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Everything posted by fishwizzard

  1. Amazing! Just in time for cold and rain!
  2. Drop the package in a bucket of bleach bought with the money you saved.
  3. I will take an old mbr/cr GLX in any condition I can find it in if the blank is solid. The old weble reel seats are amazing and an Alphas on one is a dream come true. I have a cr723 and a mbr782 and am always on the hunt for more of them. They are amazing kayak rods and for like the $200 bucks they tend to go for, I will take one over any new production rod at the same price.
  4. It's a bit longer, but an old cr722c GLX sounds like what you are looking for.
  5. I have that rod as well and agree that it’s amazing. It’s a testament to it’s versatility as my experience with it is completely the opposite of yours, to me it is an outstanding light t-rig/jig rod and I’ll even throw a treble hook lure on it now and then.
  6. L&L is one of the few things I completely believe in despite having no idea what the mechanism of action is. No idea how it works and I honestly don't think I even want to know. I do agree that you have to shake it up. I buy in bulk and refill the little spray bottle. It lasts forever, so this is like a once a year thing. One year I neglected to shake my bulk bottle and filled the sprayer off the top of it. I had a bad sticky time for a few days until I figured it out and got it poured back in and mixed properly.
  7. Sure, but every single person I know has had their shoelaces come untied before, that doesn't mean that velcro closures are the only answer. Every single person I know has had fluoro get a kink in the middle of the spool and has had to replace it, that's not a reason to never use fluoro. Note that I never said "dig in isn't real", I was saying "it's not a big deal with lighter lures/shallow spools and it's pretty easy to mitigate it. I can type that in all caps if it helps you understand.
  8. For me the only point in using braid on a casting reel is the strength:diameter ratio. But with lighter rods, there is no advantage to having too much extra strength, so it seems pointless to use braid that is as thick as 10-14lb mono/fluoro unless snagged lure retrieval is high up on your priority list. I will turn that around and say that anyone who has huge issue with dig in is either throwing heavier lures on too light briad or isn't taking the few easy steps to avoid it becoming an issue. OP, go on amazon or ali and buy a $6 spool of no-name braid and give it a try. If it doesn't work out you can use it for backing reels.
  9. I do the same but I use my thumb to wiggle the spool forward an inch or so at a time. I feel like I get finer control and it keeps me poised to make a good hookset, esp in the winter when gloves/cold hands make fine rod tip manipulation harder.
  10. I also would go with 10-12lb fluoro on that set up but if I had to use braid I would pick 20lb. I think the dig in issues are vastly overstated especially with lighter lures. If you do this every few trips it's almost completely avoidable. The shallow spool on your reel will help a lot at well as will making sure you never try and pull out a snag with the rod/reel, only by gripping the line above the rod tip.
  11. They are, but they are also vastly more energy efficient then the old ones, so it evens out a little bit. I am about a week into having my first non-20yo fridge and man I am in love. Not having to bend at the waist every time I want to get a beer is going to add years to my life! Only downside is that the light is so bright that it kills my night vision so there has been an uptick in stubbed toes.
  12. I will fish a white fluke, a white paddle tail, a white grub, but never a white worm, that's crazy talk. Everyone knows that worms are bright pink!
  13. Yea, but then you have to hear that knot hitting the guides on every cast. I can take a hearing a heart beating under my floor boards but the sound of a knot hitting the guides drives me nuts.
  14. They and the sv105 reels were being discontinued right when my tackle frenzy was taking off and I bought a pair of each when I found them at a discount, so glad I did. There is an ocean of Alphases out there but there isn't much like the sv103.
  15. The same for me. I have an old 782c GLX that I had DVT replace the guide train on for me this past fall, it's such an great rod that I felt it was worth sinking more money into. I also have a pair of the loomis MagL/XFast spinning rods that I will never part with. The 720s just sits as I cannot abide the reel seat, but someday it's going to be sent off to be stripped and rebuild. I posted a thread a year or two ago asking about a comparable blank and no consensus was reached, so I am sticking with my old ones.
  16. I have had maybe a dozen or so reels that have passed through my hands and the only ones I didn't lose money on were the higher end ones. I try to buy all my nicer reels used as I know I can usually sell them for about the same amount, only losing shipping on the deal. The sv103 seems to be firmly in that category. I have gotten more unsolicited "hey man, let me know if you want to sell it" PMs about them then seem reasonable.
  17. I am sure it is confirmation bias, but I will swear to you that when I stop to take a leak with a line in the water I will get a bite with unusual frequency.
  18. Take a look at the Major Craft Trapara rods. They have a soft taper that is great for inlines and spoons and they are very well build rods for the money.
  19. I only really use two sizes; 1/4oz Seibert Shot Callers in a custom color to match the SK KVD Magic color w/ a 3/75" Rage Swimmer in KVD Magic PA 611M+ rod. Steez svtw, 14lb Sniper. - General bank walking xx Gen1 EMTF rod, TD-Z, 15lb Tatsu - Longer range/larger water 3/8oz Boss Bullet heads, tied with a basic baitfish color, 4.75" Rage Swimmer in KVD Magic MB FMJ rod, Steez A, 18lb Shooter or 40lb PP V2 - heavy grass/hydrila I use the 1/4oz ones far far more often, it's likely the presentation I throw the most. It catches them year round in almost any kind of water. I can fish it fast, I can drag it on the bottom. It's a great anytime lure.
  20. I use pretty nice gear and do my best to protect it, but it gets used. I always use rod and reel covers during transport and storage, I take a ton of care when loading or unloading them from the car and I can see every ceiling fan in our house with my eyes closed. Because I fish a lot of overgrown spots I have trained myself to make a 1/2 speed false cast before every real one to check for branches/obstructions. It looks silly when I am standing in the open but it has saved me so so many times when my tip hits some tiny branch or vine I didn't notice. But I use it all pretty fully. The really expensive stuff doesn't go in the yak and I am a little more cautious with discontinued stuff that I can guarantee finding a replacement for, but I have slipped while wading and ended up with skinned knees and elbows, but with one hand clutching my combo still above water. It's no fun owning nice stuff if you cant relax and enjoy using it.
  21. There is a long thread on tackle tour about the new PAs that has some info about the 72H near the end I think.
  22. I wonder if it's a climate thing, down in central MD I only have a few FW spots where the picks seem to be the primary predator.
  23. Weird, I only manage to land maybe one per year and only get (based on damaged frogs) a few more blowups.
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