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Everything posted by fishwizzard

  1. Best LMB, 3/8oz white/chart chatterbait. I wasn't even trying to "fish" it, just practicing casting with a baitcaster and she hit it like 3 feet out from the dock. I didn't even set the hook, was just reeling in and thought I got snagged on the rocks, until the rock pulled back. Every other fish I have gotten from this spot has been maybe in the 12-14" class at best. Best SMB, Keitech Shad Impact on a 1/8oz Draggin Head. Not a huge fish, but my first large one on my BFS combo and I caught it right as a huge group of rafters was passing by, so I go some applause for her.
  2. They are one of my main baits and I swim them rigged horizontally either weightless or with a light bullet weight, pegged. Weightless they sink very slowly with almost a spiral in still water. The tails move at even the slowest speeds.
  3. I have tried most of the lures I have bought, but only "seriously" fished a small percentage of them. This coming season I am going to keep a bit better track of things and by next fall will sell off or trade way everything that I didn't catch on. I have all my stuff in plastic shoe boxes and got it all up on shelving, it is both impressive and embarrassing.
  4. Look buddy, I am at work and they don't give us very good monitors. Also maybe I never noticed the "full size" button before.
  5. And AL just sent me a "$25 off of a $100 purchase" coupon for signing up for their newsletter. Today is going to be expensive I guess.
  6. Hah, that was easy. Emailed AL to see when the CR723 IMX was coming back in stock. Got a reply in like 5 min that they would be arriving later this week, but that the page was updated and I could order now. Sure enough I reloaded the page and there it was. Instock and on sale for $191.25, down from $255. So that made up my mind for me! Thanks all for giving me the push I needed. This is now by far the "nicest" rod I own and hopefully it doesn't ruin me for cheaper ones.
  7. Thanks for the imput guys. I am glad to know I am on the right track, but I still cannot decide on what power to get. I tend to default to lighter rods, but if the CR723 will cast well at the lower end of it's range then I think it would be a better choice. AmericanLegacy doesn't have the IMX version in stock, so I will be cooling my heels a bit if I go for the MH. I was unsure about the real differences between the GL3 and the IMX blanks, but for $45 it seems like a good idea to spring for it.
  8. Hi, As a lover of short rods, factory offerings are few and far between. I have recently come across the Loomis Classic Casting line, which are offerings in a 6' length with a short 7" full cork stock. I am not familiar with the Loomis lines and most of the info online is about their higher-end offerings. Specifically, I am looking to put together a combo to use when bank fishing. I want to fish medium weighted (3/16-3/8) t-rigged plastics, jigs in the 1/4-3/8 range, and 3/8 chatterbaits. The water I have in mind varies from open surface with dense weeds below, to large snags/laydowns, to sparse pad fields. The two rods I am looking at are as follows: or Not knowing how the Loomis rods fish I am not sure which one to go with. In addition, most of my current short rods are UL, L, or ML actions, and I don't know how well a stiffer short rod will cast. I am obviously not going for huge distance, but am looking for a rod that loads well across as much of it's range as possible. In terms of my general lineup, this combo will fit between a 6'3" ML/MF rod I use for senkos and jerkbaits and a 6'8" MH/F that I mainly used for inshore, but also doubles as my frog rod. The MH/F now covers the applications I want the new rod for, but it is cumbersome to hike around with and I would like to move it to kayak/pier duty. I am inclined to go with the heavier rod as my ML combo seems like it will cover the lower end of the weight range but does not handle jigs/t-rigs above 3/8-5/16 very well at all, and due to it being a MF, I want to only use it with thin/softer plastics. Any input or thoughts would be welcome.
  9. Yea, that was my thought as well. I know I have posted this before, but a Hula stick on a 1/16th jig head with a wire keeper is a great bank beating lure. Fish it as normal until you have a missed strike, then quickly pull it off, rig it wacky, and throw it right back. They are just long enough to work like a flick-shake and once the salt washes out, they fall nice and slow on the weighted head.
  10. Being on the younger side of things, the only magazine I ever really got into was Handloader back when I was into shooting. It is an amazing resource of technical data and I trust a large company with a legal department far more then a random dude on the internet when it comes to a 50k PSI explosion going off next to my face. Fishing is far less stressful, if someone gives me some bad advice here I just risk wasting time or money.
  11. I picked up a SV105 during a BF sale and have it on a Go Emotion ML rod and so far have been having a blast with it. The SV reel has been amazing, as advertised I can tie on a 5' senko, set the breaks to max and cast it straight up in the air and let the bait hit the ground with no backlash, just a few loose coils. It is less forgiving when you have the break sent to a more reasonable level, but it is great to have that option when trying to throw jerkbaits into the wind. If you hunt around ebay you can find the JDM version for under $200 pretty regularly.
  12. You guys with a dozen 3600 boxes blow my mind with how much weight you are willing to carry. I think I am going to start carrying $50 in singles and just buy what ever I need from one of you guys.
  13. I have about a dozen 3000 sized boxes that I build up into little "kits" based around a certain type or lure or technique, which are overwhelmingly soft plastic based. So say I have a box for senkos with 5-6 long compartments for worms sorted by color and a few smaller compartments with hooks and other terminal tackle. I have had some of them loaded up for around two years now and other then some light staining from redbug plastics, nether the boxes or lures seem affected at all by it.
  14. Yea, there is not enough compelling stuff to get me past $50, so I am going to give it a pass. Last year I went nuts and bought all sorts of stuff.
  15. I will have to look around for the hooks I bought, I think they were 4/0. I didn't even get to the water test phase, I couldn't get them to sight straight in the frog. I think I am going to buy some figure 8 links and see if that lets me use a shorter, but still oversized hook and have it seat better inside the frog.
  16. I might be the only person who isnt into frog fishing. It's too stressful and the low hookup rate kills me. I have been fussing around trying to rig a zman floating pop frog with a line-through treble that exits the top of the lure, but haven't found a good system yet.
  17. Yes, I have been toying with making some finesse frogs and have yet to hit on a hook that fits well in the smaller frogs.
  18. Interesting info, it sounds like planning a trip 3-5 hours away will be tough as there is no way to predict how the local conditions will be. I wonder if I can get my combo to cast far enough to hit the hole off of Jonas Green pier? Otherwise the poor thing is going to be demoted to catfish duty.
  19. "Sensual winding with smoothness added to the rigidity sense." Well that bit of ad copy sold me, time to start saving up my yen! For real though, if it really works for super light lures and is saltwater rated, it looks perfect for the brackish/salt water combo I have been wanting. The RH model isnt available until May, so there will be a few months for all you wrong-handed jerks to give it a good testing for us correct-handed folks.
  20. Interesting, so the tubing is to help hold the hook on? I found the lure with two rusted trebles on it, but removed them. I have been using the double hooks more and more on my small cranks and that seems like a good way to secure them a bit better. The idea of a trailer on a micro crank is breaking my fragile mind, though I want to believe.
  21. I think I found the same one last summer by the Potomac river.
  22. I cannot conceive of such a pressured place, or were you like the first guy to hit the place after a drawdown?
  23. Man, are those all from trees?
  24. Hands down it's a fluke. I love fishing them and getting them to dart around, I love how versatile they are, I love how weedless they are, I love how well they cast and skip, and I love seeing one disappear a split second before I feel the pull. I love them so much I had a spinning rod made just to fish them.
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