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Everything posted by fishwizzard

  1. My industry is still more or less 100% shut down, this is my chance to grow it out! Yea, it took me a long time to accept sun protection in general, but that hoody was a literal game changer for me, it's amazing how much longer I want to fish when I am covered up, even if I am hot and sticky. I don't get home and feel like I am getting a hangover just from being in the sun all day any more.
  2. What knot and line are you using? I am a Trilene knot guy and I cannot get that second pass through the recessed eye with anything but like 6-8lb mono/fluoro. Everything else is either too thick or too limp and it’s a pain even when it does work. I do like them aside from that, just wish the eye was a bit more exposed.
  3. All the little Keitech tungsten jigheads are great, fine-wire hooks that seem as strong as most thicker ones. They are very painful to lose however, it's a very sad feeling when you have one snagged deep and know that your 6lb mono isn't going to get it back for you.
  4. I think of the Neko as a "finesseier" and snaggier shakeyhead and fish them both about the same. The Neko I do fish a bit faster and with more hops, they are surprisingly snag-free if I keep them moving, if I let them fall over I tend to lose more of them. A shakeyhead I will drag around more often and will deadstick longer. I use the same combo for each and will start with one and move to the other as needed. As sacrilegious as it sounds, I am starting to like both more then I like t-rigging a worm. Both are oddly two of the ony presentations I really prefer on a spinning combo, not sure why but they both just feel better somehow.
  5. I bought dozens of different heads a few years ago when I was fully in the grip of MWF mania and the Nail Bombs are by far the best one I found. Nice thin hook, enough gap w/o it being too big where it will snag on stuff, and the #1 size is the perfect length for a TRD. But sadly, even the Nail Bomb gives far worse hookups then a normal light head/small hook jighead. I only really use them now when fishing in current too fast to wade, which is usually the point where open hooked jigs start snagging too much and it becomes more of a "let the current do it's thing while I take up slack and pop it a bit" deal. Preaching to the choir, but it's a lost cause. Just replace "Ned Rig" with "MWF" and people who know will know. Youtube is currently doing the same thing with Bait Finesse System where it's being conflated with any and all UL/L casting.
  6. https://www.mensjournal.com/health-fitness/the-beard-as-sunscreen-20130523/ I always though the beard was good for my lower face, but it's nice to have some confirmation. I have a sunshirt with a deep hood but for quick trips I don't like to use it as it is always, always, in need of a wash. Popping my collar in combo with a buff works great, but the beard is awful to have pressed up against my neck for a few hours. But even with the hood I sometimes need more coverage. Ideally it would cover from my lower lip to my nose, but I will take what I can get. This was taken this morning. My nose is now a bit more red then it should be, which is what prompted this topic.
  7. My loaner combo is almost identical to yours and I have 30lb high-viz braid on it and add whatever leader is appropriate. The heavy line was not intentional, it was just the lightest braid I had on hand, but I have grown to like it. It's very easy to see, still handles and casts well, and if the beginner decides to ignore me and grab the line with their hand and pull, they get cut less badly then with thinner braid. When I have to put a crank/treble hooked lure into a beginners hands I omit the leader so that I can be more assured of getting my lure back as most trebels will bend before the line fails.
  8. I tried googling but it was all 'rona mask stuff. My beard is now somewhere between Unabomber and ZZTop and it's getting to the point where I can't stand being trapped under a buff with it. I am going to hunt up one of my older ones to try and modify, but I thought I would ask first to see if it's something that already exists.
  9. I want to say that there is a clear coat that can be applied to protect the factory paint, I think one of the custom shop guys on TT mentioned it? I had one for a while, loved how it looked and fished but I didn't like how it palmed. I wish I had kept it to try on different rods. The finish is very very fragile, I think I added a scratch to mine just from scraping on a jacket zipper.
  10. I have never done well there or from RG fishing from the bank for most of the year. In the fall it can be decent to good, but it mostly depends on how high it is, if they draw it down enough you can fish the entire allowable bank and I have had a few good days throwing a spinnerbait.
  11. I believe The Flaming Lips have a valid claim to that title as well.
  12. I think this might be the most well known "weird music": Which leads to the general noise music genre. I am not a fan, but I have given it a try. I bought this album via mail order back in the late 90's, the "case" was a folded piece of sheet metal with the corners riveted shut. I still listen to a bit of ambient/drone stuff, but have mostly moved on. This was an other 90's mail order blind buy, but it's actually good and I still give it a listen every so often:
  13. That lithium battery is the most exciting thing I have seen so far, kind shocked they didn't follow the current trend and stick "Ned Rig" somewhere on it.
  14. Oh wait isn’t the CT supposed to be a smaller version? So this one will be bigger then the Tat 100?
  15. Now I am confused, the new Tatula CT looks near identical to the Tatula 100, what am I missing?
  16. Where did the info on the new stuff get posted?
  17. I went down the road of short frog rods last year and I ended up with a Daiwa Black Label LG-631MHFB-FR. Loving it so far, it's super easy to walk a frog from the bank and to make casts with extremely limited room. It fishes like a shorter Loomis 844c, but has a slower taper.
  18. For light line stuff you’re generally not using braid mainly for it’s raw strength, you are using it for the increased casting distance and the ease of handling/durability over thin fluoro/mono. I use down to 6lb J-Braid on my UL trout casting combo. I would prefer to use 3-4lb mono but the casting distance difference is big enough to make thin braid the better choice. It’s also a lot easier to deal with when my hands are cold and wet in the winter, thin mono doesn’t survive minor backlashes very well.
  19. The only metal bands I really like are Black Sabbath and Sleep, and/or bands that sound very close to either of them. I don’t like yelling or growling, so that kills most metal for me.
  20. All I want from Daiwa at this point is a updated Pixy that takes "normal" Pixy spools and a $200-300 small/medium frame reel that takes normal 34mm spools.
  21. If you have the big ones then you should definitely be able to sell them or trade them for something you like.
  22. They are a good bit bigger and feel a lot bigger in hand then the I-type ones.
  23. There is a larger version of the new Daiwa knobs that they put on the Ryoga. They are incredible and one of these days I’m going to outfit a couple other reels with them. I actually like the rubbery paddle knobs and use them on most of my kayak reels because they’re so grippy.
  24. Copy. I’ll try it again with more of a “wacky rig mindset”. Is the swivel there mostly for weight or mostly for line-twist mitigation?
  25. There are too many rods I want to try to ever buy an exact duplicate, but I have ended up with three Loomis MBR 3 powers that form the core of my kayak arsenal.
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