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Everything posted by releget

  1. Why is it always the most simplest thing. I decided to start from the beginning and unhook everything to the bats and test them 1 by one. When I put my multimeter on it read 18-20v. Now I know something is wrong with my multimeter. Go buy another one. Also reads 18-20. Frustrated as hell I search car forums for odd multimeter readings and found out it was as simple as the 9v battery in he multimeter is dead enough to cause miss readings. I used the same battery in both multimeters so when I purchased a new battery and checked. Perfect. Hooked it all up and had my 24v at plug. So this was all due to a miss read and dead 9v battery. Why do I always learn the hard way. I really appreciate you guys working though this with me but consider this case closed.
  2. Here is a labeled picture of what is on the 2 deep cells https://s3.postimg.org/oka5zswer/IMG_7693.jpg If there is it's very well hidden. The 2 bank is charging the 2 deep cells. I have a 2004 Nitro nx882 with 3 electronic units, motorguide TM, an annoying anchor buddy, couple lights, normal dash etc.
  3. I did completely unplug cranking battery and made sure it wasn't touching either post. Did you mean unplug the charger? If so I didn't have charger connected during test.
  4. It's only a 2 bank charger
  5. https://postimg.org/gallery/po11ep5c/ thank you
  6. Correct. 1 crank and 2 deep cycle. Tried posting but said file was too big. I'll try again.
  7. When my trolling motor died and I was troubleshooting why, I tested the plug with a multimeter and it read 34.5v's. This is strange because I only have a 24v system. My first thought was the previous owner may have tied in the cranking battery. I completely unhooked the cranking battery and for some weird reason other then today is a solar eclipse I still was reading almost 36v at my TM plug. How is this possible? I admit I am not great on this subject so I asked to make sure I was using the multimeter right and I was. And no there isn't a 3rd battery I'm unaware of or it's invisible So any help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. I got some old school rubber skirts from All Terrain and they smell like gas! is that normal/issue? Do you do anything to get rid of that smell other then rub fish sticks etc on it?
  9. I have very good success with black frogs and I also like to use the Booayh pad crasher bull frog color or something like it. I was told to really only pay attention to the bottom of the frog for that's all the bass really see. If I see a real frog or toad where I am fishing I will also try and match their color.
  10. Thanks everybody for your reply. I really appreciate it!
  11. So i paddle (I'm on a kayak) to what I think is a good spot. This has to work because 100 hrs of youtube says so. BUT then I start wondering why isn't someone else here. Most of the bass boats seem to be on one side of the lake with a few shallow guys here and there. Now I LOVE fishing with frogs or top water in general. I do fine until the bite slows and I am forced to go deeper ( its middle of summer). Now part of me hears well just keep fishing your strength and stay shallow. The other tells me that I need to learn how to find them deep. I turn on my fish finder and BAM it seems like the minute I hit that power button I am transferred back to high school being pointed and laughed at by all the other cool kids who know where to go and I'm just wondering around frantic looking for where I need to be. Feel free to give me an online slap in the face because maybe thats just what I need but I cannot help but feel a little overwhelmed on bigger lakes. Otherwise any advice on what you may have done in the past or maybe some tips id apreciate. thanks
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