mustangsurvival.com/products/mit-70-automatic-inflatable-pfd?pr_prod_strat=copurchase&pr_rec_pid=4623364292653&pr_ref_pid=4361321938989&pr_seq=uniform This is the one I have been looking at. I am going to try and see if I can find anywhere near me that stocks them to see how relatively bulky they are.
  23. I realize what I want is contradictory, less bulk on my chest/back but at the same time I want all this stuff accessible. The only things I really need on-body are the whistle, knife, phone, and wallet, I am going to focus on a solution for that stuff and look into some kind of mount for a tool pouch in the cockpit with me for the rest.
  24. I have tried using a tool pouch at my waist before but it was forever getting snarled on the diagonal strap at the rear of my seat. I was thinking of getting a small fannypack and wearing it under the vest like a sling, still a little bukly but not as bulky as a foam PFD maybe? I try to keep my pockets empty for both comfort and security reasons. A few times I have had my wallet work it's way out of my front pocket after a few hours of squirming around in the chair. I have cargo pockets I keep it in now, but I really don't want to add anymore stuff down there either.
  25. I have been looking at replacing my current "normal" PFD with an auto-inflate one for yak use. The biggest stumbling block so far is the loss of storage. I keep the following in/on my vest: Whistle Knife Pliers Line cutter Phone w/ tether Little thing of sunblock Pack of cigars/lighter Some of that stuff can be stored off-body but I want to keep a lot of it on me. I can't layer over the PFD and I don't think like a fly vest under it would work. My yak is on the smaller side and I really like keeping the deck as clear as I can. Anyone figured out a good solution for this?
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