I fish a lot of public access areas. Mainly small lakes 1000 acres or less. Here are some of my biggest gripes.
1. Showing up to a 100 acre lake at 5:30 (First person there) in the morning launch the boat and get a good hour of fishing before I see 12 boats heading my way. This may not seem like many but on 100 acres it is.
2. The "fishermen" who set up shop on, or right beside the landing. I mean chair, cooler, 106 rods with bobbers the size of softballs. I have no problem waiting for them to move their stuff, I load or unload at my own speed. They usually get the point.
3. Watching the same type of fishermen as mentioned above throw every single bass they catch regardless of the 14 inch minimum into their 5 gallon.
4. Trash everywhere. I watched from a distance once as a family catfishes near the dam of a lake I was fishing. Right before they left they threw all of their worm containers, liver tubs, and trash bags to the edge of the water. Classy people.
5. And last but not least, the bird dogger. This guy usually has a $75,000 bass boat and can be seen at any local lake near you. This guy knows who to follow to catch fish. He usually shows back up the next weekend and sets up shop on your offshore shellbed it took you years to find, and wouldn't you know he will be throwing the exact same lures you were. He will also avoid eye contact at all costs.
But honestly, I've been fishing around this for so long it doesn't bother me. I used to get upset or aggravated but now I just smile and fish on. My time on the water is to short to fret on all the googans.