I fish flukes fast and close to cover, so I want something with a soft tip that immediately stiffens up. I also fish a lot in foot in really overgrown marshes, so I accuracy and easy of working are huge foe me.
So far a SC Avid 6’2” M/XF has been the best I have found, the tip is nice and soft but recovers quickly so I can twitch it fast. The mid/butt are quite powerful so I get good hooksets and can keep a bass from running back into the cover I lured him out of.
The reel was harder to settle on, due to how and where I fish flukes, I end up with a ton of slack on my spool, which made straight fluorocarbons too frustrating to use and even braid was annoying. What I have settled on is using a finesse casting reel with a shallow spool loaded with about 50y of 30lb braid. The short mainline eliminates the dig-in from the loose line almost completely. I add a short, 3-4’, leader of stiff 16lb fluoro leader. This gives me some abrasion resistance and I feel like the stiff, heavy leader lets the fluke stop more quickly post-twitch, so I can fish slow more quickly in terms of allowing the fluke to fall on slack like after every twitch.