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Everything posted by fishwizzard

  1. When I used to be into shooting, I settled on ATF fluid as my oil and white lithium grease as my grease. Obviously high temp was a concern for that application, but I use them for everything else and have never had an issue.
  2. Welp, you guys got to me, dispite being almost exclusively a soft plastics guy, I just received a WP90 in the mail My plan is to fish it under some docks, how sturdy is this thing? Will a single hit on a piling destroy it or can it take a little abuse? When I throw a t-rig under there I like to hit the pilings both as accuracy practice and because it seems like having the lure just drop in the water gets me bit more often. Obvously I will not do this with a hard bait, but I do wanna throw it as close to them as is safely possiable.
  3. I am just getting into frogging and have been using a mix of hollow frogs and the Z-man Pop Frog plastic. It is super buoyant and will easily float a heavy 5/0 hook. They are a bit light (for me anyway) to cast well on a casting rig, but I'm sure a more skilled person could get good results with them. They are also pretty bulletproof, I have caught and landed two or three huge snapping turtles one a single one and even a huge snapper can't seem to bite the legs off.
  4. I fish a lot for perch and panfish with inline spinners and small cranks. Perch especially seem to have a knack for getting all three points of a treble in their mouths. I have switched all my spinners and mico cranks over to single hooks and they seem to catch just as well. I use Cox&Rawle hooks I find on ebay as replacements, as I have never found any really good smaller single hooks. For bass I really never fish treble hooked lures in the first place, but have been getting a little topwater collection going now that I have a rod for them. Once I get more confident with them I will likely switch the trebles out on them as well. For now I just pinched the barbs on all of them. I also fish out of a kayak and often hike in miles to fish and really don't want a hook in me in either of those situations.
  5. I have the Cabelas version of this and cant recomend it enough. With a tank top on underneath it is almost as cool as a tshirt and I have found that if i wear a ball cap the hood stretches out far enough that I don't even get sun on my face.
  6. They look exaclty like the "bath bombs" my girlfriend likes. If someone here will promice to let me sleep on their couch I will buy a Baitcloud and slip it into her supply. I am not sure what flavor she would like best though.
  7. I have been using more and more Straight and Offset hooks in recent months and I feel like I am getting more hookups. In particular I have been using the Trokar Finesse worm hooks with a 1/16oz weight and a GYCB 4' worm. They are super sharp and strong, the only downside is that almost every missed hookset costs me a worm as that hook does not mess around and almost cuts the worm in half.
  8. I use a rain jacket hood and one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Outdoor-Research-Radar-Pocket-Cap/dp/B003P8QPIA It is the perfect size to "tent" out my hood and it folds down to fit in a pocket.
  9. What is the "Photo and Music Clip"? I assume it isn't a Japanese rap mixtape.
  10. The Decoy does have a longer stright hook segment, but it's still a ballhead.
  11. If you liked the Owner, you should really try the Decoy Nailbomb. It seemes to be a bit better in terms of holding the bait and in hookup percentage. The line tie is also 90d, which I feel helps me keep the lure nose up so I snag it less in current.
  12. That is interesting to know, thanks!
  13. Very interesting. I have been trying to get into wacky rigging of late but have had just awful hookup ratios with weedless wacky hooks, but was snagging too often on open hooks. Is that like an 1/0 or 1/2 worm hook you are using there?
  14. I am not sure what I am looking at here, but I think I like it. Do you fish it fast so it spins and causes a ton of disturbance, or slowly so it twitches and falls?
  15. They are also great on a 1/16oz shakey head and even work well weightless as a micro-fluke.
  16. When I am not in my kayak, I don't fear lightning, but recent local flash flooding has made me look at the wisdom of spending time in river valleys during heavy rain. I have yet to rig an anchor so a strong wind does make my kayak days a hot mess, but I suspect my 10' bathtub boat has something to do with that.
  17. I have found that a 3" senko rigged weightless on a 1/0 Roboworm hook will always catch a fish. It might be a 5" panfish, but if I am 15 min from dark and I have been skunked so far, even a 5" panfish becomes attractive. Of course, this rigging makes for a single hit lure, but again, the bar is closing and I don't want to go home alone. I do only buy them when I can find them on deep discount, but as a bait of last resort, they do work. I have been looking at the BPS 4" split tails as a river bait, but still have a backlog of tiny plastics to work through before I give them a shot.
  18. I hike a lot and always bring a rod along. Tackle is an issue as I want to stay light, but also don't want to damage my plastics by jamming them into my daypack. I ordered these the other day and just picked them up: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B012ETLYL8/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 They look like they will hold maybe 6-8 5" senkos and 3-4 flukes each. They don't seem to be as sturdy as a plano but they are perfect for fishing on the go. I also picked this guy up: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B011ANCAJO/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I was looking for a bag to use for outings more then 1/2 a mile but less then 5, when I bring a real back. I had one of their chest packs that I loved and this one is looking to be as good. It holds a singe 3600 box with enough room left over for a change of socks, a few bags of plastics, misc supplies and first aid kit, and a raincoat strapped to the bottom. I loved the "workbench" on my chest pack and this one is even bigger. I am leery of slings due to lugging around over stuffed messenger bags for years, but with some self control I hope to keep it light enough to be comfortable.
  19. Really? I have found tiny smallies in the Little Pax but never caught anything but perch in the big Pax. I had no idea they were stocking.
  20. Keitech 4" Impact, on a Owner 1/16oz-1/0 jig head. It's an expensive way to fish as every fish that it pass by will hit it and they usually only last one or two hits, but they seem to work even when the Ned fails me.
  21. I'm about 30m north of you, and all I can say is "learn to love perch and stripped bass" In all seriousness, I don't there there is much in the way of freshwater bass in the corridor between the Pax and the bay. However, right across the Pax from you is the Merkle Wildlife Sanctuary, which has a few small ponds, and Cedarville State Forest has a small pond that has just enough bass in it to keep me coming back. There are some other spots scattered around the area, but sadly nothing huge or super exciting. But, you do live right in the middle of some great brackish/saltwater fishing. Right now the white perch season is in full swing and come late Sept/early Oct, the stripped bass will come up into the tidal rivers and even a kayak will get you plenty of action.
  22. Thanks for the input guys, I was leaning towards the Twistech, it looks like that might be a good choice. I'll post some pics once I get a few built.
  23. Hi, I am looking to start making small inline spinners for perch fishing over the winter. My plan is to make them using tungsten worm weights as a body to allow me to have a very compact lure that has enough weight to cast far under docks and to stay down when reeled quickly. I want to make them small with #8 Mustad single hooks and a simple hair skirt. My hope is to make a lure the rough size of say a Mepps 1/16oz spinner but closer to 1/8-3/16oz in total weight. I am looking for some guidance on what wire form tool to buy for this project. I am only going to make a dozen or so to test, so I don't need the best on the market, but I would like something well made and non-frustrating to use. Thanks
  24. Who currently makes a good one of these? I held an old junker in those exact specs at an antique store and man did it feel right somehow.
  25. If you hunt around used lower-end StCroix rods can be found for $50-70 pretty often. They go fast so you have to be quick on the mouse. I own a Okuma Citrix travel rod that I like and they sell a normal version for about $100 that I have heard good things about. I have also been eyeing some of the Lew's spinning rods as I am a big believe in Microwave guides and they are one of the few places that offers stock rods with them.
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