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Everything posted by fishwizzard

  1. I use the Trilene in everything and have only had it fail when I first started using floro, I believe I was not cinching it down smoothly enough. I have never had it fail in braid, even the few times I got stubborn and used a stick to break 30lb, the break was a little above the knot. I do use 7 turns for floro/mono and 8-10 turns in braid.
  2. I bought one to hang on our xmas tree after my wife complained I lacked holiday spirit. I do plan to fish it, there is a suburban pond with a low wall all around that I fish that has a pattern that will be perfect for it. Kids come and feed the ducks, when the ducks swarm the wall the sunfish follow them in but the hundreds. I have found that the bass will then come over and can be caught right on the outer fringes of the duck/sunfish cluster.
  3. I trusted the weather report and stayed in. I will hit it tomorrow, thanks for the info guys.
  4. I am thinking about hitting Centennial tomorrow. I have been having some luck lately on lizards worked around rip rap, so I am eyeing that nice long dam. Other then that, does anyone have any pointers for Centennial in general? I have fished maybe an hour there total and don't have a good idea what to expect.
  5. Ah Ha! I have had a few small bank sinkers in my fluke kit for months and I could not remember why I put them in there. Never actually tried the rig, will have to give it a go tomorrow.
  6. I use and have way more confidence in a spinnerbait, but am trying to give chatterbaits a go. I bought maybe a half dozen each in 1/4oz and 3/8oz and have been trying to fish them as much as I can, but almost every time I tie one on, I wish I had either a swimjig or spinnerbait on instead. I have caught fish on them, but not as many as others seem to report.
  7. Has anyone weighed one yet? I am very curious about the actual weight.
  8. I start them belly down, then as the get ripped up I switch them to belly up to get a little more life out of them. Also, if you use twistloc hooks, Zoom Supers last a long time, a tiny pickerel turned this one inside out and I was able to catch on it after.
  9. I find that they snag a whole lot less and bass still get really well hooked. The only downside is that smaller panfish can now hook themselves instead at just knocking at the lure.
  10. I am just glad the guy is still alive. InFisherman did a little profile on the company and it seems like it has been scaled back to a one man operation. Also, if you got some 1/16oz heads with #2 or 4 hooks, I will buy them from you if you don't want them
  11. Well sure, if you want to be logical about it and miss a chance to play with glue.
  12. Yea, I am pretty displeased. My only thought is an adhesive that is removable enough so I can clean the bearings every so often, or trying to get someone to make me a slightly oversized pin.
  13. Thanks, I looked over the gears but didn't give them a super close check. I have more spare pins on the way, but it took losing two to realize how loose they were. I sold some unused reels and bought a sv103, it will beat the spool pins here so I can check the Zillion Sv with it's spool. If the spool pin is the cause of the noise, how can I fix it? Would using a needle to apply a tiny bit of purple locktite be an awful idea?
  14. Thanks! It looks like they have a M/F one at 5'6". That might make a good "allways in the car" rod.
  15. What rod is that? I like a short handle but they are hard to find.
  16. I mean, I assume I want more power, sign me up! Does anyone make one that looks like a little 8-Ball?
  17. How often are you guys cleaning your bearings? I am just getting comfortable with taking my reels apart and the amount of gunk in some of them was surprising. I have a mix of factory bearings and HH aftermarket ones and the difference is really pronounced on some reels, so I want to keep the performance up, but not "scrub the rifling out" as they say.
  18. Mine is have an issue as well, a soft sound like a bike spoke on a baseball card, but only occasionally and only when retrieving under a load. I have had it apart over and over but can't find any foreign matter in there. My spool pin is far too loose and will fall out on it's own, but I believe that it is retained by the drive gear and "that collar thing that goes over it" when the spool is in the reel. Please let us know what you find out.
  19. Really, I have a pack of the 4.5" Sluggos and I can't get any action out of them at all, they seem like a stiffer senko. What hooks should I be using? I wanna say I had them on a 2/0 or 3/0 Owner twistlock. I also have a pack of the SS Sluggos and while I have never caught a fish with them, they are so fun to fish that I keep trying.
  20. I hope not, at just over 1/2oz I can throw the 90 on a ton more combos than I could a heavier one. Honestly just keeping the rod tip up and the line tight fixes any running issues I have had.
  21. I am sorta feeling the same thing. I fish the C&O canal as often as I can and there are some monster carp in there. I would love to catch one, but not enough to sit there with corn for a day. A tenkara rig would fit in the water bottle slot in my pack with room to spare.
  22. I target cover in the shade, then cover in the sun, then shade lines. If that doesn't work I work a reaction bait of some sort as I walk back to the car to drive somewhere else.
  23. But why just one knob? Weight reduction, or does it just look cool? I mean, it absolutely looks cool.
  24. I stretch the TRDs a ton before I glue them on, but the zlinkers are soft enough as is and they loose their salt really really fast in any case. I went wading yesterday and fished a the Ned almost the entire time. Caught some nice smallies, some very nice redbreasts, a few fallfish and a surprise stocker rainbow. The numbers were not what I was hoping for, but I am confident that the Ned will catch most anything that swims in small rivers.
  25. What is the thought behind the single fat knob handle?
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