I am embarking on a compete reorganization of my fishing stuff. It is an unholy mess and I am getting to the point where I loose track of stuff as fast as I buy it. I have bought a pile of storage boxes and have made decent progress.
However, I cannot make up my mind how to sort and box my tackle and lures. I can think of a few different, and seemingly equal, systems to employ, they are, briefly;
1) Terminal tackle and other non-lure items are boxed by type, then by specific product. Lures and plastics are the same way, less popular categories in larger groups, more popular ones split into more subgroups. This will likely take the least number of boxes.
2) Terminal tackle is the same as #1, Lures and plastics are sorted by style of fishing, so all my LMB stuff is in one box, all my saltwater stuff in one, etc. Some styles I fish often will be split again, for example I fish finesse lures for bass the huge majority of the time, so those lures will be in a separate box from the heavier/larger stuff. In each box things will be broadly broken up into categories and smaller boxes/bags, so like it will not just be a 30L Tupperware with stuff piled in it. This will take more boxes then #1 but will make packing for any specific outing faster and the focused boxes will make it less likely I will omit something I wanted to bring.
3) Going further then #2, everything is split into style and sub-style large boxes. These are then filled with smaller boxes and bags of tackle and lures. This has the advantage of letting me see everything for an trip every quickly and let me monitor stock levels to prevent running out of something, or the more likely "buying something because I forgot I already owned three bags of them". In addition there is obviously going to be a ton of overlap, in hooks and plastics especially so. I am not sure how to deal with that, either by splitting stuff up and trying to keep track of two stocks, or by putting stuff where it will see the most use and having to remember what is where. This will obviously take a ton of boxes and a lot of storage space.
I am leaning towards #2, but I could go either way.
I would love any input on how you guys do it, based on some of the stuff I have read here, a lot of you must have whole rooms full of gear.
EDIT: All these boxes will not leave the house, I will have a separate "car kit" of commonly used stuff, changing as the seasons do. I will add to this stuff from the main stash as needed. The building of this car kit is an other kettle of fish, and will likely take longer to figure out.