Pick a local lake and fish it until I learn it. I have maybe 5-10 spots I bank fish from but I never really spend enough time at each to really know them. The spot I have in mind is close to my house and has limited allowed bank fishing but allows kayaks. So I can bank fish it a few times a week after work and try to get my kayak out there atleast twice a month. There is like 3/4 of the bank gets no pressure and there is a huge pad field I could spend days in. I have caught one pig out of there so I know there is at least one fish worth catching in there. But the point is to get better at finding patterns and learning how to find the fish.
Get out in my kayak more often. I am super lazy about taking it out but there are a dozen good spots within an hour of me I never really go to. I also want to start fishing more kayak tournaments. I only managed one this year but it was a hoot.
Stop buying lures, start using the ones I have. At this point I have too much stuff and not enough time to figure them all out. Each outing I am only going to bring three lures, a surface, a mid column, and a bottom. I need to spend less time fussing with tackle and more time fishing. In specific, I want to learn how to fish the following:
Hard jerkbaits. I have a little collection of them and other then a pile of stocked trout, I don't have a lot of fish to show for it. I want to use small floaters for creeks and streams and start using shallow suspenders along side flukes when working weed lines in ponds and lakes. I am going to swap out to single hooks as well, which is going to add some complexity to it, but I almost never fish hard baits and want to get some proficiency with them.
Senko/stickbaits. I have maybe caught a half dozen bass on senkos. I want to learn to slow down and fish them t-rigged like they are supposed to be fishes and I want to figure out wacky rigging as well. I already have a pile of worms and just bought a good supply of wacky hooks. I am going to have a few "all-senko" days until I get some confidence with them.
Jigs. Small ones for smallies, big ones for largemouth. I have a plano box full of them but have maybe caught three bass on them.
Practice at home. I have a long grass alley next to my house and I am going to put a hay bale with a bucket buried in it out there as a target. My casting skills, especially with a baitcaster, is not what I want it to be, so there is no excuse not to spend 15-30 min a day out there working on stuff. I also want to buy a cheap used stationary bike. I have a peddle drive kayak but lack good peddling muscles. I already have a tablet, any time wasted online could be spent paddling as well.
Find some fishing buddies, especially kayak ones. None of my friend's fish and only two of them show any interest at all. I work weekends very often, so I do most of my fishing weekdays. It's nice to have spots all to myself, but some company would be nice and lord knows I could stand to learn a thing or two.