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Everything posted by fishwizzard

  1. Try Shimreels on ebay, I wanna say that they do "free shipping" by just bundling it into the cost of the rod. I am intrestind in tying an XF ultralight rod, so if you do end up buying one please post your thoughts.
  2. The shooting sports still use "grains" for powder and bullet weights, a unit of measurement last popular when eye of newt was still a common cold remedy. Not even getting into the madness that is land vs groove measuremnts. I had hoped that fishing would be a little more reasonable, but then discovered how line strength is rated and how a 1/2oz jig might end up weighing 5/8oz or more.
  3. I switched to rope for the bow/stern tie-downs and found it really cuts the noise down. I have some cheap cam-locks but a trucker's hitch would work just as well.
  4. Great thanks! I was hoping that is what they were. I think I have now caught every species of sunfish we have around here. The Warmouth has been eluding me for a year or two now. Such a great name too!
  5. Wow, lucky guy, that is one of my all time favorite spots to fish. I am like an hour or so away though, so the water level gamble really kills my desire to go there more often.
  6. I have a Phenix Recon 2 BFS rod and I really like everything about it, other then the reel seat. It cramps my hand after an hour or three. But the rod fishes well, though the 1/16oz lower limit is a little optimistic, though 1/8oz casts just fine. The sweep spot seems to be around 1/4oz total lure weight. I think I like it enough that I am going to have a custom rod built on the same blank, but with a different reel seat. I have also thought about having a spinning rod build on one as well.
  7. Did some pond hopping today, caught bass everywhere I went but they were all small. All came from pitching plastics to pads or under docks. Did have a close call in the morning; Might need to start wearing a cup. Also caught a big old bullfrog;
  8. Caught this guy and three or four just like him today, can anyone ID him for me?
  9. Hit Allen Pond today to try out a new combo. Discovered that it is a lot easier to pitch a 3/4oz lure under a dock then a 1/4oz one. Got this skinny guy right away. Dude needs a sandwich or something. I would like to tell a story of a perfectly aimed cast, but nope, got this lady, maybe the biggest I have gotten from here, when my thumb slipped while making a roll cast. The lure flew backwards and and landed right on her head I guess, as she grabbed it instantly. I need to start carrying my scale in my pocket, as I never have time to get it out of my pack. The pic does not do this fish justice, I had to turn her sideways to get here through the railing. Got two smaller ones as well, including a little 9" guy. I was worried that a H rod would be too stiff, but even the little guy could bend the tip enough to make it easy to keep pressure on.
  10. I find I need a really whippy UL rod to get enough tip speed to really convince a goose that I mean business and will not back down.
  11. Welp, I did it: Talked to Gary at TT and he thought that the Tout Versatile was the best rod from the Orochi XX line for what I was looking to do, so long as I was reasonable in my expectations for the lower end of the range. Having only had cast it around the yard for about an hour, I am impressed! A 5" senko will load the tip, but no deeper. It will fling one pretty far and I can make short range roll casts with what I think, with practice, acceptable accuracy. One the high end of the range, a 1.25oz total weight jig, cast very well and pitches like a dream. I will say that my thumb is not at all used to casting lures of this weight and once I actually released the lure about 10' out on my back-cast. I spent the most time with a 3/4oz jig and it really shines there. Very easy and smooth to cast. I ruined a jig pitching and casting it at the trees along my driveway. I am so excited to get this thing out on Saturday!
  12. Which casting rod is that? I have a GEC-632ML which I bought to use for jerkbaits and small cranks. While I like it, I think I want a heavier rod, but the M ones in the Go Emotion line are all Regular action. I am pretty hazy on the differences between the different Majorcraft lines.
  13. I have only been fishing a lizard (6" Zoom in Black/Red Flake) for like a month now and it is already rocketing to the top of my confidance list. I literally found a bag of them with three of them left in a pile of trash on the bank. I caught like 3-5 bass on each one of those lizards, it was crazy. I bought a few packs and am going to fish them hard for the next few months.
  14. I know! I made a finesse frog over the winter but had forgotten all about it.
  15. I talked to my insurance company last year about it as I was trying to insure that my kayak was covered when it was on top of my car. I have renters and auto insurance with the same company and after talking to the agent for a while he said that my renters would cover it if it were stolen from the top of my vehicle, and my auto insurance would cover it it was damaged in a collision. Renters/homeowners will usually cover things stolen from a vehicle, but Like everyone is saying you have to call to make sure.
  16. I gave up trying to get to poop and started using it as a super shallow crank. Caught about a dozen small bass on it one afternoon, then got cocky, threw it in the some brush, and lost it. I think I liked it enouh to replace it next time I do a big tackle order.
  17. I've never been entirely clear on the different applications for 4 carrier vs 8 carrier line. The braided I currently have is a mix of both and I'm not entirely sure what differences I'm supposed to be seeing.
  18. Are you looking for a spinning or a casting rod? I have an ultralight spinning from their Trapara and while I have not used it very much, I have liked what I have seen from it so far. Mine is the 6'6" 2piece Regular action, but if you would like I can try to get a picture of it under tension tonight or tomorrow night so at least you'll have a sense of what their softer action looks like flexed. I bought it from someone for the classifieds here, though I don't remember who.
  19. The 90 in Bone/Loon is about the only open water topwater lure I use. I like it as the size and weight lets me use it on a wide range of rods, so I keep on stashed in my tackle sling. I tend to only throw it as a last resort lure, but it has never failed to get me at least a single fish. I do crimp the barbs on mine as it seems to consistanly foul hook bass with one of the hooks. I am thinking about just removing the front trebble altogehter and maybe beefing up the rear one.
  20. I am just getting into wacky worms and I am loving them on a Loomis CR723. I have a SV105 on there and it will fling a wacky senko further than I can set the hook, but I can still make short, accurate casts. I have only been really giving it a go for a few months, but almost every fish I have gotten on one has been right up tight to the bank, no more than 10' out, so so far I am happy with the short rod. I am still very iffy on skipping them, but the short rod is going to be great for that too I suspect.
  21. That is a good point about the bail metal. If it is like a chrome coating it could be it, that is an extremely common allergy. But most women figure that out at a young age from a reaction to costume jewlery.
  22. I mean, the fastest way to check is to have her tie a stand of floro around her wrist for an afternoon and see what happens. That would rule out abrasion or something in the water as the cause.
  23. I have a few bags of both styles of Trick Worms and they all sink. The difference in rate seems to be more related to solid vs laminate vs glitter. But its pretty minor at best.
  24. I am just dipping my toe into boat stuff, so this is I am sure a dumb question, but what makes a V less stable than a flat bottom? I live by the Chesapeake Bay and I see far more V jons around here then flat bottomed ones, I assumed it was somehow more stable as the bay and it's rivers can get fairly rough.
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