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Everything posted by fishwizzard

  1. They’re both off the same spool and in one case the specific yardage of line was bounced from one reel to the other. The only other factor is that instead of my normal dark green braid I decided to spice things up with some vermilion red, but I cannot think a different dye would effect anything.
  2. I think I have a cused spool of 50lb Power Pro. I have it on two reels and I have never had such issues with both dig-in and break-offs on the cast. I have pulled line off and tested it in my yard and it seem to break as it should so idk what is going on. I have been using 40lb PP for years across a bunch of combos and never had an issue. The cursed spool is empty now and once I am findished with the line still spooled up I am heading back to the 40lb for good.
  3. There are a lot of ponds in the greater Bowie area, some good, some not so good, none of them really great. I have been fishing them for a few years now, let me know if you have any specific questions.
  4. I find it harder to slow down, so most of my reels are in the high 6.x or low 7.x range. I shoot for an IPT in the 25-30 range for most everything, the only time I really want a fast reel is for toads/buzzbaits.
  5. I have a place like that and I am starting to think it's a matter of heavy bird predation making the bass reluctant to surface. My pond had a pair of osprey take up residence 3ish years ago and I would swear that the topwater bit has gotten steadily worse ever since.
  6. Depends on how small the fish are and how strong the current. In some of the rivers I fish a 15” smallie is a once every few years treat and most days I catch 6-12” smallies and big red breast sunfish, so even UL tackle is on the table.
  7. Hah, thanks! I’ve caught maybe one fish in the 15 to 16 inch range out of the Patapsco and I still remember it vividly two or three years later. Mostly because I pulled my phone out prematurely to try to get a picture of it and ended up dropping my phone into a 4 foot deep pool so I could put both hands back on the rod on the fish made an unexpected last-minute run.
  8. This is what I do with mine and it has extended the lifespan dramatically.
  9. For carrying small amounts of small terminal tackle, I use pill organizers for the drugstore. I found the ones that are circular with the latchs pointing towards the hollow center resist opening up when bouncing around in my tackle bag a lot better than the the inline ones.
  10. I have the opposite problem that you do, I don’t use Z-Man plastics for anything but open hook applications as I find that the stretchy plastic makes hooksets very difficult as the plastic stretches too much rather than letting the hook rip through it.
  11. I was a big fan of the Gopher jigheads and never really found a replacement that I liked as much for MWF use. Z-man is making clones of them now but I haven’t picked any up to try yet. The small hooks are a lot of the appeal, good roof of the mouth hooksets and reduced snagging.
  12. How do you like the Valkyrie? The adjustable butt is interesting but I have never found a lot of info about them.
  13. Very few, but I have also not really been chasing them. I mostly go for them in the Patapsco, which is full of small ones, but the river has been too full of people swimming/wading to be reasonable to fish for most of the spring. It's gotten better right in time for the summer thunderstorms. I am going to give up until fall when the temps drop enough that me and my waders will be alone on the river.
  14. Yea, that's not a great sound then. I don't think any of my Daiwas are what I would call quiet, but none are that bad unless the levelwind gets full of filth.
  15. Did they break at the joints or between them?
  16. Is there braid on that first reel? It sounds like every reel I have ever owned with braid on it.
  17. For target casting cranks and spoons, sure, but for pitching small plastics where the chance of the lure impacting something hard before splash down is very high, a spinning combo is way less annoying. Even with clean pitches you end up with a lot of loose line on the spool in short order as you’re never really loading the rod. That’s why I think an extremely short length of line might make it workable. On larger/more open/less damaged streams I use casting gear a good bit, but for the smaller and more damaged spots a spinning reel is a lot less frustrating over the course of a day.
  18. I go through little spells where I am really into my spinning gear, but by and large I prefer fishing with casting combos. It's mostly ergonomic, casting combos are more comfortable for me to hold and fish with and feel a lot less bulky than spinning combos. BFS/UL casting gear lets me do anything a spinning combo can do, but there are some specific presentations or situations where I really prefer spinning: Neko/Shakeyheads. I do fish larger/heavier versions on casting gear though. Tiny hairjigs Tiny cranks Any time I am fishing overgrown/badly eroded creeks where 90% of the time I am pitching small plastics from close range to logjam holes or undercut banks. Casting gear gets annoying very very quickly, although I have thought of getting a spare Pixy spool and only keeping like 50' of 6lb mono on it for this kind of fishing.
  19. Thanks for the recommendation !
  20. How much of what line are you trying to get on there? A Steez A stock spool holds 16lb - 45m / 20lb - 80m, which should be "a butt load" of even 65lb braid. Also that dumb CF sticker kills the Morethan for me, it's so dumb looking.
  21. Al Pastor beats both of them.
  22. My dad’s arthritis is getting really bad and he has expressed an interest in trying cbd. I get mine the old fashioned way and don’t know anything about the various isolates. Would any of you guys who found a product they like be willing to PM me the name of it and where you got it from? He’s open to both topical and oral methods, but I’d like to steer him toward something that at least anecdotally isnt snake oil. We live in a state with medicinal marijuana and he’s going to talk to his doctor about it but it’s a fairly lengthy process to get hooked up with it and he would like to try something sooner to see if it’s worth pursuing before he makes the doctors office visits. thanks guys!
  23. You will notice no pictures of me holding fish. I have never been a huge popper fan and Saturday was very humbling. I have always been more partial to walking topwaters but I think I need to branch out a little.
  24. Some people wash their car in the summer, others like their reels to be pretty, different strokes.
  25. Interesting, I don't think I have ever had that happen, but I also tend to use them for smaller creeks/streams so a "big bass" is maybe 14" and the only pike are smaller pickerel. I mostly use their tiny football shakeyhead jigs, they are ideal for a thin 4-5" worm or small/thin paddletails. The hooks really are amazingly strong for their size and they seem to stay quite sharp even after a day of river fishing. I don't know if I have ever seen the ones with Daiichi sickle hooks, I will have to look for some. I bought most of mine in lots via ebay. There were a few sellers who would have them every so often and the savings on a 5-10 pack lot got the price down to under a buck, which takes some of the sting out.
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