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Everything posted by fishwizzard

  1. The classifieds either here or on TT, I don’t remember.
  2. Huh, I just got a gen1 EMTF and it’s a lot faster then I though it would be, the gen2 one must be a very different rod then.
  3. If you want a modfast rod the new XX ETMF might be worth looking at if you are using lighter wire hooks.
  4. It’s been flipped a couple times, I think it’s been on three different reels at this point.
  5. I have a spool full of 50lb Sufix 832 that is starting it’s fifth season. It’s almost bone white at this point having faded from it’s original camouflage color but Until it fails me, I’m gonna keep on using it.
  6. I use and like 4lb Supernatural for my UL casting needs. 8lb braid casts better but it is a pia to tie knots in at dusk or in any wind.
  7. I love cork but even when coated the filler will chip out eventually, I have some higher end rods that are going to need refilling after 2-3 years of use.
  8. Spoke with a DNR officer the other day, he said that as far as he has been told, MDDNR has no plans to close anything unless they are ordered too. Obviously localities might close stuff that they own independent of DNR. Spots are packed though, with a lot of people out of work and with kids home there are a lot more weekday fishers out. Good news, got my first hit on a frog last evening! Bad news, lost my first frog fish last evening
  9. Most rods have a reasonable range of weight where they cast well and a much smaller range of weights where they feel just perfect. By going slightly above this sweet spot you can assure that the rod is loading fully on a soft cast, both things help contribute to accurate casting. Lure aerodynamics matter as well, all things being equal I can make accurate casts more easily with a spoon vs a spinnerbait.
  10. My main concern would be that whoever breaks in my car isn’t going to pay strict attention to the fragile rod tips projecting into the front seat area and would end up breaking them trying to steal the emergency junk food money out of the center console.
  11. For me a modfast-ish rod with a ever so slightly overloaded tip generally gives the most accurate casts, it seems like that combo makes getting the release time dead-on the easiest.
  12. 3” paddletails on an 1/8oz jighead? I have a Ringa SSS that I want to use in a gen1 XX ETMF w/30lb braid for covering water with chatter/spinnerbaits but haven’t found a spool that I love for it yet.
  13. That’s a great looking reel. I would love to hear your thoughts on the spool.
  14. I guess if you’re using a long enough pole it might be an issue, but I use a 6 foot one, so I am at most sitting in 3 feet of water, so getting waked is almost outside the realm of reasonable possibility.
  15. For 8lb mono, look around on ebay for a used Pixy or Alphas Finesse Custom, both can be found in great condition for under $200.
  16. I sadly had to participate in the toilet paper panic, our septic system is pretty fussy and I’m not willing to risk it by trying to use anything “creative”. My industry (event production) has almost completely shut down, all my fellow freelancers are idle and most of the full timers are just going through the motions as more and more clients are putting stuff on hold or canceling. Election years are normally very lucrative, especially living in the DC area, so hopefully once all this is over things will pick up quickly.
  17. I work in the live event/tradeshow industry and I am out of work for the foreseeable future. I can stand about six months before things get grim. In the mean time, I am going fish, read detective stories, and enjoy the spring weather.
  18. I went out today with the intention of throwing a 186 but 10-15mph winds and a lot of standing timber changed my mind. I think it’s time though, most all my bass for the last week have been on paddletails or jerkbaits fished fast, they are in the mood to chase a lure.
  19. Not a genius, just a guy with a fondness for tape. You might want to get an upsized o-ring, If you would like and can give me a poke if I don’t remember, I can measure the two rings that come in the kit tonight so you have an idea of what to buy. You also might be able to find a rings made of a another material that might not cause any marking.
  20. I messed with the contrast a lot to get the marks to show up, the keeper is usually right between my ring and middle finger. The majority of what you can see cleaned off with a mild alcohol solution. I have never actually moved the keeper and fish some fairly dirty water, so I believe it was just accumulated crud. I’ll try to get a better picture if the sun comes out but the marks are almost gone and I think if I stepped up to a stronger alcohol solution I could probably get them off too but I’ve always been wary of putting solvents on the unfinished blank. You have to get a larger O-ring, but if you were especially worried you could do a single wrap of self-amalgamating tape on the blank and then add the keeper on top of that.
  21. Yep, I have two USA Destroyers and they both have Fujis on them. The plastic those things are made out of is so soft that I never had a second thought about it causing any sort of scratching, especially at a place on the blank where hooks and metal terminal tackle will be in such close proximity.
  22. They are straight shank, but these Gamakatsu hooks are very strong for diameter.
  23. I am a huge fan of the Fiji keepers, I use them on most all my rods. I fish a ton of t-rigged plastics and they can’t be beat for that.
  24. I used a scupper cart for 2-3 years with my first yak without issue, but the posts on it were finned rubber that tapered out, like this: This style spreads the force better then a straight pole. I also never pulled my yak loaded with anything and used a loop of webbing around the handle so the yak was kept at a low angle, almost parallel to the ground, again reducing the load on the scupper. When I bought a nicer yak I upgraded to a C-Tug, but I can’t stand it, so the search continues. I have a Slayer 10, so carrying it work fine for anywhere I am launching from a ramp.
  25. I own more Megabass rods then anything else but if I had to pick one brand to use exclusively it would have to be Loomis, just on the strength of the Magbass and Spinjig lines. I pretty much have to buy all of my rods sight unseen so while I am trying to branch out a little bit, it’s hard to take the plunge with a new manufacturer.
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