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Everything posted by fishwizzard

  1. Decided to go fish the former Bohde Dam site this morning only to discover they don’t open the gate until 9am! Who is causing trouble at the river between sunup and nine?
  2. The bottom two are going to make excellent trailers for tiny jigs!
  3. I have been using this stuff for a few years and I will never go back to deet.
  4. I fished my way through most of a 660y spool of 16lb Invizx and decided to give Tatsu a try. It was pretty underwhelming honestly and I didn't see what the fuss was about. Now, many months later, the same Tatsu is still on my reel and still looks and handles about the same as when it was new. I would have replaced the Invizx at least once by now, maybe twice. I still have like 2/3 of the 16lb spool left and I think I am going to pick up some of the thinner Tatsu to try on some of my finesse casting reels. If it really holds up this long it will work out to cheaper over all.
  5. This is also why I could be willing to roll the dice and chop the handle on my 783c. That power/taper combo is so perfect and it's annoying not to be able to get the blanks or ones exactly like it.
  6. I could not stand the cold but you make some compelling arguments for living that far north.
  7. I have a bunch I bought like.....two Black Fridays ago? In any case, none of the ones from that purchase I have bough will run true. I don't care enough to replace them as I can still use them in high-risk places, but I will not be buying any more.
  8. I have multiple spools for a lot of my reels but I almost never try to switch them out while I’m on the water. Spools are quite fragile and a single drop from waist-high onto any surface that isn’t a featherbed is likely going to damage/destroy it.
  9. If you are looking for short handles, try and find one of the old Loomis Classic Bass and MBR rods. Most of my kayak arsenal is made up of them. Great versatile power/taper combos and nice short handles.
  10. That sucks man, I have a pair if the ET Smallmouth MH/F rods and I wish I had two more, they are great rods and their short handles are perfect for kayak use.
  11. It is long enough that tip-down twitching is affected and when I am wearing my loose-fitting sunshirt the handle will snag it on occasion. The new GLX has a noticeably longer handle then the older IMX and GLX rods. My first “nice” rod was an IMX 721c and it’s all been down hill from there.
  12. That’s awesome dude, except for the part about running out of gas. Have you cooked the snakehead yet?
  13. I have an old model 782c and it has a perfect handle length. My new model 783c has like 2-3” more. The 783c is the “best” rod I have tried so far and the power/taper combo fits the fishing I do so well that it’s worth the occasional handle/shirt snag.
  14. In my bathtub at least, I have not noticed much difference in sink rate between the two types of Trickworm. There are some minor weight variations between different colors however, with opaque solid colors being the heaviest and translucent solids/laminate being the lightest. This affects sink rate a little but it’s nothing huge.
  15. I have been toying with removing 1-2” from the handle of my 783c GLX but I have yet to summon up the chutzpah to do it. I’m not worried about resale value as it is my favorite rod, but more about making the cut and realizing that I preferred it the stock length.
  16. I have a pair of Aviators I use for driving and looking cool. I will occasionally forget to switch over to my Costa’s while making a short little pond-stop while out running errands. The optical clarity on the Costa’s is a bit better but nothing huge. An advantage the Aviators have is that because they’re not wrap-around they fog up a lot less on the muggiest of days. I actually prefer glasses with as light of a tint as I can find, and honestly if I could find lenses that were just pulverize with no tint I would probably switch to that.
  17. "40 lb coated stranded wire, A3 crimp sleeves, 1.25 long loop end to loop end. I use a Snap to attach loop end to Hudd hook eye and 1 treble hook point at the base of the dorsal fine. No longer weedless but strike to hook ratio is 100%" Tom was nice enough to send it to me and asked that I upload it, so here it is.
  18. This is the best advise you are going to get. A yak that kills your back after few hours is never going to get used.
  19. Thanks, I will! I have looked into doing it a few times but I have never settled on a good spot to hook the treble.
  20. Hard to say what was my rod and what was my poor technique. I was throwing them on a Fred's Magic Stick (XH/MF, 1/2-2oz) and a MB Hyuga 72H (XH/M, 1/2-4oz) and while the Hyuga is more powerful with a more forgiving taper, the hook on the Huddgill is small and I still struggle to land them consistently unless they are hooked inside the mouth. I picked up a MB Super Red Demon (XXH/MF, 1/2-8oz) and from the little playing with it I have done I think that I will be able to more easily get really solid hooksets and the rod will have the power to ski most bass in without ever letting the pressure off.
  21. It gets hit like crazy but I land depressingly few of them. With smaller bass that get hooked on the outside of the mouth it's almost a forgone conclusion that it will throw it at the first jump. I am going to try them on a heavier rod and ski them in and see if that helps.
  22. You can find them snagged on the bottom most everywhere I have fished them! They get bit a lot but snag line crazy, somehow more then an open-hooked paddle tail on a jighead. I bought about a dozen and I think I have like 5 left in the smallest size. I have given up on them unless I am wading a small/shallow enough river that I can walk over and retrieve it when it snags.
  23. Yea, Gopher is gone. I had hopped that they sold their molds to someone who would keep producing them but so far it seems to not have happened.
  24. Most bass landed: S-Waver 168 in Bone or I Know It Most hits: Huddgill in Green Sunfish.
  25. Hah. I am sure the Conquest BFS will be great as well.
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