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Everything posted by fishwizzard

  1. That bottle style is fine at home, but the cap twists it's self loose too easily for pack use. I suppose I could put it in an old Altoids tin, but I am always trying to reduce bulk in my pack. I used to glue up at home but I would always end up with too many pre-glued or too few. I just do like 2-3 at home and the rest on the water now.
  2. Thanks guys, I knew someone would have a glue they love. I will pick up the suggestions and see how they work.
  3. As the title says, I am looking for the perfect tube of crazy glue to carry in my tackle bag. I use glue to hold Z-man plastics to jigheads for my Ned rigging. Due to rust issues I really prefer to glue them up as I need them and I have never found the perfect tube of glue. I am looking for the following things in my dream-glue: 1) A good solid cap. I keep the tube in a little baggie but still. 2) Gel or low drip Simple right? Apparently not as all the ones I have tried have either leaked, dried out, or are so thin that it gets everywhere. http://www.krazyglue.com/product/details/all-purpose-krazy-glue-no-run-gel#.Xgam98BIGEc This one sucks because the body is too weak and will burst. https://www.gorillatough.com/product/gorilla-super-glue-gel/ This stuff sucks as it takes too long to dry and sometimes will not dry at all if the plastic is wet. https://www.officesupply.com/office-supplies/general-supplies/tape-glue-adhesives/super-glues/loctite-super-glue-easy-squeeze-super-glue-liquid-each/p8567.html?ref=pla&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&adpos=1o1&scid=scplp8567&sc_intid=8567&gclid=CjwKCAiA9JbwBRAAEiwAnWa4Q58oq4z-_ELxxu_XF11UMTu8jycwT0yruCpLembvK3Guq_JH_nzfDhoCEQ8QAvD_BwE This stuff sucks as the cap comes off easily and it drys out. Any glue-fanciers out there who have one that they love?
  4. I don't mind dial-adjustable centrifugal systems as, at east in the one I have owned, I don't even open the reel up, just set the shoes at 50/50 and use the dial for everything. What I can't stand are reels with both an adjustable centrifugal and magnetic system. The few I have had were constantly needing adjustment, even going from casting to pitching withe same lure tied on. It would sometimes take tweaking all three points of adjustment just to get reasonable casting performance.
  5. Have you ever weighted that lure? Most "soft plastics on a jighead" weigh far more then you would think, a Z-man TRD and 1/15oz head weighs about 3/16oz all together, so you don't need a super speclaized UL rod/reel for most small plastics. That being said, if you are going to be consistently casting below 1/4oz then it seems silly to try to avoid "BFS" gear as that is what will work the best for you. All the new finesse/bfs reels have cratered the prices of the old Pixy and Alphas reels, you can easily find a good condition used Pixy for well under $200 and Alphases for less.
  6. There are some cases where liner mag spools can preform very well and can exceed the performance of high end non-linear spools. An example would be some of the ZPI aftermarket Daiwa spools. The one I have, a zpi nrc001pg (what a name!), has a fixed inductor and gives both amazing distance and control across almost the entire range of braking. Given what these spools cost, I assume it requires a lot of design time and exacting manufacturing to pull it off to the point where it's not feasible to make spools like this for mass produced reels.
  7. I use a drop shot a ton when fishing soft/muck bottomed ponds. A DS rig with a short leader keeps my plastic just off the bottom without getting covered with debris the same way a t-rig or small jig will. I use 3" Easy Shiners nose hooked and retrieve them with more-or-less constant movement so they are swimming along just of the bottom. For spots with more cover/bottom structure I use a t-rigged 6" Robos and while I still cast-n-crank a lot, I will pause and deadstick/shake whenever I feel the weight bump something on the bottom.
  8. Still pretty. What size are they?
  9. I cast with a "half palm". Pinky and ring finger behind the trigger, pointer finger indexed along the blank. It's very easy to creep my hand forward while the lure is in flight to get to a full palming grip before I have to stop the lure. Even if I cant, the half palm works well enough to set a hook and land a fish.
  10. Pretty crappie paint jobs.
  11. What are you going to throw with this rod? I was looking at one myself but a "too good to pass up" deal came up on another rod, so I didn't get the 702c. I was thinking of using it as a dropshot rod to replace a shorter/faster one I am using now.
  12. Get the Deps! I am also trying to work up the courage to take the plunge on a lesser known jdm rod. https://japanlureshop.com/catalog/product/view/id/12692/s/legit-design-wild-side-bait-casting-model-wsc64l-bait-finesse/category/602/
  13. The XXX rods have never seemed very popular in the US compared to some of the other MB lines. I have the Black Themis XXX rod and really like it. It's very well built and the power/taper work well together. Sensitivity is somewhere between the old IMX and new GLX rods. I use my BT for small jigs and drops-hotting and have no complaints.
  14. I picked up the 611m+ a few months ago and love it. Insanely light in hand and has a surprising amount of power, close to a Loomis 3 power. The handle material seems like a gimmick until the first time your jig hits a log, it’s unreal how well it transmits vibration.
  15. I have Daiwa Alphas reels on mine, ai think they are like 6oz? I can try to get a pic of the balance point tonight.
  16. first my line zips tight reel down and sweep weight is gone hook gap full of worm
  17. It did make everything a bit more poetic looking.
  18. Noticed this last night, on both my phone and PC all posts other then the OP are center justified like below. Anyone else seeing this? If not, anyone know what I did and how to fix it?
  19. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Keitech_Shakey_Football_Tungsten_Jig_Head_3pk/descpage-KSFTJHD.html It's a plastic screw, but they are great jigheads.
  20. Different hardware and worm, but that’s more or less my “Fishing while hiking” rig. Works in most any cover and I can pitch it, drag it, or swim it.
  21. The I have both rods, the 844c is more versatile but the FMJ is a better bottom contact rod and is like 1/2 a loomis power stronger. I think it really depends on what else you want to do with the rod. I have used both rods for single hook moving baits and both work well but with the 884c being better.
  22. I have a pair of cr723 rods, they still have a good taper too them that seems about the same as the longer mbr783 I also have. The only 2 power I have is a mbr782. It has a very soft tip that should be perfect for poppers and jerks, assuming you like a slower action for them. From my yak I very much prefer shorter rods and for anything jerking/popping/walking, I would want the shortest rod. The main disadvantages to shorter rods are 1) Less casting distance and 2) More challenging hook-sets if there is slack in the line. The first is easily mitigated by being in a kayak and the second comes down to just paying attention to the slack and choosing lures/retrieves that keep it to a minimum.
  23. That's a common rig for yellow perch around here, but for that application it's a fine-wire jig so the hookset is the same.
  24. I also went out today down to hit Myrtle Grove, but didn't check the hunting seasons beforehand and thus had a very unproductive day of things. Even with a vest and some "beer can and tungsten weight" bells tied to my pack I didn't feel very relaxed and honestly I'm too pretty to risk a face full of birdshot, so I spent the day drinking gas station coffee and hitting up every roadside marsh I could find to no effect. I really need to remember that upland game season exists and to start checking the dates after Halloween every year.
  25. Still undergoing testing. If it were a little more powerful/stiff it would be perfect. With most treble hooked lures and t-rigged soft plastics it gives great hooksets and has a near-perfect landing ratio. But with frogs it's less great. If there is little to no slack in the line then it works well, but the rod is so short and soft that it's really challenging to stick a bass if there is much slack. I mostly used paddle-tail frogs with it and they perform very well as most all hits come on a tight line when I am already reeling. With "normal" frogs, using ones with more exposed hooks works out a lot better. I started using a faster reel with it and that helps a lot as well. The short length and soft action make it a dream to target cast with, it's ideal for throwing treble hooked lures right up next to cover, within 30-40' I can drop a lure in very very small pockets. It's amazing to hike with, the super short length is great and the rod is strong and soft enough that it seems very survivable when moving it through dense brush.
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