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Everything posted by fishwizzard

  1. I have switched to single hooks on all my sub-1/4oz cranks and am slowly moving the rest of my cranks over to them. I switched all my small cranks over because I got sick of super-dink white perch and sunfish murdering themselves trying to eat a crank half their of size. I didn't really experience hook up issues so I want to move everything over to singles. It also makes releasing pickerel much easier for both myself and the fish.
  2. I am a 1/4oz Dock Rocker w/ Dredge hook kind of guy, but I think my next order is going to be some 3/8oz Brush jigs.
  3. Have you guys tried one of those swim jigs with a blade attached the hook, kind a like a trailer-hook would be on a spinnerbait? I threw some of the blades I keep rigged up for MJ rigs on a swimjig one day and got a bunch of followers and a hit or two. But I didn't have a good way of keeping the blades on the hook, so after I lost my fourth or fifth one I gave it up. I keep meaning to pick up some of the premade way trailer-blade jigs, or at least rig up a better way to retain the blades, but I have yet to get around to either.
  4. I keep meeting guys around here who swear by dropshoting from the bank, but I have no confidence in it and the few times I have tried have been a total bust.
  5. What kind of tackle are you throwing those on? I have a couple bags of hula grabs I'd like to use for river fishing but have never found a weed-guard jighead with a light wire hook that I was happy with but those Boss jigheads look intresting.
  6. I feel it's a little unsportmanslike to catch them in the trees, I only ground-fish for squirrels. In all seriousness, I started reading this site about two years ago and have learned a ton. I also have a ton more tackle piled all over my office, but I think that is just a coincidence.
  7. Look, with just my arm I can't throw a jig way up into a tree so when it happens while fishing it's clearly the rod's fault.
  8. I started fishing with a spinning reel so the idea of a well-made spin caster is appealing just to have one to play with, but the weight and bulk of this thing is a complete turnoff. If that thing were as big as an egg and was much lighter I would absolutly buy one.
  9. So 6lb is the line weight people like for this technique? I have a pair of spybaits but only keep line that light on my L and UL spinning rods, so I have never fished them.
  10. Someone on here posted a little tutorial about tying heavy mono into a weedguard, can't remember who but I found it a few months ago when searching for threads about wacky hooks.
  11. I have used it to decent effect in small ponds, but it makes a senko even more fragile. I like the Biospawn sticks, the blade really stays put even after a few fish and they have a nice wiggle when you swim them back. I tend to use a largish calorado blade as I want the drag to be high so I can swim it back super slow. Honestly I don't use it at all on larger water, but as a small water search bait it works well enough.
  12. I have been dipping my toe into swimbaiting by throwing a huddgill on my frog combo, which has a 9.1 reel. I can fish it for about two hours before my eye starts twitching.
  13. I want a small pond with defined weedlines and light pad cover. Weightless soft plastics all day long. I am starting to care less and less what kind of plastic I am using, so long as it casts well and can be twitched back when I am feeling impatient.
  14. Cool, thanks! I swear I checked that size, but it's cheap enough to order some to try. I was checking with a watermelon red/black flake.
  15. I have tried two places near me but cannot find a tubing that is a good snug fit but is still able to slid on the worm without ripping it. Once time the guy who wandered over was very weirded out by my test fitting, the second time the guy was a fisherman and was interested in the idea, but they didn't have any tube in stock that worked.
  16. Yep. I have still been unable to find anyone else who makes mushroom heads with small strong hooks, so I am just glad to see they are still alive!
  17. Caffeine Shad's are great if you can accept the durability. They are also almost twice as heavy as a Zoom Super, so you can use heavier tackle and fish them around cover a bit more fearlessly.
  18. Welp, I just got an order from them delivered today! It is one I made on Friday, March 3, 2017. The quality is as good as ever and they were shipped with a new photocopied "catalog" then my last order did.
  19. Also note that on some reels you can install the anti-reverse bearing upside down so your reel will crank backwards. I have not felt that dumb in a long time, I tore down and rebuilt that reel a dozen times before some kind soul online clued me into what I had done.
  20. If you are willing to order from overseas, look at the japanese brand MajorCraft. They have a dozen or so different lines of rods and offer a lot of 2 part options. I have had three of them and the quality has been great on all of them. The shipping on 2-part rods, even from Japan, is pretty reasonable. You can find them on ebay or any of the big JDM tackle sites.
  21. I have a pair of spinning rods with Microwave guides on them. The builder recommended them as I was still bouncing around reel ideas and for increased casting distance. One of my rods is a 6' ML and when I first got it I had a 7' ML with standard guides. The 7' would still cast further, but the 6' w/Microwaves was surprisingly close and for middle distance casting the Microwaves seem to let me use less force to get a lure out the same distance, but with the greater accuracy a short rod will give.
  22. That is a really intresting way to look at it, I am going to have to give that line of thinking a try.
  23. For simple stuff like that I would think there are any number of small custom plastic companies who could help you out, especially if you can describe what you want so clearly.
  24. That is the only way I can summon the patience to fish a wacky senko. Cast it, let it sit, pop it twice, then burn it back on top and let it drop back down right where I loose bottom visibility at the bank. I seem to catch about 70% where I cast it, 10% on the burn back, and 20% right at the bank. I will say that even with two o-rings, the worms that get hit on the surface rarely last more than one good hit. I will also sometimes cast past cover I want to fish and burn it back so it drops right where I want it. I do this when the cover is something I wanna get right up next too, but is too snaggy to want to risk casting that close too.
  25. Interesting, I have a 5'6" boat rod rated to like 1.5oz that I have used for a little catfishing, but have maybe caught a cat half the size of your small one there on it. I guess a frog rod should work good enough, assuming I can get away with a light enough sinker. More chatterbait fish. I have gone from skunking at that spot 9/10 times to always getting at least one bass per trip. My record is only three in one day and that was an all day grind, but it's nice to be able to consistently catch my one. I also fished a new spot today and like a lot of the small park ponds around here, it looks like a shallow featureless bowl with a soft muck bottom. My usual approach is to walk the bank and fish the shoreline about 3-8' out, stopping to cast to any structure I can see or suspect is there. I have tried bottom contact lures cast out to the center but even with a hopping retrieve I find that my jig/worm gets loaded with muck about half way through the retrieve and then I can't feel anything. I will catch the occasional fish by running a chatterbait/spinnerbait/swimjig/etc right off the bottom, but it has a very low rate of return and isnt much fun. Anyone have a favorite way to fish this water?
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